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    15 September 2000, Volume 21 Issue 3
    Key disciplines
    Studies on the Affinities and the Role of the Cathaysian Flora
    CHEN Gong-Xi, ZHU Jie-Ying, LI Ai-Min, AO Cheng-Qi, LIAO Wen-Bo
    journal6, 2000, 21(3):  1-6. 
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    In this paper, af ter a summarize on Cathaysian Flora feature and affinities between Cathaysian Flora and continent of Australian, Afracan, South American and North American, according to the theory of Cathaysian Flora and recently studies, we explored the role of the Cathaysian Flora in the origin of flowering plant and Global flora regionalistion.
    Studies on the Contents of Main Nutrient Elements and Their Dynamics in Dioscorea zingiberensis
    ZHU Jie-Ying, WANG Ju-Feng
    journal6, 2000, 21(3):  7-10. 
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    In this paper, the contents of main nutrient elements ( N, P, K, Cu, Zn, Mn, Mg, and Fe) in Dioscorea zingiberensis in di fferent development stage are reported. The experimental results showed that the nutrient contents (NC) in different leaves change with the developmental stage of the plant and the element.a. NCs> NCfl> NCfr ( NCs,NCfl and NCfr mean the content of nutrient element of leaf in seedling stage, florescence stage and fruit stage respectively). The contents Zn and Cu mature leaves, the Mg and P contents in mature and young leaves of D. zingibe rensis expressed above low.b. NCs> NCfr> NCfl.The Zn contents of young leaves, K and Fe contents of mature and young leaves, the Mn content of young leaves belong to this category.c. NCfr> NCs> NCfl. The dynamics of the Cu content of young leaves, the Mn content in mature leaves belong to this category.d. NCfl> NCs> NCfr. The dynamics of the N contents of mature and young leaves belong to this category.
    Tissue Culture of Aloe vera L.
    HUANG Heng-Yu, LI Li, YANG Sheng-Hui
    journal6, 2000, 21(3):  11-13. 
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    Because the fruiting rate and germinative percentage of Aloe vera L. are lower, tissue culture was explored to solve the propagating problem in the production. The results show that the bud is the best material in speeding propagation among the two explants ( stem, leaf ) as it has the biggest inductivity, the best growth and it is easy to be in ducted adventitious buds. The suitable phytohormone compositions to induct callus, adventitious buds and roots are respectively BA 2. 0 mg•L- 1+ IBA 0. 2 mg•L- 1, BA 3. 0 mg•L- 1+ NAA 1. 0 mg•L- 1, 1/ 2 MS+ NAA 1. 0 mg•L- 1+ sugar 1. 5% + carbon3%.
    Preliminary Study on Callus Induce of Valeriana Fauriei Briq.
    CHEN Jian-Rong, QIN Yu-Zhi, GU Chen-Hua
    journal6, 2000, 21(3):  14-16. 
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    In this experiment, leaf explant of Valeriana fauriei Briq. have been cul tured in vitro for callus induce. Effects of hormones on callus induce and growth have been studied. 2, 4- D is necessary for callus induce. BA can stimulate callus growth.MS+ 2, 4- D 5  mol•L- 1+ BA 2. 5 mol•L- 1 is the best culture medium of callus induce.
    Scientific research bulletin
    Extraction of Yellow Pigment From Dioscorea zingiberensis and Its Stability
    LIU Jian-Ben, QIN Shi-Dong, YAN Zhong-Jun, LI Tai-Ting
    journal6, 2000, 21(3):  17-19. 
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    This paper mainly studied the way of extraction and purifying the yellow pigment in Dioscorea zingibe rensis,and the effects of light, heat, metalions and pH value to Dioscorea zingibe rensis pigment. The e xperimental results showed it has stronger absorption peaks in the ultraviolet range. The Dioscorea zingibe rensis pigment possesses higher stability of light and heat. Yellowness of Dioscorea zingiberensis pigment was increased in the presence of Fe3+, Cu2+,Hg2+ ions.
    Doctoral Forum
    The Design of the Power Harmonics Detection System
    XIAO Jian-Hua, WU Jin-Pei
    journal6, 2000, 21(3):  20-23. 
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    The paper design a handy power harmonics detection system based on AT89C51 and TMS320VC5402, where the AT89C51 is used as its control unit and TMS320VC5402 as its digital processing unit. The principal and the design method have been described in detail.
    Endanger and Controlling Measure of Sterilizing With Chlorine for Drinking Water
    LU Xiu-Guo, LIU Han-Dong
    journal6, 2000, 21(3):  24-26. 
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    In this paper, the meckanism and the endanger of sterilizing with chlorine to produce chloroform and other chloride were introduced. The measures to control the endanger were put forward, the necessity to spread a new disinfectant to replace the chlorine should be point out in early time in our country.
    The Number of Solutions for a Class of Exponential Diophantine Equations
    LE Mao-Hua
    journal6, 2000, 21(3):  27-32. 
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    Let a, b, c, k be posi tive integers such taht a+ b= ck , gcd( a, b ) = 1, ∈ { 1, 2, 4} , k> 1 and k is odd if c= 1 or 2. Further let  ε= ( a+ - b ) / c and  ε= ( a- - b ) / c. In this paper we prove that if ( a, b , c,k )≠( 1, 7, 4, 2 ) or ( 3, 5, 4, 2 ) , then there exist at mos t one positive odd integer n satisfying( ε n- ε n) / ( ε- ε) = 1 with n> 1.Moreover , such n must be an odd prime satisfying n< 1+ ( 2log π) / log k+ 2563. 43( 1+ 21. 96π/ log k) .
    Several Problems on Bloch Type Space of Several Complex Variables
    ZHANG Xue-Jun
    journal6, 2000, 21(3):  33-36. 
    Asbtract ( 1997 )  
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    In the paper, the author will discuss the multiplier problem on generalized little Bloch space and Gleason's problem on generalized Bloch space in the unit ball of Cn. The following results are obtained: ( 1) Gleason's result is true on p - Bloch space; ( 2) if 0 ≤ p< 1, then Mβp0) =βp0; ( 3) if p> 1, then M( βp0) = H .
    On the Stability of Solutions of Some Third Order Differential Equations
    LIU Jun
    journal6, 2000, 21(3):  37-41. 
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    This paper studies the stability of solutions of some third order nonautonomous differential equations.The paper gives suf ficient conditions for the differential dquations to be asymptotically stable.
    Existence of  the Solution of Nonlinear Elliptic Boundary Value Problems
    WEI Li
    journal6, 2000, 21(3):  42-44. 
    Asbtract ( 1966 )  
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    By using the theorem of the existence of the solution for variational inequalities involving pseudomonotone operators , we study the existence of the solution of one kind of nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems related to the P Laplacian operator in Lp( Ω , 2≤p < + ∞.
    The Improvement of a Metric Function Form a Fixed Point to a C2 Class Surface
    ZHONG Jian-Hua
    journal6, 2000, 21(3):  45-46. 
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    In this paper a new two element function is developed based on the properties of paper [ 1] . With this, we discuss the critical tangent points of this function. The theorems and corollarys in this paper are improvements and extensions of the related conclusions of [ 1] , depending on the C2 class surface point's classification.
    Physics and electronics
    The Expression of Nonlinearity Parameter for the Organic Liguids and It's Dependability
    MAO Feng, DAI Jun
    journal6, 2000, 21(3):  47-51. 
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    Base on Jacobson's liquid theory, a theory formula obtained. We calculate the nonlinearity parameter B/A in the organic liquids by it and compare theory predictor with experimental results. It is found that theory predictor agree with experimental results.
    Exact Traveling Wave Solutions to Several Nonlinear Physical Models With Dissipative and Dispersive Terms
    HU Jian-Lan
    journal6, 2000, 21(3):  52-56. 
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    By suitable ansatz and algebraic manipulation, the exact travelling wave solutions to several nonlinear physical models with dissipative and dispersive terms are established.
    Theory Research on Unsteady of Hot Convection in Horizontal Liquid Region
    WU Yun-Wen, ZHOU Xiao-Qing, YANG Yong-Dong
    journal6, 2000, 21(3):  57-59. 
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    Using liquid dynamic and embranchment, researched unsteady phenomenon of hot convection in horizontal liquid region by theoretical analyses the system model . The result of theory and experiment is parallelism each other.
    A New Criterion for the Unique Steady State of the Nonlinear Nonautonomous Circuits
    FENG Ping
    journal6, 2000, 21(3):  60-62. 
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    A new criterion to the unique steady state of the nonlinear nonautonomous circuits is obtained by vector comparisom method.The main results obtained in thia paper show that the unique steady state of the nonlinear nonautonomous circuits can be determined by the Hurwitz conditions of a constant matrix. The restriction to the elements of the matrix is just the slope of the constitutive relation is bounded,which is much looser than the demands put forward
    by previously published papers. The new criterions in this paper have much wider applicable range than the results already known.
    Biological resources
    Effects of Cr6+ on the POD of Leaves of Brasenia schreberi Gmel. Winter Buds
    XU Guo-Hua, LIU Li, SHI Guo-Xin
    journal6, 2000, 21(3):  63-66. 
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    Effects of Cr6+ on the POD of leaves of Brasenia schreberi Gmel. winter buds were studied. The leaves of winter buds were treated with solutions containing various concent ration of Cr6+. The results indicated that both the activity and the isoenzyme spectrum of POD changed with treatment of various concentration and time. Af ter the treatment of Cr6+, there appeared 2 new isoenzyme spectrums of POD. We also found that there is no direct relationship between the appearance of isoenzyme spectrums and the treating concent rations of Cr6+. At the same time, the total activity of POD first increased to a apex and then declined.
    Chemistry and chemical engineering
    Purification and Determination of Molecular Size of the Plasmid pATZ-1
    ZHANG Fu-Guo, HAN Yu-Ning, FAN Dan-Hua
    journal6, 2000, 21(3):  67-69. 
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    The plasmid pATZ- 1 is isolated and purified from Pseudomonas sp. strain AD1 that degrades herbicide atrazine by CsCl- EB density gradient centrifugation. pATZ- 1 is digested by EcoRI and produced 14 restraction fragments. The sum total of the sizes of 14 restriction fragments, i. e. the molecular size of pATZ- 1, is 125 kb.
    Biological resources
    Preliminary Studies on Oxygen Consumption Rate and Asphyxiation Point of Channa Asiatica
    HU Si-Cai, WANG Shang-Hong, AO Xin-Ru
    journal6, 2000, 21(3):  70-74. 
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    The oxygen consumption rate and asphyxiation point of Channa asiatica are studied preliminarily.The results are as follow. ( 1) The oxygen consumption rate of Channa asiatica increases with water or air temperature rising and with its weight dropping, whether in water or in air. ( 2) The fish's average oxygen consumption rate in the night is a litter higher than that in the day. ( 3) The asphxiation point of Channa asiatica increases with water temperature rising and drops with its weight increasing. ( 4) The air-respi ration is important in the respiratory function of Channa asiatica.
    The Research and Practice of the National Traditional Physical Teaching in Jishou University
    LONG Pei-Lin, BAI Jin-Xiang, ZHONG Hai-Ping, LIU Shao-Ying
    journal6, 2000, 21(3):  75-78. 
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    In this paper, by the way of combining theory with praetice, the author made a comprehensive analysis and evaluation on the design proof , the teaching content, the teaching methods and the teaching result of the national traditional physical courses given by the Physical Department of Jishou University. It points the way out for traing the higher specialized personnel suited to the need of the development of the cause of the physics of the national area. It also points out the way for the development of the national traditional physics.
    The Remedy of the Scar of Semi- lunar Plank Caused by Snatching Colourful Gun
    CHEN Yu-Feng, LI Li, WU Xiang-Jun, CUI Su-Zhen, SONG Jia-Hua
    journal6, 2000, 21(3):  79-81. 
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    The scar of semi- lunar plank in knee joint is the connmen scar in sna tching colourful gun , in order to find the ef fect ive remedy , the articlewill be discussed on the scar of semi- lunar plank from its framework and reason of disease .
    Research of the Improvement of Simplified Taijiquan Teaching With Visualigation
    WU Xiang-Jun, CUI Su-Zhen, LONG Pei-Lin, HUANG Ze-Ying
    journal6, 2000, 21(3):  82-84. 
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    Using the theory and method of visualigation in simplified Taijiquan teaching accords with the teaching principles of consolidation and actual effect; it can improve the students' psychological quality help fall the correct movements into pattern, and make the students get a deeper memory of the movements as well.Through the experiment and centrast , it is found that the teaching result will be much better if visualigation is used in the simplified Taijiguan teaching instead of the traditional teaching method.
    Scientific research bulletin
    On Archbold Inequality
    TAN Li
    journal6, 2000, 21(3):  85-86. 
    Asbtract ( 1999 )  
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    In this note, the Archbold inequality is improved, and a new inequality is established by introducing weight coefficients ωk( ωk≠0, k= 1, …, n) ,
    The Process of Synthisis Cyclohexene in Coutinuous Catalytic-Rectification by Solid Acid System
    OuYang-Yu-Zhu , ZOU Xiao-Yong, PENG Qing-Jing, OU Si-You , DENG Ning-Ze
    journal6, 2000, 21(3):  87-90. 
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    In catalytic reaction rectification column with a diameter of 50 mm, process of synthesis cyclohexene has been investigited by acticarbon adsorb silicotungstic acid. In the recation condiations, catalyst has high activity and selectivity. In this time, the main process parameters of the liquid phase continuous distillation and gas phase continuous catalysis-rectification system and the effect of the reaction with kinds of the catalyst, rectification column diameter-high ratio, catalyst high are examined. It is shown that silicotungstic acid fixed bed catalysis rectification system has biges t producing ability , high activity and selectivity and less environmental pollution. It can be used in continuous industry production.
    Improvements of Synthesis of Phenylpropanolamine
    CAI Xiao-Hua, YAN Wen-Bin, LIU Hong
    journal6, 2000, 21(3):  91-92. 
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    Synthesis of phenylpropanolamine is reported. It is started from benzoyl hydride and nitroethane, via condense and catylic hydregention.Some improvements are made, the reaction time is thortened and the yield is raised, the total yield is 64.8% .
    Investigation and Analysis on Development of Ado Lescent Students in Jishou Municipality
    PENG De-Jiao, CHEN Yi-Guang
    journal6, 2000, 21(3):  93-94. 
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    The paper deals with the primary study on adolescent students in Jishou municipality, a minority area. Authors have investigated on the form development of 15 962 students ( aged 7~ 18) , not including hans.The results show that with respect to the four physiological index except body weight , the average standard of Jishou municipality is lower than that of Hunan province. Studying on the form development of national minority in Jishou municipality might find some hew strategies for cuting down the gap of overage handard between Jishou and Hunan, and contributs to speed the improvement of the health quality of national minority such as miaos, tujias , dais. etc.
    Developing Students' Abservation Ability in Basketball Skill Course Teaching
    LIU Shao-Ying, WU Xiang-Jun
    journal6, 2000, 21(3):  95-96. 
    Asbtract ( 1964 )   PDF ( 1426 )  
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    This article discusses how the students major in physical Education develop their abservation ability, which is an important way to analysing and solving questions for teachers in future. It also puts forward some concrete methods of how to develop students' abservation ability in absketball skill course teaching.
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