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    25 March 2020, Volume 41 Issue 2
    On Decomposition of Semimodules Homomorphism
    AI Xin, LI Qisheng
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(2):  1-4. 
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    With different definitions of kernels and images, the problem of semimodules homomorphism decomposition through epimorphism or monomorphism is discussed. Several decomposition theorems of semimodules homomorphism are given, and the corresponding results of ring modules are generalized.

    Global Existence and Stability of Solutions of Tempered Fractional Differential Equations
    ZHANG Yuyao, ZHONG Wenyong
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(2):  5-8. 
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    Firstly, the comparison principle and inequality about the tempered fractional derivative are established, then the convex Lyapunov function is used to establish the criteria for the global existence and stability of the initial value problem of Caputo tempered fractional derivative.

    Uniformity of Two-Level Combined Designs Under Centered L2-Discrepancy
    LI Jie, OU Zujun
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(2):  9-14. 
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    The uniformity of combined designs under centered L2-discrepancy are discussed, and some lower bounds of centered L2-discrepancy of the combined designs are provided, which can be used as a benchmark for searching optimal foldover plans. Finally, some numerical examples are provided to illustrate the theoretical results.

    Chinese Part-of-Speech Tagging Method Based on Maximum Entropy Model and Hidden Markov Model
    ZHOU Tan, MO Liping, HU Meiqi, LI Hangcheng
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(2):  15-18. 
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    In order to further improve the efficiency of part-of-speech tagging in Chinese corpora, experiments of Chinese part-of-speech tagging methods based on the maximum entropy model (MEM) and the hidden Markov model (HMM) are designed according to the theoretical basis, algorithms, and application technology. The experimental results  show that the Chinese part-of-speech tagging algorithms based on MEM and HMM have obtained a very consistent and high-coverage tagging result and the three indicators of tagging accuracy, recall rate and F1 value have reached above 92%, with the effect of MEM  better than that of HMM.

    Design and Implementation of People Counting System Based on Deep Learning SSD Model
    LI Yu, DUAN Mingxiu, SONG Sisi, LI Chi
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(2):  19-22. 
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    Based on the deep learning SSD model, twenty categories detection targets are reduced to single category which only detects human, and the detection results of the two models of the same detection task are compared. The experimental results show that, for the human detection task, the detection effect of the SSD model of a single target is better than the SSD model of 20 targets.

    Missing Value Filling Method Based on Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm
    HANG Zicheng, LI Ying
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(2):  23-26. 
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    For effective missing data filling, the membership matrix of fuzzy C-means algorithm is proposed as the weighted weight of the data to be filled in. Firstly, the missing data is pre-filled with the same attribute mean, then the membership matrix of each category is obtained by means of fuzzy C-means algorithm. Finally, the matrix is used as the weight to multiply the attribute mean of each category as the final filling data. In the UCI data experiment, compared with the KNN filling, the results show that the error in the method based on the fuzzy C-means algorithm filling is smaller than in the KNN filling.

    Physics and Automation
    Intensity and Phase Calculation of Dispersive Optical Fiber Signal Based on Fourier Transform
    SU Hongmei
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(2):  27-30. 
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    Fourier transform algorithm is used to deduce the phase and intensity expressions of optical fiber signal after it is propagated through dispersion medium. They are valid for arbitrary input intensity and phase and, as long as the dispersion induced field amplitude is small compared with that of  the input field.

    Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control of Four-Rotor Aircraft
    HONG Huiting, YAN Rui, DENG Xiaofei
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(2):  31-35. 
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    A sliding mode control strategy based on fuzzy theory is proposed to solve the problem of heavy dependence on the model of four-rotor aircraft of the underactuated sliding mode controller. The simulation results show that the fuzzy sliding mode control system has better stability and stronger anti-interference ability than the single sliding mode control system in the case of external interference.

    Design of Four-Rotor Aircraft Based on Optical Flow Sensor
    YAN Rui, HE Liang, DENG Xiaofei, XIANG Xiaoyan, CHEN Shanrong
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(2):  36-41. 
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    The Texas Instruments TM4C123GH6PM microcontroller is used as the core unit of the four-rotor aircraft control system and optical flow data processing. With the raw data obtained from the gyroscope, accelerometer and magnetometer of the nine-axis sensor MPU9250, the angle data obtained by the attitude calculation is  used as the flight attitude feedback of the flight control system, height data measured by ultrasonic sensors as flight height feedback, and position data output by optical flow sensor as position feedback. Based on the above conditions, a new type of quadrotor is designed. The experimental results show that the designed autonomous navigation system of four-rotor aircraft can realize self-stable, fixed-height and fixed-point indoor flight.

    Small Plant Culture System Design Based on Internet of Things
    ZHAI Fengyun, XIE Jiaqi, HU Li, ZHU Changcheng
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(2):  42-45. 
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    In order to solve the problem of insufficient management experience and time-consuming and tedious management, this paper designs a small plant culture system based on Internet of things and establishes a database of flower varieties. Each subsystem is connected by ZigBee wireless sensor network with  distributed deployment. The server program uses the asynchronous network communication based on Netty. Users can use the mobile phone client to realize remote monitoring of the plant growth status. With the professional database, the system can automatically and accurately control the appropriate temperature, humidity and light in the plant growth cycle.

    Biology and chemical industry
    Advances in Research on Chemical Components and Pharmacological Activities of Artemisia Princeps
    CHEN Jiabei, CHEN Gongxi
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(2):  46-53. 
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    Recent researches on the chemical components and pharmacological effects of Artemisia princeps are reviewed, and the research directions are suggested. It is shown that the chemical components of Artemisia princeps are mostly volatile compounds, followed by flavonoids and carbohydrates, which have anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-itch, anti-allergic, anti-oxidation, anti-ulcer, hypolipidemic, stomach-tonifying effects, endowing Artemisia princeps with great medicine prospect.

    Inhibitory Activity Screening of Extract from Lithocarpus Polystachyus Rehd. Against α-Glucosidase
    FANG Hailian, LIU Meiling, LI Shiyao, XIAO Zhuping
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(2):  54-57. 
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    The inhibitory activity of extract from Lithocarpus polystachyus Rehd. against α-glucosidase has been researched. The extract was obtained through reflux extraction with different solvents and leaching with different polar solvents. By establishing α-glucosidase inhibitory model in vitro, the activity of extracts from the leaf of Lithocarpus polystachyus Rehd. was screened, and the relationship between inhibitory activity and concentration of the extract was researched. Results show that inhibition effect of methanol extract (IC50=34.30 mg/L) and n-butanol extract (IC50=30.47 mg/L) was closer to that of acarbose (IC50=25.26 mg/L).

    Characteristic column:Study on Wuling Mountain Area
    An Initial Research on the History of the Patriarch Temple Complex in Laosicheng Tusi Sites, Yongshun County
    YANG Fan, CUI Minrui, YANG Jian, LIU Jie
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(2):  58-63. 
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    The building complex of the Ming and Qing dynasties in Laosicheng Tusi Sites, Yongshun County, consists of three buildings, Zhushidian, Huangjingtai, and Yuhuangge. About the history of the building complex and the three buildings, different explanations are given by the folklore experts, archaeologists and historians. By analyzing these explanations, together with the reconversion research on the Main Hall in Baoguo Temple (Ningbo) by the Research Institute of Architecture in the Southeast University, this paper holds that an architectural research based on structure styles and tectonic details is necessary for ascertaining the history of this building complex, as well as for concluding the regional characteristics and technical origins of the building complex.

    Degree of Tourism-Economy-Ecosystem Coordination System in Zhangjiajie City
    CHEN Yanhong, TANG Yexi
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(2):  64-68. 
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    A model of tourism-economy-ecosystem coordination degree is constructed. The evaluation indexes are selected from  tourism industry, economic development and ecological environment in Zhangjiajie City, and the weight of each index is obtained by combining the analytic hierarchy process and entropy weight method. The results show that the degree of coupling and coordination of tourism-economy-ecosystem coordination in Zhangjiajie City from 2007 to 2017 is basically on the rise, but the overall level is low. Based on the research results, relevant suggestions are proposed to improve the overall  degree of tourism-economy-ecosystem coordination in Zhangjiajie City.

    Influenctial Factors and Specific Path for Red Tourism Development in Western Hunan
    WEI Xinyi, ZHANG Yanfei
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(2):  69-75. 
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    Combined with grounded theory and multi case analysis, using NVivo 11.0 qualitative analysis software, taking YongshunTawo, Huayuanshibadong and Sangzhihongjiaguan as examples, this paper constructs the structural dimension and content system of influenctial factors of red tourism development in Western Hunan. The results show that the influenctial factors mainly include basic conditions, operation mode and development environment, and industrial integration plays an important role in regulating operation mode. Therefore, the development of red tourism in Western Hunan can be carried out from "seizing the development opportunity, adapting to the change of market demand", "improving the basic conditions, consolidating the foundation of red tourism development", "strengthening the industrial integration and interaction, innovating the operation mode", "encouraging the participation of farmers, improving the quality of red tourism development".

    Medical Science
    Efficacy and Safety of Nab-Paclitaxel for Relapsed Extensive-Stage Small-Cell Lung Cancer
    XU Chaojiu, ZHAO Jingsheng, CHEN Chaoying, LONG Jian, LIANG Jing
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(2):  76-80. 
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    The clinical efficacy and adverse effects of nab-paclitaxel in patients with relapsed extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer have been researched. Clinical data of 24 relapsed extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer patients who received nab-paclitaxel as single agent between June 2017 and June 2019 were collected, and the curative and adverse effects of the compound were evaluated.  All patients were treated with 130 mg/m nab-paclitaxel on days 1, 8, and 15. The cycle was repeated every 4 weeks. Clinical efficacy was evaluated every two cycles. Results showed that among 24 patients, including 18 males and 6 females, the median age being 65 years (range 45~77 years), 8 patients (33.3%) achieved partial response, 7 patients (29.2%) had a stable disease, and 9 patients (37.5%) had progressive disease. The objective response rate was 33.3%, and the disease control rate was 62.5%. The median progression-free survival was 3.6 months and median overall survival was 8.3 months. The major adverse reactions included  neutropenia (37.5% ), alopecia (29.2% ), and sensory neuropathy (16.7% ). It can be concluded that nab-paclitaxel has curative effects, and its adverse effects are tolerable. Further research with a larger sample size is warranted to confirm these results.

    Analysis of Influencing Factors of Anxiety and Depression for Women in Pregnancy
    CHENG Qiurong, HUANG Chunyan, LUO Xuemei
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(2):  81-84. 
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    Questionnaire and SAS/SDS self-rating scale were applied to investigate 250 pregnant women in Xiangxi. It was found that the incidence of anxiety and depression in pregnancy was high, and the incidence rate was 35.6% and 56.0% respectively. Logistic regression analysis shows that the occurrence of anxiety and depression during pregnancy is influenced by many factors. According to the criticality degree, the influencing factors that cause anxiety during pregnancy include history of abnormal gestation and birth, imbalanced diet, rural residence, past disease history, poor sleep, early gestational age, lack of exercise before pregnancy. Factors that cause depression during pregnancy include past disease history, rural residence, lack of exercise before pregnancy,low family income. The obstetrics out-patient clinic should provide mental health service and carry out pertinent mental health propaganda and psychological intervention.

    Investigation on Depression of Undergraduates in Ethnic Areas and Influencing Factors
    HOU Yuqi, HU Aimin, LI shu, LU Yanjiao, LI Mingxun
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(2):  85-89. 
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    Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS), Trust in People (TIP) and self-designed demographic questionnaire were used to investigate depression of undergraduates in a university in ethnic area. The results showed that the depression rate was 35.7%. Gender, grade, discipline, place of residence, family structure, economic status, personality characteristics and family history of mental illness were significantly correlated with depression. It is suggested to pay close attention to the psychological status of undergraduates in ethnic areas and and carry out early intervention to promote their mental health.

    Correlation Between Female Executives, Debt Financing and Corporate Value:An Empirical Study Based on the Upper Echelons Theory
    ZHANG Haiyan, LIU Zhidi
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(2):  90-96. 
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    Using the data of China's A-share manufacturing listed companies from 2009 to 2017, based on the upper echelons theory, the paper empirically tests the role of female executives in regulating the relationship between debt financing and corporate value. The research shows that there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between debt financing and corporate value; the proportion of female executives has a positive impact on corporate value and weakens the relationship between debt financing and corporate value. In the sample enterprises, the negative effect of debt financing is reduced. When the proportion reaches about 30%, female executives will play a substantial role in promoting corporate value.

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