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    25 May 2015, Volume 36 Issue 3
    An Orthogonal Projection Iteration Method for a Matrix Equations
    ZHOU Fu-Zhao, TIAN Shi-Yu, YUAN Yan-Jie
    journal6, 2015, 36(3):  1-6. 
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    An orthogonal projection iteration method for matrix equations AX=B,XC=D is studied.Firstly,the iterative method is constructed by using the theory of orthogonal projection and the properties of general matrix;secondly,its convergence is proved by using the singular value decomposition,the orthogonal invariance of F-norm and the properties for solutions of the matrix equations and the estimation of its convergence rate is obtained;finally,numerical examples are given to verify the validity of the algorithm.
    Application of Multivariate Statistical Analysis in the Evaluation of the Service Quality of Insurance Company
    LI Yan, ZHANG Yong, CHEN Guo-Ping
    journal6, 2015, 36(3):  7-11. 
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    The service quality of insurance company directly affect its reputation and customer’s purchase intentions,and the evaluation of the service quality involves many influencing factors.Using principal component analysis and factor analysis,a number of indicators can be processed together,so,concentrated information,the indexes of reduced dimension,simplified variable can be obtained.With the SPSS 21.0 statistical software,the survice quality questionare of ten insurance companies are studied,and a comprehensive evaluation function are constructed,which uses the variance of each principal component contribution rate as weight.This study is significant for insurance companies to improve their service quality.
    Research on the Problem of Forest Fire Fighting with Multi-Parameters
    WANG Zhi-Bo, HOU Wan-Cheng, FANG Dong-Hui
    journal6, 2015, 36(3):  12-14. 
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    The problem of forest fire fighting in windless weather with multi-parameters is discussed.By considering the effect of firefighters’ physical factors on the fire extinguishing speed,the optimization model with differential equation with minimum sum of forest loss and fire rescue cost is established.Finally,we test and evaluate our model by taking Xiangxi for example.
    Application of Gradient Neural Network  to pth Root
    XIAO Lin, PI Sai-Nan, MENG Fan-Bin
    journal6, 2015, 36(3):  15-18. 
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    In this paper,a general gradient neural network is designed for solving the common problem.In order to find the pth root,a scalar-valued square-based energy function is defined.Then,according to the gradient descent method,a gradient-neural-network model is further derived for finding the pth root.Finally,the Matlab software is used for modeling,simulation,and verification.Computer-simulation examples and their simulative results substantiate the effectiveness of the gradient neural network for finding the pth root.
    Design Method for Large Scale Real-Time Reliable Streaming Media System
    PENG Sheng, DING Lei, CHEN Bing-Quan, LE Guang-Xue
    journal6, 2015, 36(3):  19-24. 
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    To obtain a credible and reliable streaming media system,this paper firstly analyses various possible network topologies,as well as different size data scheduling methods and their impacts,and presents an adaptive scheduling algorithm for different heterogeneous networks.Next,this paper studies real-time streaming quality assessment methods,and designs adaptive streaming adjustment method based on its results.In addition to this,according to the system state information and key data obtained,this paper analyses the system availability under various faults or attack conditions,then designs appropriate fault detection and system recovery method.Finally,the system implementation method to construct a large scale real-time reliable streaming media system is presented in this paper.
    Students Recruitment,Registration and Management System Based on B/S Architecture Design and Implementation
    GONG Shu, ZHENG Feng
    journal6, 2015, 36(3):  25-28. 
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    Through analysis of the actual demand of the vocational colleges recruitment,the online recruitment management system based on B/S construct is designed and implemented,which will improve the recruitment data input and make the data more accessible to the decision maker.Such system establishes complete the basic database of students’ information,the background design of which realizes the function of user,initialization,signing up,and the front design of which realizes the functions of membership,registration,application,and query. The recruitment,registration and management system based on B/S construct can satisfy the demandsof the vocational colleges.
    Physics and electronics
    Experimental Measurement and Analysis of Monofilm Optical Fiber Bend Loss
    YE Fu-Qiu
    journal6, 2015, 36(3):  29-31. 
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    The changes of bending loss in 1 310 nm wavelength and 1 550 nm wavelength with different bending radius of optical fiber is measured,and the effect of different working wavelength light and bending radius in optical fiber on bending loss is compared.The result shows that the bending loss coefficient decreases with the increase of bending radius,withthe oscillation phenomenon appearing;in large bending radius,bending loss changes gently,but the bending loss is more likely to occurin 1 550 nm wavelength than in 1 310 nm wavelength.The bending loss show sharp oscillation with small bending radius.At this time,the sensitivity of two optical wavelengths to the bending loss become large alternately.
    A First Principle Study of Local Magnetic Moment on Non-Magnetic Elements Doped AlN
    YANG Hong, QUAN Xiu-E
    journal6, 2015, 36(3):  32-34. 
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    The ideal diluted magnetic semiconductors has favorable room-temperature ferromagnetism.Although AlN diluted magnetic semiconductor has wide band gap and good light-admitting quality,it has not been widely applied due to the unsatisfactory replicability of the experiment.Based on first principle of the density functional theory,we calculate the electric structure of AlN semiconductors doped by B element.The analysis of the calculated electric structure displays that an evident local magnetic moment change arises on doped AlN semiconductors.The magnitude of the local magnetic moment is 2 μB.
    Splitting of Self-Collimated Acoustic Beams Based on Line Defect in Sonic Crystal
    OUYANG ShiLiang , HE Hai-Long, DENG Ke, ZHAO He-Ping
    journal6, 2015, 36(3):  35-38. 
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    Two kinds splitting schemes for self-collimated acoustic beam are designed based on the coupling between defect modes and self-collimated modes in sonic crystals.The schemes are verified numerically by the finite element method.Controllable energy distribution can be achieved in our schemes as the ratio of energy between reflected and transmitted beams can be regulated freely by changing the defect size.By concatenating and expanding the designed structures,multichannel splitting can also be achieved which can be widely used in the integrated acoustic devices.
    Design of DC Drive Micromouse Based on STM32F103
    ZHAN Jie, LIU Xue-Bing, ZHANG Hao
    journal6, 2015, 36(3):  39-44. 
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    Micro-mouse is a microprocessor controlled micro robot that integrates the multiple functions of environment perception,dynamic decision-making and planning,behavior control and implementation.The traditional design of micro-mouse uses a stepping motor which is easy to control but has low rotate speed.The paper introduces the design of DC-drive micro-mouse with low cost and high reliability which fully considers the requirements of competition.Simulation tests shows that this system can complete the task of maze contest successfully.
    Construction and Mechanical Engineering
    Structure Damage Identification Method by the Wavelet-Neural Network Analysis of Strain Mode
    GUAN De-Qing, LIAO Jun-Wen, WU Zhao
    journal6, 2015, 36(3):  45-51. 
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    A frame structure is regarded as the object of research,wavelet analysis is applied to determine the location of damage of frame structure and the neural network method to identify the damage degree.The principle of strain mode parameter identification of damaged frame structure is given and thus a wavelet neural method for identifing damage structure is proposed.Through the establishment of damage identification method of vibration mode and strain mode,the framework crack positions under 9 different working conditions were identified,and the identifying effects in the two modes were compared. Then the vibration parameters and strain parameter were undergone continuous wavelet transform to obtain the two maximum mode parameters. Neural network was applied to identify the damage degree of structures through simulating the nonlinear relationship between the maximum of wavelet coefficients of the structure and the damage degree,and the damage identification effects in the two modes were compared.The numerical analysis indicates that the wavelet neural network can identify the damage location and degree of structure effectively,and the accuracy of damage identification method based on strain mode is better.
    Fault Diagnosis of Hydraulic Excavator Based on Fuzzy Mathematics
    SHU Ling
    journal6, 2015, 36(3):  52-55. 
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    For rapid diagnosis of the fault cause of hydraulic excavator,this article,based on the fuzzy mathematical model,presents a new fault diagnosis method.This method first gets vector of fault diagnosis by means of the combination of membership degree matrix through experience data and the expert optimal ordinal membership degree matrix,and then uses the maximum membership degree principle to get the final cause of the problem.The fault cause of hydraulic excavator SWE50 (hydraulic pump wear and lower pump oil pressure) is successfully diagnosed by this method.
    Experiment Research on Chip Morphologies of 32Cr3NiMoVA Ultra-High-Strength Steel Over a Variety of Cutting Parameters
    WU Shun-Xing
    journal6, 2015, 36(3):  56-60. 
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    An experimental investigation of chip morphologies in high-speed dry milling of 32Cr3NiMoVA steel was conducted over a variety of different cutting parameters.The free surface and the back surface of the chip were investigated through VHX-500F optical microscope.The experimental results showed that,with 0.2 mm/r feed per tooth,0.5mm cutting depth and 200 to 1 000 m/min cutting speed,a suitable cutting chip of helical chip was formed;and with the cutting speed increased,the diameter of the helical chip reduced at first but eventually stabilized at a relatively constant value.The degree of chip serration was more pronounced and evident with the increase in cutting speed,feed per tooth and cutting depth.The variation in chip serration should be attributed to the reinforcement of coupled thermo-mechanical behavior in the cutting process with the increase in machining parameters.
    Chemistry and chemical engineering
    Catalytic Performance of Tungstate/Molybdate/Phosphotungstic/Phosphomolybdate Acid Bismuth Salt
    HAN Yu-Zhe, WANG De-Hua, LI Da-Da, WANG Hong-Xiang, CAI Tie-Jun, DENG Qian
    journal6, 2015, 36(3):  61-67. 
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    Bi2WO6,Bi2MoO6,BiPW12O40 and BiPMo12O40 catalysts were synthesized by hydrothermal and co-precipitation method and characterized by IR,UV-vis,FL,SEM and X-ray power diffraction (XRD).The relationship between catalytic performance of catalysts and preparation conditions,calcination temperature and different substrates was explored.The best degradation of RhB (100 mL 4 mg/L) achieved 98.1% over the unbaked Bi2WO6 with the W/Bi molar rate 1∶2,which also had  certain catalytic effect for degrading methyl orange and methylthionine chloride.The tungstate bismuth and molybdate bismuth catalysts had a good catalytic effect for degrading RhB,methyl orange and methylthionine chloride as well.The catalytic performance of phosphomolybdate bismuth was poorer.
    Optimization on Adsorption Separation Technology of Total Polyphenol in Zanthoxylum Bungeagumby Response Surface Methodology
    LU Tao-Ling, OUYANG Yu-Zhu , ZHANG Xiao-Xu, TANG Xu-Wan
    journal6, 2015, 36(3):  68-72. 
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    With Zanthoxylum bungeagum seed as test raw material,adsorption separation technology of total polyphenol by macroporous resin was optimizated by response surface methodology on basis single-factor experiment.Influence of pH,adsorption temperature and time on extraction yield of total polyphenols was investigated.Mathematic model was established,and the significance testing and variance analysis were accomplished.Experimental results show that extraction ratio of total polyphenol was 3.862 7% at 70 ℃ adsouption in pH 6.0 for 90 min.The predicted value of experimental model was 3.929 7.Experimental results decreased by 0.062 5% in comparison with predicted content of model.
    Iron-Carbon Micro-Electrolysis Process to Remove Cd/Zn/Pb in Wastewater
    LV Xing-Hao
    journal6, 2015, 36(3):  73-76. 
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    The wastewater from electrolysis-Zn factory was studied,and was treated by iron-carbon micro-electrolysis reactor.The effects of time,pH value,DO and the dosage of iron-carbon were investigated on the removing rate of Cd,Pb and Zn in the wastewater.The results show that the iron-carbon micro-electrolysis process can be effectively used for the treatment of heavy metal wastewater on the suitable conditions:pH value 3~5,staying reaction time 30 min,DO 5 mg/L and the dosage of iron-carbon 50 g/L.On the best condition,the removal rates of Cd,Pb and Zn reached 96.5%,91.1%,72.6% respectively.
    Biological resources
    Effects of Substrate on the Electricity Generation Characteristics of Microbial Fuel Cell
    TENG Yao, WANG Ya-Guang, FEI Jiang-Chi, LU Tao, HE Ze-Qiang
    journal6, 2015, 36(3):  77-81. 
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    A reaction equipment of microbial fuel cell (MFC) with “H” structure was designed and fabricated.The sludge collected from the aeration tan in Datianwan Sewage Treatment Plant in Jishou was used to inoculate electricigens.The effects of substrate species and concentration on the electricity generation of MFC in view of start-up time,time for obtaining stable open circuit voltage,electromotive force,internal resistance and power density were investigated.Experimental results showed that the substrate species and concentration greatly influenced the electricity generation of MFC probably due to their difference in structure.It was found that the white dextrin-fed MFC could be started up in shorter time with smaller internal resistance,smaller electromotive force and smaller power density.Under the same conditions,the soluble starch-fed MFC had larger electromotive force,larger power density,bigger internal resistance and longer time to be started-up.The results also indicated that an increase in the substrate concentration increased the time for reaching constant OCV at low concentration of 2~6 g/L for soluble starch and 2~8 g/L for white dextrin.While an opposite trend was observed at high concentration of 8~20 g/L for soluble starch and 10~20 g/L for white dextrin attributed to the substrate inhibition effect.
    Separation and Characterization of Catechin in man-Made Green Tea,the Fruits and Leaves of Berchemia Floribunda with Macroporous Resin and HPLC
    YAO Shu-Feng, TANG Ke-Hua, LIU Xiao-Pan, CHENG Jiang, DONG Ai-Wen
    journal6, 2015, 36(3):  82-89. 
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    In this study,the extraction process of catechins was investigated with a certain concentration of ethanol as solvent from man-made green tea,fruits and leaves of Berchemia floribunda,using the method of waterbath.After the fat soluble pigment was removed by petroleum ether from extracting solution,the catechins was purified by porous resin adsorption method.The static adsorption and desorption tests of catechin with macroporous resin showed that D941 was the optimal resin for purification and the pure water was the optimum eluant.Purified liquid of fruit,leaves and home-made green tea extracts were detected by HPLC.The catechins was separated on PC18 chromatographic column (4.6×250 mm,5 μm) at 35 ℃,with nitrile-0.4% phosphoric acid (13∶87) as mobile phase at a flow rate of 1 mL/min,and detected at the wavelength of 279 nm (UV scan).The results showed that the catechin content of fruit was the lowest,while the content of man-made green tea was significantly higher than that of both the fruit and leaves through the optimized extraction processes.
    Antitoxic Effect of Extracts of Tripterospemum Cordatum Against  Deinagkistrodon Acutus Snake Venom
    ZHOU Luo-Qin, TIAN Hong-Xian
    journal6, 2015, 36(3):  90-93. 
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    The antitoxic effect of Tripterospemum cordatum aqueous extracts against Deinagkistrodon acutus snake venom is researched.The BACA/C mice were divided into five group according to the dosage of Tripterospemum cordatum aqueous extracts applied:low dosage,middle dosage,high dosage,blank group and model group,each group of health conditions being observed after 7-days intra-gastric administration.For the last time of administration,each group was intraperitoneally injected with Agkistrodon acutus snake venom after one hour later,then the mice’s poisoning performance was observed and the death rate was calculated,and each group of mice’s tissue bleeding,death and ulceration compared.The results showed that the aqueous extract of Tripterospemum cordatum at the low dosage,middle dosage and high dosage all reduced the mortality caused by Agkistrodon acutus snake venom poisoning and relieved some symptoms;with the increase of the dosage the symptoms decreased significantly,and the protection effect on the tissue was especially apparent.It can be concluded that the aqueous extract of Tripterospemum cordatum has antitoxic effect against Agkistrodon acutus snake venom and decrease the toxicity.
    Reform and Development of Physical Education Curriculum inVocational College of Shanxi Province
    LI Yu-Wen, HOU Chao-Hui, YANG Le
    journal6, 2015, 36(3):  94-96. 
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    To improve the capability of vocational colleges to cultivate application-oriented high-skilled personnel for production,management,service and other lines of business,literature study,questionnaire survey,and expert interviews are used to investigate the current situation and the influential factors for the reform and development of PE curriculum in vocational colleges.The reform ideas are proposed accordingly,which aims at  offering specific course content and setting particular teaching aims according to the characteristics of different professions,as well as applying various teaching methods and strategies and formulating assessment standards according to the characteristics of students.
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