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    15 June 2000, Volume 21 Issue 2
    Key disciplines
    Analysis About the Main Composition of Ficus Pumila L. Seed
    YAN Wen-Bin, YAO Mao-Jun, GU Chen-Hua
    journal6, 2000, 21(2):  1-3. 
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    This paper reports the analysis result about the main composi tion of the wild Ficus Pumila L. seed. It contains protein 14.7%, pectin 10.8% , crude fiber 33.4% , crude fat 24.4% ,H2O 10.7% , ash content 5.1% , and a lot of mineral elements. Scientific basis is offered for exploiting and utilizing Ficus Pumila L. seed.
    Study on Cytomin Influence the Composition of Chinese Gooseberry Fruit
    SHI Jin-Xiao, LIU Ying-Di
    journal6, 2000, 21(2):  4-5. 
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    Betreated by Bixiaonong- 1 ( cytomin) , the volume and moisture of the fruit all increase. But total acidity,soluble sugar, total ash and vitamin C all reduce, Special flavour drop.
    Study on Soften of Chinese Goosebeery Characteristic and Dynamics of Polyphenolic Oxidase
    XIAO Zhuo-Bing, CHEN Shang, MA Ming-You, YAO Jun, ZHANG Yong-Kang
    journal6, 2000, 21(2):  6-8. 
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    The study on storage of Chinese goosebeery show: the rate of sof ten is correlated to the content of multiphenolic compounds at room temperature, the content of multiphenolic compounds decrease sharply due to oxidation when it soften. The investigation on its multiphenolic oxidase indicates that : the best subs trate is 4- methylcatechol, the catalytic mechanism can be described by monosubtrate reaction model; the best condition for catalytic reaction is : pH 7.3 and temperature 60  ℃,which measured by oxygen electrode; Michaelis constant is 2. 20 •10- 3mol L- 1, rmax=2. 306 mg•L- 1•min- 1. The result has directive meaning on prevention of soften of Chinese goosebeery.
    Nanosized Zinc Oxide Prepared by Liquid- phase Precipitation
    LIU Jian-Ben, YI Bao-Hua, XIAO Zhuo-Bing, CHEN De-Gen, CHEN Shang, ZHANG Yong-Kang
    journal6, 2000, 21(2):  9-11. 
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    By using ZnSO4•7H2O and (NH4)2CO3 as materials, Zinc carbonate colloid was obtained in water at room temperature with presence of surface active reagent , then Nanocrystalline ZnO was produced by decomposed after washing and desiccated. Nanosized Zinc Oxide was characterized by X-ray powder diffraction ( XRD) and transmission electron microscope ( TEM) . XRD and TEM show that ZnO crystalline is spherical particle with hexagonal structure,
    the average diameter size is 5. 7 nm.
    Doctoral Forum
    Mechanical Properties of the Metal-Particle/ Insulating Oil System
    ZHAO He-Ping
    journal6, 2000, 21(2):  12-15. 
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    Rayleigh identity based on a multipole expansion theory is extended to investigatethe mechanical properties of an ideal electrorheological fluid which consists of metal particles with insulating outer layer in a dielectricoil. Evaluation of the effective dielectric constant is emphasized.The dependence of the shear stress  on the shear strain and theshear modulus G for chains of particles arranged on a square lattice are presented.
    The Finite Time Survival Probabilities in the Compound Binomial Model
    GONG Ri-Chao, YANG Xiang-Qun
    journal6, 2000, 21(2):  16-19. 
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    The fully discrete binomial risk model are considered and the probabilities of the following events are discussed in this paper: the insurance company survives up to any fixed time n, the insurance company survives up to any fxed time n and the surplus at time n equals x( x≥0) . Finally, the probabilistic laws of the following events are gotten: (i) the index of the claim which causes the ruin, ( ii) the deficit at ruin.
    Gery Topological Space
    YANG Zhi-Min
    journal6, 2000, 21(2):  20-23. 
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    In this paper the definition and their concepts of grey topological space are introduced. And on this basis, the relationship between grey topological space and fuzzy and general topological is discussed.There are also studies of grey continuous mapping and compact grey topological space.
    A Characteristics of A Class of Poisson Type Distribution
    ZOU Hua
    journal6, 2000, 21(2):  24-27. 
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    It is proved in this parper that population X of nonsingula distribut ion with EX2<∞ is of Poisson type dis-tribution P ( λ, α , 1) if and only i f the statistic T2- T 1 has constantre gression on T 1, where T1=  X =1n ni= 1Xi  is sample mean and T2=1n- 1ni= 1(Xi -  X )2 is sample variance.
    Forcast on Trend of China's Main Export Communication Products
    SUN Feng-Lin
    journal6, 2000, 21(2):  28-31. 
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    In view of the character of China's export communication products, a grey model is established to predict the trend of China's main export communication products, and provides some decision bases for China's export communication products to march towards the international market.
    Exact Traveling Wave Solutions for a Nonlinear Wave Equation in Fluid Mechanics
    HU Jian-Lan, LI De-Sheng
    journal6, 2000, 21(2):  32-35. 
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    This paper considers a nonlinear wave equation with dissipative-dispersive effect arising in fluid mechnaics. The exact traveling wave solutions to this equation are given.
    Physics and electronics
    The Change of the Pressure to be Resulted in by the Photodissociation of the Gas
    LI De-Jun
    journal6, 2000, 21(2):  36-38. 
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    When the gas of the chemistry-pure polyatomic molecular is in a closed container and is dissociated into photofragments by the irradiation of the light of the special frequency, we can imagine easily that the pressure in the closed container will change. In this paper, from statistical principle, we have carefully deduced the law of the change between pressure and time,which will play a positive role in exploring the interaction law of light and matter.
    Chemistry and chemical engineering
    Determination of Trace Hydrocarbon Gases by GC-PID and Its Reliability Analysis
    WANG Qian, MA Ru-Sen, WANG Rong-Rong, JING Shi-Lian
    journal6, 2000, 21(2):  39-43. 
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    A method to analyse trace hydrocarbons in the air by GC-PID is introduced. The constructure and working principle are discribed. Both of specification of the instument and the analysis results are given. The reliability of theresults is analysed too.
    Close- Loop Control for EMS Test Realized With Visual Programming Language
    OUYang-Xing-Ming , ZHANG Guo-Fu
    journal6, 2000, 21(2):  44-47. 
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    The increasing deterioretion of electrol-magnetic environment of human life has given rise to urgent demand for implementing automatic EMS testing. This paper presents the design principle of GTEMC EMS close-loop automatictes ting system and its implementation approach under VB environment.
    Chemistry and chemical engineering
    Research on the Chili Red
    YAO Zu-Feng, JIANG Hong-Jie, ZHANG Shi-Wen
    journal6, 2000, 21(2):  48-52. 
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    We have chosen 3 kinds of red dry chilies as experimental materials and divided them into 3 groups.Through 54 experiments,we have systematically studied the main factors that effect the rate of gains and qualities of chilired. The conclusions are drawn as follows: 1) The rate of gains and qualities of chili red vary greatly by using the same material but different technology.That's to say, there is a close relationship between the production technique and the rate of gains and qualities. Of the six production techniques in producting chilired, Technique  Ⅰ is the most superior,Technique Ⅱ  is the second superior,Technique  Ⅲ is less superior and products are not up to standard by using Techniques Ⅳ, Ⅴand Ⅵ. 2) The rate of gains and qualities of chili red also vary grealy by using the same technique but different chili materials.
    Cyclohexanone Ethylene Ketal was Synthesized by Silicotungstic Acid Catalyst
    OU Yang-Yu-Zhu , ZOU Xiao-Yong, PENG Qing-Jing
    journal6, 2000, 21(2):  53-54. 
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    Cyclohexanone ethylene ketal is synthesized with silicotungstic acid as catalyst .The factors of the effects reaction are examined. The results show that optimum conditions with 1:1.5 molar ratio of ketone alcohol, the amount of silic otungstic acid and cyclohexane are 0. 5 g and 15 mL, reaction is reflux for 3 h,The yield of the ketal is 92.8%.
    Biological resources
    The Compare of the Sample of Different Treatment Procedures to the Nutrition Contents of Similacina Atropurpurea
    GUI Ming-Ying, LI Zong-Ju, CHEN Biao, SHEN Jie, TIAN Yong-Sheng
    journal6, 2000, 21(2):  55-57. 
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    The different result of the different treatment sample of the nutrition contents shows that Similacina atropurpurea has high nutrition value. Its total amino acid is 24.76%, which includes 17 kinds of amino acid except TRP.Its protein content is 41.6% of dry material. It is flourish in mineral elements but is low in sugar content. The loss of the nutrition contents of salted sample is larger. The processed canned sample has been rather affected to remain Vc.
    Rice Systemic Resistance Induced by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae Strain With Weak Virulence——And Changes of Defense Enzyme Activities
    CAO Ci-Sheng, WANG Hai-Hua
    journal6, 2000, 21(2):  58-62. 
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    Seedlings of two rice cultivars, Yushuinuo and Zhefu 802, acquired systemic resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae( XOO) strain 76- 25 with high virulence when induced by XOO 75- 1 strain with weak virulendce.Activities of superoxide dismutase( SOD) , catalase( CAT) decreased in leaves pre-treated with XOO 75-1, However,lipoxygenase( LOX) activity and malondialdehyde(MDA) content increased after treatment. Tiron( 4, 5-dihydroxy1-1, 3- bezene- disulfonic acid) , which can specially react with O- .2 ,weakened induction effect on the items mentioned above by XOO 75- 1. It was also found that the incompatible interaction type between 75-1 strain and the two cultivars turned into something like compatible interacton. It suggested that membrane lipid peroxidation damage mediated by active oxygens like O- .2 and changes of defense enzyme activities were related to systemic acquired resistance to XOO in rice seedlings.
    Heamatological Study on Southern Catfish Silurus Meridionalis
    CHEN Xiao-Yun
    journal6, 2000, 21(2):  63-67. 
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    From September, 1998 to August, 1999, the Heamotological indices of Southern catfish( Silurus meridionalis ) are investigated. The result shows that the erythrocyte count and hemoglobin content value of Silurus me ridionalis are higher than those of Ari stichthys nobilis, Carassius auratus, Megalobrama amblycephala and Carassius auratus cuvieri , which indicates the consistency with its eating flesh habit and the features of fast growth and less disease. The differential leukocyte count is a new type, i. e. , the kind that is composed mainly by lymphocytes, and has few neutrophilic granulocytes and monocytes and many thrombocytes. The erythrocyte count , the percentage of lymphocytes,the percentage of thrombocytes and the size of all the kinds of blood cells have significant year-round changes.
    Scientific research bulletin
    The Decomposition of Commutative J-Von Neumann Algebra
    YANG Hai-Tao
    journal6, 2000, 21(2):  68-70. 
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    In this paper, we discuss commutative J- Von Neumann algebra, make use of concept of critical func-tionelle, give some decompositions forms of commutative J- Von Neumann forms of commutative J- Von Neumann a- lgebra.
    S- Countability and S- Lindelof Space in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Special Topological Space
    YANG Xin-Mei
    journal6, 2000, 21(2):  71-73. 
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    In this paper,The concepts of S- Base S- Countablility and S-Lindelof space in intuitionistic fuzzy special topological spaces are introducted. Some properties are given:A family { Aa, a ∈ I } of IFFSOS is a S- base of (X , τ) if and only if amy IFFSOS is the suprema of a collection of { Aa, a∈ I } , If an IFSTS satisfies second a xiom of count-ablility, it satisfies first axiom of countability. An IFSTS satisfied second axiom of countaility is a S- Lindelof space, A S- Comparct space is a S- Lindelof space.
    Monte- Carlo Simulation of Ising Model
    WU Guo-Jun, HU Jing-Guo
    journal6, 2000, 21(2):  74-76. 
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    It uses Monte-Carlo method on IBM-PC computer to simulate the phase diagram of Ising model about toroidal periodic , half-free surfaces and free surfaces boundary condition on planer Square lattices and compares with that of periodic boundary condition.
    The Administration Policy of Campus Net' IP Address
    XIAO Zhi-Xin, HUANG Xiao-Yu
    journal6, 2000, 21(2):  77-79. 
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    It's  limited for the campus net, and it will be charged basing user' IP address, so it is possible that IP ddress are embez zled. It becomes an important security problem to prevent the IP address from embezzling. This article described a security way that binding IP address and MAC address combine with using access-list. This way not only can prevent IP address from embezzling, but also can control the user' access right.
    Projective Algorithm for Vector Quantization
    ZHAO Cheng-Lin
    journal6, 2000, 21(2):  80-81. 
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    In this paper, we introduce the projection of a matrix into the vector quantization. In the process of searching the best matching code word, some candidate codewords are first discarded in the dimensionaligy reduced space. The inequality between the MSE distance and the mean value or the variance of the candidate codeword is used in the elimination process.The experiment shows 98% of the candidate codewords is discarded, only about 2% of the candidate code words has to compute the MSE distance.
    Effects of Slit to Reconstructed Photo of the Rainbow Hologram
    DAI Wei, YAN Zhan-Xian, ZHOU Xiao-Qing
    journal6, 2000, 21(2):  82-84. 
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    The effect of size and numbers of slit to reconstruction image of rainbow hologram is studied in this paper. By using different size of slit, tow slits and three slits, the exprimental holography is done. Light energy and colour blurred of reconst ruction image are analysed. The result that reconstruction image by using two slits and three slits photograph are bighter is obtained.Transmission and reflection reconstruction images in a rainbow photoram are oberved.
    The Countermeasures on Fengyu Lake Pollution Control
    CHEN Yi-Guang, LI Hu-Ming, MA Tao-Wu, SU Feng
    journal6, 2000, 21(2):  85-87. 
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    In the paper the waters and the cause for the pollution of Fengyu lake are introduced and analysed, and the countermeasures and principles to Fengyu lake's treatment are put forward.
    A Probe Into Denationlization Reform of Japanese State Enterprise
    WANG Zhao-Feng
    journal6, 2000, 21(2):  88-90. 
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    Denationalization reform of Japanese state Enterprise becomes a matter of commen concern of the whole country through its planned and organizational survey and propaganda. The structure of property right is regulated by means of legislation,which reform can be based on.Meanwhile, competition is introduced, clecision-maleing power of enterprise is transferred a tower level,Management is tightened up, theway to obtain employment is widened. This succersful experisence can be used for reference by our seate Enterprise reform to the off the hook.
    Optimization of Teaching Method and Learning Basketball Course
    LIU Shao-Ying
    journal6, 2000, 21(2):  91-93. 
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    Basketball teqchers should take notice of teaching content of required course and students practical condition, and attach importance to study of optimization of teaching method and learning method.They should lead advanced and modenized teaching method of science learnimg. Strengthen students  ability of science learning make them have the ability of basketall skill to take physical exercise and stengthen physique.
    Tests on Physical, Mental Responses and Cell Immunity of Canoeists
    FAN Hao, HUANG Jin-Li, CHANG Yang
    journal6, 2000, 21(2):  94-96. 
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    Tests were made in SCL- 90 physical, mental emergency responses and Tlymph cell sub-groups if 30 man and woman canoeists who were having a great deal if pre-competition fraining. Compared with 32 training companions having the same fraining companions having the same fraining , these canoeists had higher SCL- 90 scores,more posi tive items , and sho wed more anxiety , fear and depression( p < 0. 05~ 0. 01) . In addi tion, CD2, CD4, CD4/CD8 in their T lymph cell sub-groups were lower ( p< 0.05~ 0.01) and CD8 were higher( p< 0. 01) . The low immunity may result from socipsychological factors in fraining.
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