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    25 March 2015, Volume 36 Issue 2
    Derivation of Gaussian Equation Formulas of Surface Theory
    XING Jia-Sheng, GAO Jian-Quan, LUO Xiu-Hua
    journal6, 2015, 36(2):  1-7. 
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    The Gaussian equation expression of surface theory is discussed.The direct explicit formula expression of Gaussian equation is derived by means of the matrix expression of the fundamental equation on curved surface.The derivation of Gaussian curvature simplified formula is discussed which discloses the discovery of Gaussian curvature implicit formula.The proof procedure of Gaussian equation of Liouville form is demonstrated.
    On Random Fixed Point Theorems of Random Condensing Operators and Applications
    XU Shao-Yuan
    journal6, 2015, 36(2):  8-10. 
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    In this paper,by using the so-called Leray-Schauder random fixed point theorem,we obtain a number of new random fixed point theorems.The  corresponding result is applied to a class of random nonlinear integral equations.
    Existence of Solutions for Boundary Value Problems of Impulsive Fractional Differential Equations via Critical Point Theory
    HUANG Yi, CHEN Guo-Ping
    journal6, 2015, 36(2):  11-15. 
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    In this paper,we investigate existence results of Dirichlet boundary problems for a class of impulsive fractional differential equations.The arguments are based upon the mountain pass theorem of critical point theory.
    Investigation on Multipoint Boundary Value Problems of Fractional Differential Equations with Parameters
    OUYANG Min , ZHONG Wen-Yong
    journal6, 2015, 36(2):  16-19. 
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    This paper deals with the existence and multiplicity results of positive solutions to the multipoint boundary value problems of Riemann-Liouville fractional differential equations with two parameters.Using fixed-point theorems,some sufficient conditions are obtained to guarantee the existence of at least one or three solutions to the boundary value problems.
    On Error Bound for Linear Complementarity Problem of Double α-Chain Diagonally Dominant Matrix
    PENG Ling, MO Hong-Min
    journal6, 2015, 36(2):  20-22. 
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    In this paper,we give new error bound for the linear complementarity problem where the involved matrix is a double α-chain diagonally dominant matrix based on its definition and properties.Preliminary numerical results show that the proposed error bound is efficient for verifying accuracy of approximate solutions.
    Method of Shape Adjustment of Cubic B-Spline Curve
    WANG Jing-Xin, JU Yan
    journal6, 2015, 36(2):  23-28. 
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    This paper analyzes the structure of B-Spline Curve with local shape adjustment parameters,proposes the method of using transformation matrix with adjustment parameters to generate the control points,and then obtains the method of the objective Cubic B-Spline Curve with shape parameter.The study explores the influence of parameter change on the curve and the continuity conditions for generating Spline Curve at the splice point.
    Improved FCM Image Segmentation Based on Multi-Resolution Analysis and K-Means Clustering
    GUO Hai-Tao, ZHAO Hong-Ye, XU Lei, HOU Yi-Min, JIAO Sheng-Xi
    journal6, 2015, 36(2):  29-32. 
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    The fuzzy C-Means (FCM) clustering is widely used in image segmentation,but the random determination of initial clustering centers of the FCM clustering is likely to generate incorrect segmentation of an image.To avoid the such deficiency,a method of choosing initial clustering centers in the FCM clustering for image segmentation is proposed.The method determines the number for the image clustering by means of the number of the peaks in the two-dimensional histogram of an image comprised of gray values of pixels and mean values of their neighborhoods.Then the K-means clustering is used to obtain the initial clustering centers of the FCM clustering for the low-frequency subband image of the original image.The image segmentation experiments show that the proposed method is feasible.
    Implementation of MIPv6Program Based on Linux AdHoc Network
    ZHANG Xin-Hua
    journal6, 2015, 36(2):  33-37. 
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    This paper proposes the implementation scheme and the key technology improvement of MIPv6 protocol based on Linux Adhoc network.Through the analysis on the problem of mobile switching delay,the proposal reduces the system delay.Through the establishment of experimental scenes,the performance of the mobile switching is studied.Comparison of the delay data verifies the improved scheme is correct and feasible.
    Physics and electronics
    Some Theories About Mathematical-Physical Equations and Development of Complex Variables Functions
    ZHANG Yi-Fang
    journal6, 2015, 36(2):  38-45. 
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    First,the general equations and some of the simplified forms of their solutions are discussed.Next,the mathematical-physical equations and their symmetries are introduced.Thirdly,the fixed points,the qualitative analysis theory and corresponding applications on these equations are investigated.Fourthly,linear algebra is assorted from matrix.Fifthly,various quantities related with mathematics and physics are discussed.Finally,the extension of the number field and various super complex variables functions developed from the complex variables functions,etc.,are researched.
    Analytical Prediction and Simulation of Chaos in Voltage Driven Chua’s Circuit
    LI Bang-Yan, LI Lian-Jun
    journal6, 2015, 36(2):  46-51. 
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    Chua’s circuit can produce complex nonlinear dynamics,the state of which is three order differential equations and which is used to study chaos behavior.Firstly,a voltage driven model of Chua’s deformed circuit is set up.Secondly,an analytical method to predict the scope of the parameters of chaos of the third-order nonlinear differential equations is proposed.At last,numberical method and Lyapunov exponent analysis are used to simulate the prediction result,which verifies the correctness of chaotic prediction analysis of this circuit.
    Combined Anti-Interference Technology Based on Smart Antenna and Multi-User Detection
    DENG Xiao-Fei, SUN Wei, SHI Jin
    journal6, 2015, 36(2):  52-54. 
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    The combined technology against multiple access interference is a new research field.This article combines smart antenna with the multi-user detection to suppress coherent interference and to improve the bit error rate of the system.In addition,it adopts these key technologies for wireless resource utilization.The paper puts forward a CDMA system model of using multi-user detection after smart antenna,and meanwhile introduces the adaptive filter based on LMS algorithm to eliminate the narrow band interference.At last,it analyzes the nature through Matlab simulation.The results show that the joint anti-interference has better bit error rate performance.
    Algorithm of  Vehicle Classification Based on Traffic Video Surveillance System
    SHEN Ying, YANG Huan-Zhi, ZHANG Zhen-Bin, ZENG Qing-Huan-Li-Ping, CHEN Bing-Quan, ZHANG Bang-Ying
    journal6, 2015, 36(2):  55-59. 
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    Video surveillance system is a component of intelligent transportation system.Through preprocessing and detecting the video image of vehicles in monitoring area,and real-time classification,the release time of traffic lights can be confirmed in real time according to the size of the vehicle flow.By using the method of the active contour tracking model and fuzzy support vector machine,the intelligent traffic video surveillance system provides real-time detection and classification of vehicles.Matlab simulation results show that the average correct recognition rate of large,medium and small sized vehicle is  8 9.8%,so the method can improve the efficiency of traffic.
    Biological and chemical
    Recent Progress on Radical C—H Bond Cyclization to Form Oxindoles
    ZHOU Dong, LI Yu-Hua, DENG You-Lin, LI Zhi-Hao- , TANG Shi
    journal6, 2015, 36(2):  60-70. 
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    Oxindole and its derivatives are widely distributed in nature,and the synthetic method has been one of the hot topics of synthetic chemistry.According to the coupling mechanism,the researches on oxindole synthesis through free radical mediated C—H cyclization in recent years are summarized.In view of the effects of catalyst,oxidizing agent,and solvent on the reaction system,this paper discusses the method of cleaving C—H bond.
    Forest Resources,Its Culture and Application in Xiangxi Region
    CHEN Gong-Xi, CHEN Xuan, ZHOU Qiang, XU Liang
    journal6, 2015, 36(2):  71-76. 
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    Based on the actual investigation and literature review,it is found that in western Hunan,there are 101 families,321 genera and 101 species (including the cultivation of 8 families,29 genera and 76 species) of forest resources,which can be roughly divided into four categories of timber forests,gardening forests,economic forests,and firewood forests.Chinese fir occupies an important position in the western Hunan forest resources,with a total of about 10 kinds of 6 genera and 3 families being collectively referred to as “Chinese Fir”,which is not only known as “omnipotent woods”,but also has specific cultural meanings.Forest resources in Xiangxi region are significant in three aspects of the forestry economic,ecological maintenance and forest culture.
    Cloning and Sequencing of Adhesive Protein Genes of Avian Pasteurella Multocida
    DUAN Shixiong,NAZIERBIEKE Wulumuhan,BORRATHYBAY Entomack
    journal6, 2015, 36(2):  77-81. 
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    The genes encoding the outer membrane protein H (OmpH),lipoprotein E (PlpE),type 4 fimbrial subunit protein (PtfA) and fibronectin binding protein (PM1665) were amplified by PCR from genomic DNA of avian Pasteurella multocida P-1059,respectively.The PCR products were cloned into the pMD18-T vector and then sequenced.Sequence analyses showed that the open reading frames (ORFs) of the ompH,plpE,ptfA and pm1665 genes were 1 032,1 008,435 and 348 bp in length,and encoded the 343,335,144 and 115 amino acid residues.Nucleotide sequence homologies of the ompH,plpE,ptfA and pm1665 genes between the P-1059 and the previously reported different serotype strains of P. multocida were 95%~97%,95%~99%,94%~97% and 99%,respectively.In conclusion,the cloned genes encoding the adhesive proteins of avian P. multocida P-1059 will contribute to further study on pathogenesis of this organism.
    Effect of Selenium Enriched Fertilizer on Yields and Selenium Content of Peanut
    LI Hui, TANG Jian-Zhou, YOU Yong, YANG Ji-Hui, XU Bin
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2015, 36(2):  82-85. 
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    The field experiment and instrument analysis method to study the trace element selenium compound fertilizer influence and the yield and selenium content of peanut in Hepu of Beihai.The results showed that:in the flowering period and flowering period of peanuts,sprayed the Selenium enriched fertilizer,could significantly increase the content of peanut selenium.Selenium content increased with the frequency of spraying,the selenium content is 1.031 μg/g,improved more than times of conventional control.In the meanwhile,the yields was increased six percent.It can make the selenium content in selenium enriched standard to peanut by sprayed Selenium enriched fertilizer.
    Niltava Sundara:A New Bird Record in Hunan Province
    WANG Ben-Zhong, PENG Xing-Wen, PENG Le, LIU Hui, ZHANG You-Xiang
    journal6, 2015, 36(2):  86-87. 
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    Niltava sundara,a Passerine bird taken by photography during the field investigation of avian diversity in the Xiaoxi National Nature Reserve of Hunan Province(110°21′91″E,28°78′01″N,380 m asl)on Februry 19th of 2014,is the first record of Hunan avifauna.
    Estimates of Capital Allocation Efficiency in China’s Manufacturing Industry
    LI Feng
    journal6, 2015, 36(2):  88-92. 
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    The methods in previous literatures were improved based on neoclassical economic theory,and the ratio of the actual total output to the total output under the optimal conditions of capital allocation was used to measure the situation of capital allocation between the industrial sectors of China.Using this method we estimated the capital allocation efficiency in China’s industrial sector.The capital allocation efficiency of China’s manufacturing industry shows a significant volatility,it is closely related to the change of the country’s industrialization process,its value remains at 47.6%~63.8%,and annual average is 55.8%.The current situation of capital allocation is unsatisfactory,and so it needs to be further optimized.
    Prevention and Regulation of Recycling Economy’s Risk Based on the Industrial Chain
    OUYANG Xia-Zi
    journal6, 2015, 36(2):  93-96. 
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    Lack of non-renewable resources restricts the increase of the traditional economic growth mode.The sustainable production mode of "reduction,reuse,recycling"of recycling economy has been globalized.But the sustainable development of recycling economy faces the disadvantageous risks caused by the constraints of raw material benefit maximization,impetuous investment,repeated investment,inadequate technology innovation and intellectual property protection.In order to promote the effective development of recycling economy,it is necessary to regulate the economic system in every link of the recyling economy industrial chain,govern the enterprise development scale and especially the proportion of heavy chemical industry,to establish incentive resources recycling system,and to form the basic industry of stable renewable resources.It is also important to dig the potential of recycling economy through technological innovation,to control the scale of investment,and integrate the cluster of regional recycling economy enterprises.
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