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    15 December 2001, Volume 22 Issue 4
    Information and Engineering
    The Attenuation and Reignition of a Gaseous Detonation Propagating Through a Perforated Steel Plate Section
    GUO Chang-Ming
    journal6, 2001, 22(4):  1-7. 
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    The paper presents an experimental investigation that attempts to understand the propagation of gaseous detonation waves in a tube section lined with a perforated steel plate. A stable cellular detonation was generated first in a tube with smooth inner walls, which propagated through a specially designed section lined with a perforated steel plate.Piezoelectric transducers mounted on the top of the section measured the pressure history and velocity of detonation for stoichiometric 2H2+O2 premixed gas mixture. Results show that the detonation wave is attenuated first by the perfo-rated plate then the pressure rises again. Our experimental results would support this argument: The rough surface of absorbing materials, the perforated plate, wire mesh or steel wool etc. , can attenuate detonation wave by means of absorbing transverse waves. But, on the other hand, it also can cause immediate spontaneous transition to detonation, i. e. , spontaneous DDT ( Deflagration to De tonation Transition) . The mechanism that provides the immediate spontaneous transition to detonation for rough surface of “absorbing materials” is explored in the paper as well.
    Physics and electronics
    The Design Method of the Circuit on the Cosine Basis Function Neural Networks
    YUAN Xiao-Hong, ZOU A-Jin
    journal6, 2001, 22(4):  8-10. 
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    The model, algorithm, emulation examples and hardwired circuit based on cosine basis function neural net-work are studied in detail. The emulation results show that the network has an execllent performance with its fast astringercy, and it may be arbitrarily imminent to nonlinear function. In addition, its circuit is easy to be designed because of the simple structure of cosine basis function neural network. All the neural cells are constructed with a single cosine oscillator and a series of frequency multiplier.
    The Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion and Chromatic Polynomials
    XIA Fang-Li, XU Li-Xin, DENG Han-Yuan
    journal6, 2001, 22(4):  11-13. 
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    To show the relation between the principle of inclusion and exclusion and chromatic polynomial , the author discusses the enumeration of combinatorial problems by using free Abelian group, applies the group- form of principle of inclusion and exclusion to enumerating the chromatic polynomial of a simple graph, and deduces the chromatic polynomial expression.
    Doctoral Forum
    The Best Appoximation of Anti-Skew-Symmetric Matrices on the Linear Manifold
    ZHOU Fu-Zhao, ZHANG Zhong-Zhi
    journal6, 2001, 22(4):  14-18. 
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    The inverse problems of anti-skew-symmetric matrices on the linear mani fold is discussed. The expressions of the solutions to these problems are given. Some special cases of these problems are considered, and thus some results are obtained.
    An Instantaneous Elastic Constitutive Relation for Nonlinear Viscoelastic Materials
    ZHAO Rong-Guo, ZHANG Chun-Yuan
    journal6, 2001, 22(4):  19-22. 
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    In this paper, a simple instantaneous elastic constitutive relation for nonlinear viscoelastic materials is obtained by using the elasticity recovery correspondence principle in nonlinear visc oelastic constitutive theory.The result that the nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive relation being marked by the instantaneous elastic constitutive relation can correctly describe the mechanics behaviors of nonlinear viscoelastic materials is verified by comparison between the the-oretic calculated results and experimental data about the experiments under different strain rate levels for improved polypropylene.
    Manufacture of the Gelatin- sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose Microcapsule Containing Testosterone for Fish
    DENG Yue-Song
    journal6, 2001, 22(4):  23-28. 
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    The manufacture of microcapsule using Gelatin-sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose as coating material and testosterone as core material(TGM) is introduced. The average diameters of microcapsule was determined to be 29. 5 μm.The mean drug loading in microcapsule was assayed to be ( 71. 8±0.9) % for TGM. In vitrorelease show after burst release in first few days, the drugrelease from microcapsule was obeyed zero-order. The testees of male Japanese eel were achieved maturation by injection TGM at the interval of 25 d. The mean GSI of female eel were reached 19. 7% by injection TGM four times at the interval of 25 d.
    Establishment in Artificial Neural Network of Urban Sustainable Development Adjustment Prediction Model
    GUO Zhong-Yang, SHI Chun, PAN Li-Fan, LU Yan
    journal6, 2001, 22(4):  29-32. 
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    On the basis of the evaluation database of Shanghai sustainable development from 1990 to 1999, six main influential factors of regional sustainable development were selected, which including gross domestic product, percapita water consumption, natural growth rate, ocean water quality, per 10 thousand yuan product industrial waste water discharge and per capita public green areas.Thus Shanghai sustainable development adjustment prediction model using artificial neural network is established, from which good results were obtained.
    Compilation of Heavy Metal Pollution Distribution Map in Soil Around Beijing
    FU Hua, WU Yan-Hua
    journal6, 2001, 22(4):  33-36. 
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    Heavy metal pollution in soil is one of the major enviromental problem in Beijing suburb. In order to under-stand fully the distribution of heavy metal pollution in soil, it’s imperative to compile the distribution map. Four factors are selected to express the pollution, there are placename, soil type, heavy metal element and land use actuality. The technological points include preparing basic data, establishing line meaning in the map, using three dimension method and making the map more readable. Several cutlines are chosen to stand dif ferent contents on the map. Finally, the paper suggests some applications of the map.
    Key disciplines
    Determination of the Unsaturated Fatty Acid of Actinidia Chinesis Planch Seed Oil
    ZHANG Yong-Kang, JIANG Jian-Bo, CHEN Li-Hua, WANG Jian, ZHOU Le-Zhou
    journal6, 2001, 22(4):  37-38. 
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    Actinidia chinesis planch seed oil is determined to contain more than 85.2% of unsaturated fat ty acid. Actinidia chinesis planch seed oil can prevent disease, so studying on and making use of it will bring broad prospect.
    Analysis at Family Level of Geographical Elements of Vascular Plants Flora in Jishou County, Hunan China
    GU Zhong-Cun, LIU Shi-Biao, ZHANG Li
    journal6, 2001, 22(4):  39-43. 
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    Jishou county locates at the east of Yungui plateau with rich plants resources. There are 1 534 species under 662 genera belonging to 186 families of vascular plants in this area. The flora analysis at family level shows that:( 1)There are 29 families of pteridophyta: 9 cosmopolitan, 8 tropic, 11 trop. to subtrop. , and 1 of temperate zone respectively, and the trop. to subtrop. type has the most ratio ( 38% ) . There are 5 families of gymnosperm, 4 are representative types of subt rop. and the other cosmopolitan. Of the 152 families of angiosperm, 33 are cosmopolitan families, 8 tropic, 40 trop. to subtrop. , 38 trop. to temp. , 10 subtrop. to temp. , 16 temperate, and 7 endemic families of Asia. The total of trop. to subtrop. and trop. to temp. has the most ratio ( 51. 32%) . According to the analysis on the dominate and representative family of angiosperm, among the 38 dominate families, except 13 types of cosmopolitan, the total of the types of trop. to subtrop. ( 9) and trop. to temp. ( 11) also has the most ratio ( 52. 64% ) . Among the 14 representative families, the total of the types of trop. to subtrop. ( 4) and trop. to temp. ( 7) has the most ratio (78. 57%) . This paper indicates that Jishou county belongs to the transitional area between tropical and temperate with obvious characters of subtropical flora.
    Preliminary Report on Experimental Plantation of Passion Fruit in Jishou Region of Hunan Province
    LIU Shi-Biao, ZHANG Li, CHEN Jun, LI Hao-Ming, LI Guo-Min
    journal6, 2001, 22(4):  44-47. 
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    Passion fruit is a kind of newly developing perennial tropical liana fruits. Varieties of Passion fruit( Passiflora edulis Sims) and Yellow Passion( P . edulis f . flavicarpa Degener) from Guangdong Province are e xperimentally planted in Jishou region of Hunan province.The biology, phenophase, hand pollination, yield, cold-resistance and nutrient elements are preliminary studied. The first year’s cultivation shows that Passion fruit can adapt itself to the local environments and bear fruits in the current year with higher yield and better processing quality, butit can' t live through winter naturally. Aided with frostbite preventive measures, Passion fruit can be extended to certain areas in Jishou and other regions in Hunan province.
    The FAAS Determination of Metal Microelements in Valeriana Pseudo fficinalis
    GU Li, LV Sheng-Huai , ZHANG Li
    journal6, 2001, 22(4):  48-50. 
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    Samples are treated by cineration in the muffle furnace and some metal elements are deter mined in the root of Valeriana pseudo fficinalis by the flame atomic absorption spectromery.Eleven elements, such as K, Ca,Na, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, Co, Ni,Mu, and Pb are detected.Among those elements, six elements of Fe, Zn, Cu, Co, Ni,Mn are necesseny to lives. The rate of reclamation is 96.4%~105.5%
    Bases for Locally Convex Spaces
    YANG Hai-Tao
    journal6, 2001, 22(4):  51-53. 
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    In this paper, we give the concepet of base for locally convex spaces, and prove the necessary and sufficient condition for base for locally convex spaces.
    Formal Derivation Method of Programs
    PENG Jia-Hong, ZHANG Jun
    journal6, 2001, 22(4):  54-56. 
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    This paper expounds the basic theory and basic ideas of Formal derivation method of programs. Formal devivation of programs is a developing method of programs based on the proof theory of program correctness. It can make the proof process and the devolopment of the program in progress in the meantime. And this paper illustrates how to use formal derivation of programs.
    The Application of Mixed GA-BP Algorithm to Image Recognition
    HU Shi-Yan
    journal6, 2001, 22(4):  57-59. 
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    In this paper, the principal characteristics, and the disadvantages of Genetic Algorithm and BP algorithm are first introduced, thus a new mixed intelligent algorithm on combination of genetic algorithm and back propagation algorithm and its application to digital image recognition are proposed. The numerical experiment illustrates that the new algorithm has better efficiency.
    Physics and electronics
    Further Discussion of Phase Transition on Electrorheological Fluid
    LI De-Jun, ZHAO He-Ping, YE Fu-Qiu
    journal6, 2001, 22(4):  60-62. 
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    To make people understand more clearly the essence of phase transition, the phase transition in electrorheological fluid is further discussed from two different sides. The previous discussion merely considered the at traction action resulting from the polarixation of the suspended particles but omit ted the actual repelling action. After having considered the repelling action, the obtained critical field, has relation to the repelling action among particles as well as to temperature and dielectric constant. The results obtaind can explain main characteristics of the experimental results.
    Photonic Band Stricture of Two-Dimensional Periodic Composite Medium Array
    TANG Bing-Shu, DAI Li-Li
    journal6, 2001, 22(4):  63-66. 
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    To calculate photonic band structure medium, the plane wave expansion is used.The calculated results obviously shows band gap when wavelength is much less than scale of uneven in medium, and in low frequency this photonic crys tal of composite medium can be replaced by equivalent single layer dielectric photonic crystal.
    Chemistry and chemical engineering
    The Synthesis of Indaone Dibenzo-24-Crown-8 Derivatives
    ZHANG Lai-Xin
    journal6, 2001, 22(4):  67-68. 
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    Indanone dibenzo-24-crown-8 has been synthesized in the condition of polyphosphoric acid( PPA) catalyst and solvent and cinnamic acid as acylat ing agent and dibenzo-24-crown-8 being acylated. The products are charac terized by IR,MS and elements analysis.
    Separating Lecithin by Chromatographic Process
    LI Wei, SHAO You-Yuan, HUANG Guang-Dou
    journal6, 2001, 22(4):  69-71. 
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    The conditions which prepare high-purity Lecithin with 1. 5 cm×40 cm silica gel chromatographic column are systematically studied. The component of eluent is CH3OH-CHCl3 solvents with pH 3~ 4. The optimum gradient elution process is concave gradient eluting with the gradient of V( CH3OH)∶V( CHCl3) = ( 1∶2) ~ ( 2∶1) . The volume of eluent is only 5~ 6 times of column volume, and the time of eluting is about 6 h.
    Biological resources
    The Distribution of Surviving Sinocyclocheilus Grahami and Other Endemic Fishes in Dianchi Lake Valley
    LI Wei-Xian
    journal6, 2001, 22(4):  72-74. 
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    Since 1980s, the distribution of Sinocyclocheilus grahami and other endemic fishes has been investigated.The results show that there is a total of ten species, among which Sinocyclocheilus is grahami is the most widely distributed while Yunnanilus tigerveinus superior in numbers, and Hei longtan and Qinglongtan in Village Baiyi of Congming country have done the best at the protection of endemic fish. The ways of distinguishing Discogobio yunnanensis,the distribution of Yunnailus Pleurotanenia and the measures to protect endemic fish are also discussed.
    Medical Science
    The Effects of Microorganism Fermentation on the Digestion Characteristics of WMFC in Rumen
    XIANG De-Biao, TIAN Hong-Xian, HE Rui-Guo, WANG Han-Hua
    journal6, 2001, 22(4):  75-78. 
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    Dynamic degradations of dry matter ( DM) , organic matter ( OM) , neutral detergent fiber ( NDF) and acid detergent fiber ( ADF) of waste material from fungal culture (WMFC) through microorganism fermentation were measured by nylon bag technology in three steers installing rumen fistula.The dynamic degradations of DM and OM and NDF and ADF of WMFC through microorganism fermentation increased (P<0. 01) by 13. 53%, 16. 17%, 19. 72% and 19.60% respectively.The rates of degradation were faster, and the lay times were shorter. The results show that the nutrient value of WMFC by microoganism fermentation is improved.
    Detection of the Level of mIL- 2R and T Cells Subsets in PBMC in Patients With Hepatitis C
    WANG Ke-Xia, LI Chao-Pin, WANG Jian
    journal6, 2001, 22(4):  79-82. 
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    To study the level of membrane interleukin- 2 receptor ( mIL- 2R) and T cell subsets in PBMC in patients with hepatitis C and its role in the pathogenesis of hepatitis C, the level of mIL- 2R and T cells subsets in peripheral blood mononuclear cells ( PBMC) were detected with biotin- streptatividin technique before and after PHA induction in 203 cases of hepatitis C with positive HCV- RNA, ant i- HCV( + ) , ant i- HCV( - ) . The total results of the expressive level of mI L- 2R before and after PHA inducting and T cell subsets in PBMC were all lower in hepatitis C than those in normal controls ( P < 0. 01) .Among them, the levels of mI L- 2R were lower in silence than those in situation of PHA induction ( P < 0. 01) . The levels of CD+3 , CD+4 , CD+4 / CD+8 in acute and chronic hepatitis C with ant i- HCV( + ) were lower and CD+8 was higher than those in normal controls ( P < 0. 01) .The function of cellular immunity, the levels of mI L- 2R and activation of T cells are obviously in disorder in patients with hepatitis C, and those were closely as sociated with changing of the hepatitis into chronic.
    Scientific research bulletin
    Q- Covers and Related Spaces
    SU Fa-Hui
    journal6, 2001, 22(4):  83-85. 
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    Using q- open sets, the auther gives the definition to Qi ( #em/em#= 0, 1, 2, 3, 4) spaces and discuss their characters, and their relationship wi th Ti ( #em/em#= 0, 1, 2, 3, 4) spaces. Topological space X to q- open sets Mani fold { Aα|α∈I } is called q- cover,when only ∪α∈IAα = X . The auther also defines a new compact space: Q- compact space, and discusses the characters of Q- compact space and the relations between Q- compact space and Qi- space thus several conclusions are drawn.
    Quas i- dual Bimodules and Dual Rings
    LI Ai-Hua, LI Qi-Sheng
    journal6, 2001, 22(4):  86-88. 
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    In this paper, left quasi- dual bimodules can be charac terized as those bimodules for which any submodule K of MR and any left idea L of SS are a direct summand of rM lS (K ) and lS rM ( L ) respectly. For a left quasi- dual bimodule SMR, some results are proved: ( 1) SM is a Kasch module, ( 2) rM lS ( Soc( MR ) ) = Soc(MR  ) and lS rM ( Soc( SS ) ) = Soc( SS ) , ( 3) lS( Soc( MR  ) )  J ( S) and rM ( Soc( SS ) ) Rad( MR  ) , ( 4) if MR  is a CS- module, the Soc
    ( MR  )  eMR , ( 5) if MR  is nonsingular, then M is semisimple, ( 6) if MR  is project ive in [ M] and MR  is semisimple, the M is a nonsingular module. It deduced that if R is a left dualring or a left quasi- dual ring, then R is a semisimple if R is nonsingular.
    Ways of Changing Real Symmetric Matrices Into Diagonal Matrices by Elementary Transformations to Lines
    LI Xian-Ming
    journal6, 2001, 22(4):  89-90. 
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    A real symmetric matrix is changed into an upper triangular matrix, and the elements in the principal diagonal of the upper triangular matrix form a diagonal matrix which is correspondent to that of real symmetrix matrix.
    A New Algorithm of the Minimal Produced Tree
    ZENG Xian-Jun, LI Ai-Hua, LI Xian-Ming
    journal6, 2001, 22(4):  91-92. 
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    Compared wi th the tradi tional algori thms of Prim and Kruskal, the new algori thm introduced in this paper has i ts own advantage. In the given network, find the edge of the ma ximal power and determinewhether there is another access which connects the two vertices of the edge , if there is, delete the edge, or remain i t. Search for the edge of the maximal power in the rest edges and deal wi th i t similarly. Repeat this procedure until the amount of edges in the network is equal to that of the vert ices minus one. By this way the minimal tree is produced
    Design and Use of Long-range Infrared Communication Interface
    ZENG Qing-Li
    journal6, 2001, 22(4):  93-94. 
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    A new type of infrared emission and receiving circuit is introduced. With the infrared port being set up appropriatly, the newly designed circuit can work reliably with in 12 meters at the communication speed of 115 kbps. It goes with the remote communication standards of Infrared Data Associaton.
    The Recycle of the Magnesium in the Production of Electrolytic Manganese
    YANG Chao-Xia, JIANG Cheng, BAI Zu-Hai, JIANG Feng
    journal6, 2001, 22(4):  95-96. 
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    To recycle ma gnesium,MgF2 is first deposited, and then thick sulfuric acid and ammoniacal solwtion are used to change MgF2 to Mg(OH)2 or MgO. The recycling rate is 87. 7%.