Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition)

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Planetary Equation of Motion and Perihelion Shift of Mercury: Based on Newtonian Theory of Gravity and Relativistic Dynamics Theory

MI Ligong, ZHANG Li,YANG Jianghe,XIE Quan,LU Junwang, ZHU Zenghui,LUO Juanjuan   

  1. (1. Department of Physics and Astronomy, Qiannan Normal University for Minorities, Duyun 558000, Guizhou China; 2. College of Big Data and Information Engineering, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550000, China; 3. College of Mathematics and Physics, Changde 415000, Hunan China)
  • Online:2020-07-25 Published:2020-10-27


In order to deeply explore the nature of universal gravitation, on the basis of classical Newton's theory of universal gravitation, combined with the theory of relativistic dynamics and the equivalence principle, Newton's theory of universal gravitation is appropriately extended, and a modified Newton's gravitational equation is proposed. The planetary motion orbit equation and perihelion shift are derived by using the modified Newton's theory of universal gravitation. With the precession of Mercury's perihelion as an example, the rationality of the modified Newton's theory of unversal gravitation is verified.

Key words: gravitation theory, relativistic dynamics, equivalence principle, precession of Mercury's perihelion

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