Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition)

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Performance Evaluation of Rural Tourism from the Perspective of Stakeholders:a Case in Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture

ZHANG Haiyan,LUO Jianyang   

  1. (1.Business School,Hunan Normal University,Changsha,Hunan,410081;2.College of Business,Jishou University,Jishou416000,Hunan China)
  • Online:2016-05-25 Published:2016-06-24


Rural tourism is critical to the development of a rural area.Based on the stakeholder theory,the performance evaluation system of rural tourism is created from the perspectives of tourists,local residents and tourism developer.The evaluation of rural tourism development in Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture shows the following problems:(1) tourist satisfaction with the overall environment of rural tourism is low,and the rural tourism product is not cost-effective;(2) the local residents have no conspicuous awareness of the environmental performance,and the rural tourism lead to small growth in local residents' incomes;(3) the sources of tourists are unstable and single,and little attention has been paid to the development of employees.In order to improve the performance of rural tourism,some countermeasures are proposed in terms of service facility improvement,regional cooperation,and the rural tourism community establishment.

Key words: Xiangxi, rural tourism, performance evaluation, stakeholder

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