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    25 July 2020, Volume 41 Issue 4
    A New Set of Sufficient Conditions for Nonsingular H-Matrices
    JIANG Wenwen, TUO Qing
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(4):  1-5. 
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    In this paper, by constructing a new positive diagonal matrix and using the related properties of inequality, we obtain a new set of sufficient conditions for the determination of nonsingular H-matrix.

    Gradient Estimation and Analytic Properties of Solutions to Heat Conduction Equations
    XING Jiasheng, YANG Yichuan, WU Sang
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(4):  6-11. 
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    This paper provesthat the solution of the initial value problem for homogeneous heat conduction equation is an analytical function by the solution formula of the initial value problem for the heat conduction equation.The paper provides the gradient estimation of solutions for homogeneous heat conduction equation, offers the method of proving that the solution of homogeneous heat conduction equation is an analytical function by estimating the partial derivative of each order and applying Taylor formula.

    Well-Posedness of the Solution for a Stochastic 2D Magnetic Bénard Problem
    XIE Ting
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(4):  12-21. 
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    The existence and uniqueness of 2D magnetic Bénard problem are proved through the uniform estimation and weak convergence method, the classical monotonicity theorem, and Itô equation and Burkholder-Davis-Gundyinequation. On this basis, the regularity of the solution of 2D magnetic Bénard problem is studied.

    Economic Model with Education and Technological Progress
    WANG Shan, WANG Feng
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(4):  22-27. 
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    In order to study the relationship between technological progress and economic development, an improved economic model with education and technological progress is constructed. A non-autonomous differential dynamic system is established and transformed into an autonomous differential dynamic system. A sufficient condition for the stability of autonomous system is obtained by using the stability theory. The growth rates of economic and educational variables are calculated, and the numerical simulations are given to verify the stability of the system. The results show that technological progress and education are of great significance to economic growth.

    Computer and Automation
    A New Zigbee-Based Fruit and Vegetable Basket Control System Featured with Intelligent Weighing and Pricing
    ZHU Xiaojun, GAOJiayi, HUANG Zuoyao, LIU Shumin, LI Quan
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(4):  28-32. 
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    Electronic scale adopts manual input of good names to match the unit price, and then calculates the total price of the product. This method has low weighing efficiency, high labor cost and is prone to errors. To solve the above problems, a set of ZigBee ̄based fruit and vegetable basket control system featured with intelligent weighing and pricing is designed. In the system, CC2530 is adopted as the core chip, multiple weight nodes and coordinator are inter connected through ZigBee wireless network, and the coordinator and the host computer are connected through serial port. The weight node is embedded at the bottom of the fruit and vegetable basket and numbered one by one, and the mass of the selected items is automatically obtained by the weight node and sent to the coordinator. Then, the coordinator reads the weight node number and the mass and outputs them to the host computer, which generates, displays and prints the item information. The system automatically identifies items and intelligently weighs and prices goods with no manual operation, thus significantly improving the efficiency of weighing and pricing as well as reducing labor costs.

    Reactive Power Optimization of Power System Based on Phasor Particle Swarm Optimization
    WANG Lin
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(4):  33-37. 
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    Reactive power optimization of power system can reduce active power loss and ensure the safety and economy of operation. Phasor particle swarm optimization (PPSO) is used to solve the problem of reactive optimizationin power system. The phase angle obtained through initialization is introduced into the speed updating process to improve the searching accuracy. In IEEE-14 node system, reactive optimization simulation experiments are conducted through PPSO algorithm, standard particle swarm optimization algorithm, stochastic inertia weighted particle swarm optimization algorithm, improved attractive repulsive particle swarm optimization algorithm. The simulation results show that PPSO can better reduce the active power loss.

    Reader Behavior Analysis Based on Gray Wolf Optimization Clustering Algorithm
    JIANG Yichu
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(4):  38-43. 
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    This paper proposes a reader behavior analysis algorithm based on a gray wolf optimization clustering algorithm through analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of current reader behavior analysis algorithms at home and abroad. First, the gray wolf optimization algorithm automatically optimizes to find the optimal initial cluster center point of the fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm. It then makes an iterative calculation of the initial cluster center point to obtain the final clustering result. Through the analysis of the reader borrowing behavior data, it is verified that the gray wolf optimization clustering algorithm is superior to the ordinary clustering algorithm.

    Improved Deconvolution Algorithm for Radio Interferometric Images
    ZHANG Li, MI Ligong, XIAO Yifan, YANG Jianghe, LI Guicheng, WEI Xingqi, NING Nawen, LI Danyang, HE Chunlin
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(4):  44-49. 
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    A new reconstruction algorithm is proposed to resolve the problem of deconvolution of the point spread function during the imaging process. The algorithm is based on the decomposition of Gaussian function model, which can solve the problems from delta function model and can reconstruct extended sources and point-like sources well. The algorithm is tested with a simulated observation with VLA and compared with another 2 algorithms. The results indicate that the improved algorithm can effectively balance computational complexity and performances, make more accurate modeling of the image, and shows superior image reconstruction performances.

    Planetary Equation of Motion and Perihelion Shift of Mercury: Based on Newtonian Theory of Gravity and Relativistic Dynamics Theory
    MI Ligong, ZHANG Li,YANG Jianghe,XIE Quan,LU Junwang, ZHU Zenghui,LUO Juanjuan
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(4):  50-53. 
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    In order to deeply explore the nature of universal gravitation, on the basis of classical Newton's theory of universal gravitation, combined with the theory of relativistic dynamics and the equivalence principle, Newton's theory of universal gravitation is appropriately extended, and a modified Newton's gravitational equation is proposed. The planetary motion orbit equation and perihelion shift are derived by using the modified Newton's theory of universal gravitation. With the precession of Mercury's perihelion as an example, the rationality of the modified Newton's theory of unversal gravitation is verified.

    Polarization and Core-Dominance Parameter for Blazars
    OUYANG Zhihao, FENG Huanjian, ZHENG Yini, ZHOU Zeping, XU Peishan, HE Sile,LI Yuntian, LUO Gaoyong, TUO Manxian, YANG Jianghe, FAN Junhui
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(4):  54-61. 
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    Radio and optical polarizations are collected for a blazar sample. The relationships between polarization and jet parameters are investigated. The analysis results indicate that (1) polarization in BL Lac is higher than in FSRQs, and the core dominance parameter R and the ratio f are both positively correlated with intrinsic radio and optical polarizations; (2) the jet type is spherical; (3) BL Lacs and FSRQs have a similar correlation between the intrinsic polarization and jet parameters (log R and f).

    Analysis on Volatile Components in Roots of Cyclocodon lancifolius (Roxburgh) Kurz by GC-MS Combined with Retention Index
    WANG Jianxia, LIU Yihan, TIAN Yungang, GUO Hongwei, LI Ming, BI Shaowen, WEI Hua
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(4):  62-67. 
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    The volatile components of roots in Cyclocodon lancifolius (Roxburgh) Kurz were extracted by steam distillation, soxhlet extraction and ultrasound-assisted extraction respectively, and were analyzed by GC-MS combined with retention index. The results showed that the main volatile components of the roots are of acids, hydrocarbons, esters, and alcohols, altogether 76 kinds identified. Among them, 24, 45 and 39 kinds of volatile components were identified respectively by steam distillation, soxhlet extraction, and ultrasound-assisted extraction, and the component with the highest mass fraction was identified to be linoleic acid.

    Characteristic column:Study on Wuling Mountain Area
    Variation Characteristics of PM2.5 Mass Concentration in Zhangjiajie During Tourist Season
    GUAN Rui, HUANG Yi, YANG Yichi, WANG Xianhan, JIANG Zhujun
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(4):  68-73. 
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    In order to explore the reaction mechanism of air pollutants to the strength of tourism activities, the PM2.5 mass concentration data of four automatic air quality monitoring stations in Zhangjiajie, a typical eco-tourism city, during the peak tourist season in 2017 were taken as the research object, and the "weekend effect" of PM2.5 was discussed by eliminating trend fluctuation analysis method. The results show that the daily variation curves of PM2.5 mass concentration in Yongding New District, Dianyeju and Weiyang Road stations are basically the same, showing double peaks, with the peaks appearing at around 13:00 and 22:00 respectively. Compared with them, there are obvious differences in Yuanjiajie station. The PM2.5 mass concentrations at Yongding New District and Dianyeju stations are slightly higher on weekdays than on weekends, while those at Weiyang Road and Yuanjiajie stations are higher on weekends than on weekdays. In order to further explore the inherent law of  PM2.5 mass concentration changes, thetrend fluctuation analysis of PM2.5 mass concentration sequences at each stationwas carried out. It is found the PM2.5 mass concentration sequences show significant characteristics of long-term sustainability, and there exists a turning point in the long-term sustainability of urban stations, but there is noturning point at scenic spots.The speculated reason is that the scenic spots are disturbed by tourism activities.

    Farmers' Awareness, Participationin and Sense of Gain from Rural Revitalization Strategy:Survey of 588 Farmers in Sangzhi County
    LIU Yuqing,LU Wei, WAN Yali
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(4):  74-79. 
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    Taking Sangzhi County in Wuling Mountain Area as the research area, this paper analyzes the current farmers' awareness, participation and sense of gain with regard to rural revitalization strategy through interview and questionnaire. It is found that there are four main factors that affect farmers' awareness, participation and sense of gain, namely, social factors, regional factors, publicity factors and subject factors. On the basis of that, this paper puts forward countermeasures to enhance farmers' awareness, participation and sense of gain in four aspects: building solid livelihood foundation to deal with the "three new agricultural problems", exploiting regional potentialities to help rural development, strengthening rural propaganda to enhance farmers' awareness, and improving farmers' quality to cultivate professional farmers.

    Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Farmland Abandonment in Hekou Township
    ZHOU Shengfang, ZHUANG Dachun, LI Yuefeng, XIE Wenhai, LONG Yuqiong, TANG Yuting, ZOU Yuyang
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(4):  80-84. 
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    Based on the survey data of farmers and with SPSS19.0 software, the characteristics and influencing factors of farmland abandonment in Hekou Township are analyzed by using binary logistics regression. The results show that arable land abandonment is widespread in Hekou Township, with the abandonment of 21% in 2015 and 27.1% in 2017. There are apparent temporal and spatial variations of arable land abandoment and the abandonment rate is on the rise.The main influncing factors are irrigation conditions, quantity of plots, quantity of farming population, quality of cultivated land, satisfaction degree of preferential policies and distance between plots and highways. According to the research results, some suggestions are put forward on how to reduce the abandoned farmland and promote the sustainable utilization of cultivated land resources in mountainous areas.

    Education and teaching
    Reflection Upon Effective Teaching Strategies for Financial Management Majors in Anti-Epidemic Context
    ZHU Peng
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(4):  85-89. 
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    Improving the teaching quality of financial management majors with effective teaching is a breakthrough to deepen the reform of teaching mode and realize the deep integration of information technology, education and teaching in the anti-epidemic context. Integrating the core idea and professional thoughts of effective teaching into the construction of financial management majors can provide an basis for improving the quality of classroom teaching and testing the effectiveness of teaching reform. However, in the process of promoting effective teaching of financial management majors, there are still some problems, including monotonous teaching methods, out-dated coursebook and conservative evaluation model, which reduces the effectiveness of classroom teaching. Therefore, it is conducive to employ information technology to guide the reform of teaching mode, to take deep learning as the core concept and change the classroom teaching strategy, and to treat metacognitive ability cultivation as the key to improve students' learning efficiency.

    Short-Term Investment Strategies Under Stock Trading Limit in A-Share Market
    YUAN Chaoquan, DENG Yulu, ZHANG Yong
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(4):  90-96. 
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    In order to clarify the reason why trading stocks still generally have the potential to continue to rise in the future trading days and help short-term investors with high risk preference to increase the chances of making profit from the rise of trading stocks, this paper constructs an evaluation index system of short-term investment strategy of trading stock from six dimensions:  the fundamentals of trading stock companies, the trading driving factors, the trading stock attributes, the trading intensity and effect,the performance of the domestic and foreign stocks markets, the technical indicators and the capital intervention.Meanwhile, this paper determines the weight of each index according to the AHP. According to the result of index weight, this paper puts forward the investment strategy of daily limit stocks for short-term investors.

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