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    15 March 2001, Volume 22 Issue 1
    Key disciplines
    The Accumulation of Free Proline in Mosses Under High Temperature Stress
    LIU Ying-Di, LI He-Ping, XIAO Dong-Lin
    journal6, 2001, 22(1):  1-3. 
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    A study on the accumulation of free proline in two species of mosses, Plagiomnium acutum ( Lindb. ) T.Kop. and Thuidium cymbifolium ( Doz. et Molk. ) Doz. et Molk. under high temperature stress was carried out in Apr. 2000. The results showed that the high temperature stress as well as water stress could cause the proline accumulation in mosses under high temperature stress. The free proline contents in the samples increased with the rise of temperature and the prolonging of time within a certain range of temperature stress. The relationship between the average value of free proline content and the temperature is an S - formed curve. When the temperature rose f rom 35 ℃ to 50 ℃, the free proline contents increased by about 3 times.
    Tissue Culture of Gerbera jamesonii Bolus
    HUANG Heng-Yu, LI Li, YANG Sheng-Hui
    journal6, 2001, 22(1):  4-6. 
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    Because the fruiting rate and germinat ive percentage of Gerbe rajame sonii Bolus are lower, tissue culture was explored to solve the propagating problem in the product ion. The results show that the shoot-tip is the best mate rial in speeding propagation among the three explants ( shoot- tip, stem and petiole) as it has the bigges tinductivity,the best growth and it is easy to be inducted adventitious buds.The suitable phytohormone compositions toninduct callus, adventitious buds and roots are respectively: MS+ BA 1. 0 mg•L-1+ IBA 0. 05mg•L-1+sugar 3.0%, Ms+BA2. 0 mg•L-1+ IAA 0. 5 mg•L-1+ sugar 3. 0% or Ms+ Kt 3. 0 mg•L-1+ IAA 0. 05 mg•L-1+ sugar 3. 0% , and Ms+ NAA 0. 3 mg•L-1+ IBA 0. 3 mg•L-1+ sugar 3. 0%.
    The Utilizaton of Micronucleus Test Technique in Vicia f aba Root Tips to Monitor the Pollution of Fengyu Lake
    CHEN Yi-Guang, ZHANG Li, ZHAO Yu-Wen
    journal6, 2001, 22(1):  7-9. 
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    The paper reports that micronucleus test technique of Vicia faba root tips has been used in monitoring the pollution of Fengyu Lake in Jishou City. The results of statistical analysis show that each of the samples can make the micronucleus frequence of Vicia faba go up. The micronucleus frequence in Saziao, the Entrance, the Synthetial Building and the Hospi tal reach 10. 95‰, 13. 58‰, 7.94‰ and 6. 77‰, The micronu cleus frequence in the east of the Bridge, the west of the Bridge, the side of Road and the Exitr each 12. 03‰, 10. 84‰, 8. 05‰ and 12. 76‰. The result shows: Saziao and the Entrance are the mos t serious pollution sources, and the ability of water purification is very weak.
    The Saturated Vapour Pressure in the Electrostatic Field and the Exploration on the Perpetual- motion Machine of the Second Kind
    LI De-Jun, ZHAO He-Ping, PENG Jin-Zhang
    journal6, 2001, 22(1):  10-12. 
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    When a pure liquid is subjected to an uniform external static field, the external field will alter the interaction among molecules, and decrease the soturated vapour pressure of the liquid. This paper calculated the numerical value of the saturated vaporpres sure of the liquid with the external field and without it .From the calculated results, disscussed one cycle process.The thing interesting people is that the cycle process concerns seemingly the perpetual- motion machine of the second kind.
    Doctoral Forum
    Two Types of Solutions of Complex Order-higher Algebraic Differential Equations
    GAO Ling-Yun
    journal6, 2001, 22(1):  13-16. 
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    Using Nevanlinna theory of the value distribution of meromorphic functions,we investigate the problem of the existence of transcendental meromorphic solutions and algebraical solutions of some higher- order algebraic differential equations and obtain two further results.
    Design of Multifilter Banks and Orthonormal Multiwavelet With Scale=a
    YANG Shou-Zhi
    journal6, 2001, 22(1):  17-21. 
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    The form of parametric expression for orthogonal multi fil ter banks wi th scale= a( a≥2, a∈Z) is presented. Based on the parametric expression for orthogonal multifilter banks with scale= a, a method for construction orthonormal multiwavelets is given. Finally the example for construct ion multiwavelets is also given.
    Physics and electronics
    The Basic Equation Group of Rheological Material Containing Defects ( Ⅱ)
    YUAN Long-Wei
    journal6, 2001, 22(1):  22-28. 
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    With the material of polyvinyl chlorde- board, experiments to study its thermo- electromagnetic coupling effect when it being drowing and loading were made. Some conclusions concerned were drawn.
    The Exceptional Solutions of Goormaghtigh’s Equation (x3-1)/(x-1)=(yn-1)/(y- 1)
    LE Mao-Hua
    journal6, 2001, 22(1):  29-32. 
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    In this paper we prove that the exceptional solutions ( x , y , n) of Goormaghtigh’s equation (x3-1)/(x-1)=(yn-1)/(y- 1) satisfy gcd( x , y ) > 1 and y |\x .
    The Constrained  Optimizations Problem of the Inhomogeneous Eigenvalue for Symmetric Triple Diagonal Matrices
    HUANG Xian-Tong, LIU Han-Bo
    journal6, 2001, 22(1):  33-39. 
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    The paper discusses the constrained optimizations problem of the inhomogeneous eigenvalue for symmetric triple diagonal matrix. The related numerical method and example are given.
    Physics and electronics
    The Research on Multi-charge Solitons in a One- dim Mesoscopic Tunnel Junction Array
    ZHENG Xiao-Hong, XIA Li-Xin, KUANG Le-Man
    journal6, 2001, 22(1):  40-43. 
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    We adopt a semi- classical model and study the potential distribution of a one-dim mesoscopic tunnel junction array when there are many excess electrons in it. We show that there exist multi- charge solitons in one-dim array of mesoscopic tunnel junctions. The main feature of a multi- charge soliton is that its potential peak splits into many peaks. Each island that contains an excess electron corresponds to a potential peak. Meanwhile, we find that the single charge soliton equivalent is also applicable in dealing with multi- charge solitons.
    CORBA Application on Mobile Network Management
    XIAO Yu-Jun, LIU Hong, WANG Huai-Min
    journal6, 2001, 22(1):  44-46. 
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    The paper simply introduces mobile network management’s application background and the distributed object; the paper also analyzes out of the deficiency of the tradition network server of the tradition operation system for developing C/S distributed application. Thus we introduces CORBA andmainly expatiates on CORBA’s application about mobile network management and its model scheme.
    Chemistry and chemical engineering
    Experiments on Moving Neutralization Reaction Boundary Formed by Strong Electrolytes in Homemade Apparatus
    ZHOU Shu-Lin, CAO Cheng-Xi, CHEN Wen-Kui, HE You-Zhao, QU Qi-Chu, YANG Li
    journal6, 2001, 22(1):  47-51. 
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    In this paper, an experimental method was introduced for isoelectric focusing ( IEF) and moving neutralization reaction boundary (MNRB) , the experimental conditions were optimized. With the introduced method and optimized conditions, the experiments of MNRB were performed with strong reactive electrolytes of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide. The results shown experiment were quantitatively in coincidence with the predictions with the theory of moving chemical reaction boundary (MCRB) .The experimental method is of importance significance for studies on IEF and MNRB.
    Fourier Analysis of Linear Multistep Methods for Partial Difference Equation
    LIN Li-Dong
    journal6, 2001, 22(1):  52-55. 
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    In this paper, it is discussed how to reduce linear multistep formulas to onestep vector form, treating first explicit formulas and then implicit ones.The formulas are analysed by Fourier methods and solvability as sumption is given.
    Distribution of Difference Between Lehmer D H Number and Its Inverse
    GAO Li, ZHAO Zhen
    journal6, 2001, 22(1):  56-58. 
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    Let n ≥3 be an odd number and contain a primitive root, for each 1≤a < n with ( a, n ) = 1, It is clear that there exists one and only one 1  a < n such that a a ≡1(mod n) . Such number a is called as lehmer D H number if a and  a are of opposite parity. This paper is to study the dist ribution property of difference between lehmer D H number and its inverse by use the estimation of kloos terman’s sum. and given an asymptotic formula.
    Free- space Single- receiver Measurement for the Complex Permittivity Tensor of Anisotropic Materials
    LI Chun-Yan, DONG Tian-Lin
    journal6, 2001, 22(1):  59-63. 
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    Complex values of permittivity of general anisotropic materials are manufactured by free- space single- receiver measurement method. The interaction of electromagnetic wave with anisotropic slab is of importance. An application of a grounded anisot ropic slab is included to formulate the expression of reflection coefficient and complex permittivity tensor. The values of reflection coefficient at different incidence angles are calculated and analyzed.
    Algorithm Research on Numerical Value Derivative
    ZHOU Xiao-Qing, WU Yun-Wen, DAI Wei, HUANG Guo-Sheng
    journal6, 2001, 22(1):  64-68. 
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    Based on the defini tion of derivative, the both algorithm on Numerical value derivative are investigated, general program to calculate derivative of aleatoric function is designed, and point out that precision can be raised if along exponent curve approaching zero.
    Chemistry and chemical engineering
    Stannous Oxide Catalytic Synthesize Propyl Furoate
    CHEN Xiao-Yuan, FANG Hong-Yun, FANG Xue-Li, YOU Zhi-Xin
    journal6, 2001, 22(1):  69-70. 
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    The way using crude material furoic acid and propyl alcohol to synthesize propyl furoate is researched by catalyst stannous oxide. The yield is 77% .The product is late model synthesize spice.
    Treating the Vitrioled Scoria Leaked From Electrolysis Zinc With Lime Coal Cinder
    AI Ming-Ming
    journal6, 2001, 22(1):  71-74. 
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    Treating the cinder leaked from electrolysis Zinc( Zn) which contains the contest of Zinc(Zn) being 2.4%, the contest of Cadmium( Cd) being 0.78%. The level after dealing can come up to the level controled by country.
    The Preparation of Nanometer Zinc Oxide by Sol-Gel Precursor Method
    LI Dong-Sheng, SHI Zhen-Min, QIN Zhen-Ping, WANG Wen-Liang, WANG Ji-Wu
    journal6, 2001, 22(1):  75-77. 
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    The powders of gel precursors were prepared by using the stearic acid, the citric acid and oxalate gel methods, respectively.And nanometer ZnO was obtained through calcination at the appointing temperature base on the data of thermal analysis of the gel precursors.The XRD and SEM showed that the three methods could be used to synthesise hexagonal ZnO nanometer powder, compare with other methods, ZnO nanometer powder prepared by the first method has higher crystal linity, better dispersity with sphere-shaped.
    Study on Synthesis of Dibutyl Maleate
    WEN Rui-Ming, LONG Li-Ping, DING Liang-Zhong, YU Shan-Xin
    journal6, 2001, 22(1):  78-80. 
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    Dibutyl maleatewas prepared from maleic anhydride and n-butyl alcohol in the presence of p-toluene sulphonic acid. The yield of the ester could reach 95.6% under amount of substance ratio of maleic anhydride, n-butyl alcohol and p-toluene sulphonic acid were 1:4:0. 16, refluxing and water segrating for 70 min.The catalytic activities of p- toluene sulphonic acid, sulfuric acid, Ferric chloride hexahydrate and ammonium ferric sulfate dodecahydrate et al. in synthesis of dibutyl maleate also were comparison.
    The Function Appraisal and Reforms of the International Monetary Fund ( IMF)
    QU Hong, RAO Yu-Lei
    journal6, 2001, 22(1):  81-83. 
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    The IMF is one of three mainstays of postwar international economic order, its functions mainly include:Exercising surveil lance of exchange rate , providing temporary financial as sistance and promoting international economic cooperation.Though the IMF plays an important role in the international financial mechanism, with the development of economic inte gration and financial globalization, it has to be reformed . The thinking of reform of the IMF is discussed from strengthening the status and effect of developing countries in IMF , establishing pre-warning mechanism of financial situation , establishing reserves and improving the supervision of the international capital flows.
    Scientific research bulletin
    A Probe Into University Journal Editor’s Corporate Identity Consciousness
    TIAN Xiao-Hong
    journal6, 2001, 22(1):  84-86. 
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    Corporate Identity, Which is composed of Mind Identity, Behavior Identity and Visual Identity, is a theory of the modern enterprise marketing and management. The extension of editor’s duty and the self-development of the journals require that an editor be of CI consciousness which includes the correct location of MI, the carrying out of BIand the Outward convey of VI.
    The Existence Uniquencess and Stability of the Periodic Solution of the Time-varing Linear System
    ZHONG Wen-Yong, XIANG Zi-Gui
    journal6, 2001, 22(1):  87-89. 
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    The theorem on existence uniqueness and stability of the n-order time-varing linear system is investigated by the ideas in [ 1] . The results obtained in the paper get rid of the di fferentiable and slowly changing conditions in the theorem in [ 1] .
    The Technical Advance in Synthes is of Vanillin
    LI Hui, YIN Du-Lin
    journal6, 2001, 22(1):  90-93. 
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    The production technology of vanillin resulting from various of kinds of materials and the new advance and developing tendency of the extraction-separation techniques have been summarized in the article.
    A Simple Explanation of P. E. Programmed Teaching Methodology
    TU Shao-Sheng, XIAO Hong-Qing
    journal6, 2001, 22(1):  94-96. 
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    P. E. Programmed Teaching Methodology is one of the new teaching methods in modern P. E. teaching ( Besides, there are some other methods, such as sectional Method, Netted Method and Method) . This article is simply about the formation and development of this method, its features and patterns, and its programming approach.The aim is to provide a new way of thinking for the development of P. E. teaching.
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