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    25 November 2015, Volume 36 Issue 6
    Married Couples’ Trapezoidal Table Problem
    ZHAO Hong-Tao, JIANG Shu-Li
    journal6, 2015, 36(6):  1-4. 
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    In 1891,French mathematician Edouard Lucas gave his famous Married Couples Circular Table Problem:in how many ways can n married couples be seated around a circular table in such a manner that there is always one man between two women and none of the men is next to his own wife.In this article,we generalize this problem to Married Couples’ Trapezoidal Table Problem:in how many ways can n married couples be seated around a trapezoidal table with two sides having 1 and 2n-1 seats,respectively,in such a manner that there is always one man between two women and none of the men is next to his own wife.In this paper,the enumeration formula of this problem is obtained.
    Improved Half-Discrete Hilbert-Type Inequality with Multi-Parameters
    NIE Cai-Yun
    journal6, 2015, 36(6):  5-7. 
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    By using weight functions,parametrization and sharpened Hölder’s inequality,some improvements of Hardy-Hilbert’s inequality are given,and a few new inequalities are established.
    Farkas Lemmas and Lagrange Dualities for Composite Optimization Problems
    GONG Xin, FANG Dong-Hui
    journal6, 2015, 36(6):  8-13. 
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    Under the assumption that the functions are not necessarily continuous,by using the epigraph technique of conjugated functions,we introduce some new constraint qualifications,which completely characterize the Farkas lemma,the strong duality and the stable strong duality between the composite problem and its dual problem.Applications to the composite conical optimization problem are also given.
    Two New Models for Weight Determination of OWA Operator
    XIE Wan-Ying, CHENG Yang-Jin, YANG Liu, BAI Yu-Long
    journal6, 2015, 36(6):  14-17. 
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    This paper proposes two new models for OWA weight determinination based on the minimized disparity of two adjacent weights.The nonlinear optimization problem is solved to obtain the OWA operator weights under a given orness level.Finally,the paper presents a numerical illustration to compare the two models with other models and demonstrate their feasibility.
    New Page Ranking Algorithm Based on User Preference and Feedback
    LIAO Hui-Chuan
    journal6, 2015, 36(6):  18-22. 
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    It is difficult to meet the individual requirements of users in the traditional ranking methods without considering the user preference,feedback and interest.In view of these problems,a new method of web page ranking is proposed based on web page similarity,link structure information,user preference and user feedback. Experimental results show that the improved ranking algorithm can improve the quality of web page retrieving and can meet the users’requirements greatly.
    Safety Evaluation Model of Man-Machine Interaction System Based on the Generalized Cooperation Network
    WU Jie, ZHAO Ting-Di, JIAO Jian
    journal6, 2015, 36(6):  23-26. 
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    First,a new man-machine interaction network model is proposed based on complex network theory.Secondly,the safety criteria and safety criterion of the man-machine interaction complex-system are studied in the connection with the topological characteristics based on the proposed network model.At last,an example of the diesel engine startup is given to illustrate the application and applicability of the network model.The network model provides an understanding and analysis of the nature and content of the man-machine interaction complex-system from a network perspective;accordingly,the interaction of man-machine complex-system is intuitively described and the new model provides the new basis for the safety analysis and prevention efforts.
    Improved Intrusion Detection Algorithm Based on DCA
    LEI Shi-Hua, DING Lei, LI Jian-Feng, ZENG Shui-Ling
    journal6, 2015, 36(6):  27-29. 
    Asbtract ( 1956 )   PDF ( 1638 )  
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    With the influence of the migration threshold value on the performance of dendritic cell algorithm(DCA) being considered during the network intrusion detection,the way to determine the migration threshold is presented to improve the performance of DCA.According to the real network behavior with the characteristics of continuity,the particle swarm optimization (PSO) is employed to determine the migration threshold which will be the used to analyze the network data.The simulation results show that the improved way can increase the accuracy of intrusion detection of DCA.
    Risk of Personal Information Security in the Limited Real-Name Network
    LI Ya-Ping, ZHOU Wei-Liang
    journal6, 2015, 36(6):  30-34. 
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    In the limited real-name network,a common type of network environment,increasingly accumulation of personal information makes the problem of personal information security risk prominent.This study identifies the key risky factors and conducts a multi-dimensional research on the degree of risk through an empirical analysis of the representative personal information risk events from 2011 to 2014. The results show that the major sources of personal information security risk include technical risk,management risk,legal risk,and credit risk which are significantly different in the degree of importance.The corresponding suggestions for the protection of personal information in the environment of limited real-name network are given based on the analysis of the differences of risk degree in risk events and the public concept.
    Chaotic Transport for Single Particle in Tilted Optical Lattice with Periodical Modulation
    ZHU Bo, LIN Juan-Ping, ZHONG Hong-Hua
    journal6, 2015, 36(6):  35-39. 
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    The chaotic dynamic behavior of single particle in the tilted optical lattice with periodical modulation is explored,and the effect of chaos on quantum transport is studied under the strong modulating case.The chaos is found to assist quantum tunneling only when the modulation frequency matches with the gradient of lattice;otherwise,the chaos promotes localization.Therefore,the quantum transport of the particle can be manipulated via adjusting periodical modulation.
    Analytical Solution of Rectangular Plate Deflection with  Surface Effects at Nanoscale
    JIANG Li-Xin, CAO Gao-Feng, LIN Hao
    journal6, 2015, 36(6):  40-43. 
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    Gurtin’s theory on surface elasticity was introduced into the deformation analysis of a thin plate at nanoscale under external loads.With small deformation theory,the differential equation of the nanometer-sized thin plate with surface effects was established.Analytical solutions of the deflection of a plate were obtained through series expansions,including the quadrilateral simply supported plate under uniformly distributed load,the quadrilateral simply supported plate with symmetrically distributed bending moment on the two opposite sides,and the quadrilateral simply supported plate with dissymmetrically distributed bending moment on the two opposite sides. The influence of the surface effects on the deformation of the plate was demonstrated.
    Machinery and Engineering
    Minimum Motion Planning and Control of Acceleration-Velocity Level for Multi-Link Robot Arms
    XIAO Lin, YAN Hui-Ling, ZHOU Wen-Hui, LIAO Bai-Lin
    journal6, 2015, 36(6):  44-48. 
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    To realize the minimum motion planning and control of multi-link robot arms at the acceleration-velocity level,a norm-based minimum acceleration movement control scheme is proposed and investigated.Different from other schemes,the proposed scheme involves the joint-angle,joint-velocity,and joint-acceleration constraints via using quadratic program formulation.Thus,the redundant robot arms can avoid the physical constraints during motion control process.In addition,in order to control the movement of robot arms effectively,an iterative control algorithm with less computation complexity is developed.Finally,a planar six-link manipulator is employed as an experimental platform to track an ∞-type path task.Simulative results verify the effectiveness of the minimum acceleration scheme and the corresponding iterative control algorithm.
    New Method of Tobacco Redrying Machine Humidification
    WANG Zhao-Tie
    journal6, 2015, 36(6):  49-52. 
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    The traditional methods of KG-type tobacco redrying machine humidification are not very effective,nozzle gets easily blocked,and the temperature of moisture regaining parts exceeds standards,resulting steam and water waste.The new steam-water atomizing nozzle with adjusting cap can realize re-atomization,thus increasing the moisture regaining effect by over 4%.With this method,the temperature of moisture regaining parts can be controlled within 70 ℃,and the steam can be saved by over 30%.
    Biological and chemical
    Combustion Method to Synthesize LiFePO4 and Combustion Mechanism
    CHEN Juan, SHI Yue, SUN Nian, CHEN Chang-Lian, WANG Shu-Lin, HUANG Zhi-Liang
    journal6, 2015, 36(6):  53-58. 
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    Many traditional methods used to synthesize LiFePO4 (LFP for short) have the disadvantages of long reaction time or unavoidable oxidation of Fe2+.In this work,the combustion method was developed to facilely synthesize LFP by using ferrous sulfate,diammonium hydrogen phosphate and lithium nitrate as main raw materials.The synthesized LFP was characterized by XRD and TG-DSC.The results showed that the combustion method could facilely synthesize purer LFP at 600 ℃ in a short period without the protection of inert gas.The studies on combustion mechanism indicated that from 120 ℃ to 290 ℃ the organic citric acid in the dry gel was combusted which could lead to a self-propagating combustion reaction and bring in carbon preventing the oxidation of Fe2+ simultaneously.And  φ=n(CA)/n(LFP)=2 is the best amount of citric acid to synthesize LFP materials.
    Leaching Vanadium and Silicon from Stone Coal by Alkaline Process
    ZENG Ying-Yuan, HUA Jun, YAN Wen-Bin, GAO Feng, CAI Jun
    journal6, 2015, 36(6):  59-62. 
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    In order to make full use of valuable element silicon in stone coal,alkali leaching vanadium process was used in extracting vanadium and silicon from stone coal. Through pre-roasting,the stone coal structure can be destroyed and the leaching rate of vanadium and silicon can be improved.When the roast temperature was 850 ℃,the roast time was 2 h,the leaching temperature was 95 ℃,the leaching time was 4 h,the solid ̄liquid ratio was 1∶1.4,and the ratio of alkali and ore was 1.2∶1,the leaching rates of vanadium and silicon were 86.6% and 61.4% respectively.
    Influential Factors on Nitrogen Migration and Transformation in Sedimen-Water Interface in the Dongjiang River
    XIONG Lei, PENG Qing-Jing, YANG Li-Ping
    journal6, 2015, 36(6):  62-68. 
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    This paper studies the nitrogen distribution in overlying water and sediment in the Dongguan segment of Dongjiang River.The indoor column experiment of nitrogen exchange between overlying water and sediment was conducted,and the influential factors on the nitrogen migration were investigated.The results indicated that TN concentration ranged from 2.13 to 4.48 mg/L,and nitrate was found to be the main form of contaminant,which accounted for 64.9% of TN.Sediment is an important source for ammonium and a sink for nitrate and nitrite.Illumination and disturbance are conducive to decrease the concentration of ammonia nitrogen;and higher temperature and initial pH value are conducive to the transformation of ammonia nitrogen.
    Mass Fraction of Chlorogenic Acid in the Leaves of Eucommia Ulmoides Oliver in Different Habitats of Xiangxi
    LUO Hui-Guan, CHEN Yong-Wen, XIONG Li-Zhi
    journal6, 2015, 36(6):  69-71. 
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    The contents of chlorogenic acid in leaves of Eucommia ulmoides Oliver from seven counties and one city in different habitats of Western Hunan were determined.The result showed that the contents of chlorogenic acid were significantly different in different habibats.The contents of chlorogenic acid were higher in the leaves of Eucommia ulmoides Oliver in the adrets of elevation  401~500 m,in light-grey soil,and with the parent material of limestone or sand shale.
    Characteristic column.Study on Wuling Mountain Area
    Preliminary Analysis of Nutrients of the Plant Ingredients of  “Haocaibaba” in Xiangxi
    ZHANG Xing, CHEN Xuan, CHEN Gong-Xi, LI Gui, WEI Hua
    journal6, 2015, 36(6):  72-78. 
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    Two of original plants are usually used as ingredients in the local flavor food “Haocaibaba” in Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture:the Artemisia princes Pamp.and Gnaphalium affine D.Don.The main nutritional components of the edible parts of the plants,including the stems and the leaves,were tested and analyzed respectively,via atmospheric pressure drying method,calcination method,microwave digestion-ICP-AES determination method,kjeldahl determination,anthrone colorimetr,acid and alkali boiling elimination method,ultraviolet spectrophotometry and soxhlet extraction method.The results demonstrated 86%~91% water content,6.75%~13.51% total water soluble sugar content,20.30%~31.90% crude fiber content,3.70%~6.25% crude fat content,5.22%~10.23% crude protein content,0.84%~1.30% ash content,and 0.009 9%~0.018 88% Vitamin C.The mineral nutrition elements were rich in both kinds of plants,especially Mg and Fe.The water content,total water soluble sugar content and crude fiber content in stems were higher than in leaves in two original plant;while crude fat content and Vitamin C content in stems were lower than in the leaves.The ash content and mineral element content were the same in the two parts.Overall,the content of water,total soluble sugar and crude fat in Gnaphalium affine was higher than in Artemisia stelleriana.But the content of crude fiber,crude protein,the ash,Vitamin C and mineral element in affine cudweed was lower than in Artemisia stelleriana.With unique taste and rich nutrition,“Haocaibaba” is worthy of development.
    Heavy Metal Pollution Assessment and Vegetation Restoration Simulation at Mined Waste Rock Yards
    PENG Xi-Zhu, LI Feng-Mei, YANG Sheng-Xiang
    journal6, 2015, 36(6):  79-83. 
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    An assessment of heavy metal pollution was conducted at 7 mined waste-rock yards in Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture.The results obtained from the contamination index method showed high level of heavy metals,among which the levels of Zn,Pb and Cd exceeded the Grade III according to China Environmental Quality Standard for Soils (GB 15618—1995).The contamination index showed clean-mild-moderate contamination by Pb,clean-mile contamination by Zn and clean-moderate contamination by Cd.The general index indicated clean-mild-moderate contamination. The vegetation restoration simulation results showed that three plants (Lolium perenne,Medicago sativa and Chrysanthemum indicum) could germinate and grow in all the cover depths,and the germination rate,plant height and biomass of the three plants significantly increased with the cover depths.Overall,the plants in the treatment of 50 mm grew healthily with the highest germination rate,plant height and biomass.
    Statistical Analysis of the Feasibility of Nationwide Cultivation Promotion of Kiwi Fruit
    LEI Xiu, LI Qi-Sheng, OU Zu-Jun
    journal6, 2015, 36(6):  84-87. 
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    This article discusses the issue of cultivation promotion of Xiangxi kiwifruit in other provinces and cities.The meteorological condition of Xiangxi is used as the reference standard,and data of the meteorological conditions of other cities are compared by factor analysis and cluster analysis through SPSS and R software.The regions suitable for cultivating Xiangxi Kiwifruit are thus located. These results provide the important reference for the promoting cultivation of kiwifruit in Xiangxi.
    Quad-Stage Teaching and Practice for the Intern Students of Physical Education
    LIU Shao-Ying, WU Yong-Hai, WANG Yue-Ying
    journal6, 2015, 36(6):  88-91. 
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    The effects of quad-stage teaching model are explored through questionnaire and field visit among the intern students of physical education in Jishou University.It is found that the quad-stage model can improve progressive learning and cultivate independent thinking,and the intern students can design scientific practice program through applying the knowledge acquired at schools.Some problems and corresponding suggestions are presented to improve the quad-stage teaching model.
    Curriculum Design of Special Physical Education in Korea:A Case Study in Yongin University
    ZUO ErFei
    journal6, 2015, 36(6):  92-95. 
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    The major of Special Physical Education in Yongin University of Korea is aimed at cultivating professional instructors of rehabilitation and physical exercises for special population.The curriculum includes general compulsory and optional courses,basic and compulsory specialized courses,which demonstrates the characteristics of professional curriculum in Korea.This curriculum and its characteristics can be used for reference in adjusting and optimizing physical education curriculum structure and improving teacher professional development in China.
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