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    15 June 2001, Volume 22 Issue 2
    The Diophantine Equation 2m+1=3yn
    LE Mao-Hua
    journal6, 2001, 22(2):  1-4. 
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    In this paper we prove that the equation has no positive integer solutions ( y , m, n) sat isfying n> 2, n> 1 and y> 1.
    A Comparison Theorem and Its Application  for Nonlinear Differential Equations
    ZHANG Hong-Qian
    journal6, 2001, 22(2):  5-10. 
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    In this paper, a new comparison theorem is discussed. By use of this comparison result , the existence of maximal and minimal solution for nonlinear integro-differential equations of mixed type in Banach spaces are investigated.
    Unascertained Group
    YANG Zhi-Min
    journal6, 2001, 22(2):  11-13. 
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    In this paper the definition and theorems of unascertained subgroup are introduced.And on this basis,the relationship between unascertained subgroup and fuzzy and general subgroup is discussed.There are also studies of unascertained normal subgroup.
    Some Löwner Partial Orders for Kronecker Products and Compound Matrices of Schur Complements of Matrices
    TAN Li, LIU Jian-Zhou, WANG Wen-Jie
    journal6, 2001, 22(2):  14-16. 
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    In this paper, combining generalized Schur complements of matrices with Kronecker products of matrices and compound matrices, we study some Löwner partial orders for Kronecker products and compound matrices of products of Schur complements of matrices, and obtain an inequality for singular values of Kronecker products of matrices, thus improve recent results.
    The Basic Equation Group of Rheological Material Containing Defects (III)
    YUAN Long-Wei
    journal6, 2001, 22(2):  17-27. 
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    Based on the experimental results of local temperature field and pyromagnetic effect at the process zone of the crack-tip formed in the evolution period of defects, in this paper, the expressions of thermo-mechanical coupling and thermo-elect romagnetic coupling effects in the basic equation group of rheological material containing defects are first proposed.
    Chemistry and chemical engineering
    Differences of Weak and Strong Base Action in Moving Neutralization Reaction Boundary Under Existence of 0. 1 M KCl
    ZHOU Shu-Lin, CAO Cheng-Xi
    journal6, 2001, 22(2):  28-32. 
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    Moving Chemical Reaction Boundary (MCRB) can be created with strong acid of HCl and strong alkali of NaOH or weak alkali of NH3•H2O in certain conditions, but the velocity of reaction boundary is different, because of the dif ferent degree of electrodeparture between strong and weak alkali. In this paper, we not only confirm the difference, but the result acc ord well with colculate in theory.
    Exploring the Decomposition of KNO3 Supported on Zeolite KL by Use of GC- MSD and TPDE Methods
    XUE Jun, ZHU Jian-Hua, CHUN Yuan
    journal6, 2001, 22(2):  33-35. 
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    A new method combined gas chromatograph-mass detector ( GC - MSD) and temperature-programmed decomposition (TPDE) is firstly applied to explore the decomposition of KNO3 supported on zeolite KL. Different pyrolysis process is thus found depending on the amount of KNO3 supported.
    Key disciplines
    Study on POD Activate of Kiwifruit
    SHI Jin-Xiao, LIU Ying-Di, LI Jing, CHEN Jun
    journal6, 2001, 22(2):  36-37. 
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    In di fferent sexuales, growth termes and organs , there are the regulari t ies on POD activate of Kiwifruit , Actinidia deliciosa CF.Liang et AR Ferguson CVMil iang- 1 and male plant , Bangzen- 1: female plants> male plants; rates> stemes> pelioles> leaves> young fruites; fruits temes> vain s temes> young plants of shift> seedlinges.The resul ts showed that POD activate relate to sexuales of the plant and ages of di fferent organs. The difference on POD is foundation that judges sexual of Kiwi frui t and one of foundations whether or not it is young plants of shift.
    Studies of Akebia Decne. in Western Hunan China
    ZHANG Xiao-Rong, CHEN Yi-Guang
    journal6, 2001, 22(2):  38-40. 
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    Based on the spot investigation of Akebia Decne. of Wes tern Hunan, the author has found that two species and one variety species are widely dist ributed in Western Hunan Region.This paper focuses on the geographical distribution, biologcal characteristics of these three species, and also mentions some proposals at to the exploitation of this resource.
    Investigation on the Conitis of Nitrate and Heavy Metal of the Common Vegetable of Jishou Count
    QIN Yu-Zhi, CHEN Jian-Rong, CHEN Jun
    journal6, 2001, 22(2):  41-43. 
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    The contents of ni trate and heavy metal Pb、 Hg、 Cd of 25 kinds of vegetable from Jishou c ount of Hunan province have been analyzed. The results showed that more than 95% kinds of ve getable have been polluted by nitrate,and none of them were pol luted by heavy metal Pb,Hg, Cd yet, according to the res tric ted s tandard of food at the contents of ni trate and heavy metal, made by WHO in 1973.
    Doctoral Forum
    Matrix Extension and Compactly Supported Multi- wavelet
    CUI Li-Hong, YAN Yun-Sheng
    journal6, 2001, 22(2):  44-49. 
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    An n @ r mat rix P ( z ) , n [ r, wi th Laurent polynomial entries in one comple x variable z, can be e xtended to a paraunitary mat rix, and when n≥3 parauni tary extendingisn. t unique.The algori thm can be applied to the const ruction of compactly supported wavelets and pre wavelets from multi resolutions generated by serveral univariate scaling functions with an arbi trary di lation parpmeter. Finally, the corresponding examples are given.
    Key words :
    The Bifurcation Problems of a Class of Duffing Equation
    JIN Yin-Lai
    journal6, 2001, 22(2):  50-53. 
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    In this paper, we studied the exis tence problems of limit cycles of a class of Duffing equation x= y,y= x+y+xy. The bifurcation method was used to analyze the bifurcation after the homoclinic and periodic orbi t of the unperturbed sys tem was perturbed to break. The condi tions were given to ensure the generation of limit cycles.
    Photocatalysis Removal of Halogenated Compound in Drinking Water
    LU Xiu-Guo, LIU Han-Dong
    journal6, 2001, 22(2):  54-57. 
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    The dringing wa ter including halogenated compound, such as CHCl3, has been handled by photocatalys t : the powder of TiO2.The optimum photo removal condi t ions are as fol lows: the mas s c oncentration of CHCl3 is 100 g/ L and its Volume is 50 ml, the quanti ty of eatalyst is 0. 4 g, the time of photo radiation is 3. 0 h, the acidi ty of the aqueous solut ion is 1 *10- 9 mol/ L [ H+] , the photo removal ratio of CHCl3 is over 95. 0%. At the same time, the mechanism of photocatalytic conversion of CHCl3 has been preliminari ly probed, and i t is proved that TiO2 photo removal of CHCl3 follows the formula of one - order reaction rate: ln C= - 0. 75t+ 4. 30.
    A Study on Invariant Trans form of Riccati Differatial Equation
    ZHAO Lin-Long, CHENG Bo, WANG Ke-Gang
    journal6, 2001, 22(2):  58-59. 
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    Using l inear trans form, a invariant transform of generalized Riccat i equation was given.
    More Generalized Simultaneous Approximation With Restricted Ranges
    LUO Xian-Fa, ZHONG Wen-Yong, LI Xian-Ming, TAN Li
    journal6, 2001, 22(2):  60-63. 
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    In this paper, by using a general number sequence space, the charac terization and the unicity of best simultaneous approximations by functions having restricted ranges are obtained.
    Chemistry and chemical engineering
    Predispered Solvent Extraction Technology and Its Application in Biological Separation
    ZHANG Xin, ZHANG Ping, CAI Shui-Hong, LIU Hong-Lai
    journal6, 2001, 22(2):  64-66. 
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    In this paper, the principle and current research actuali ty of predispered solvent ext raction have been summarized, and the superiori ty in biological separa t ion is discus sed.
    Research Developments and Application Perspective of the Iron Chipping Microelecyrolysis Processing Industrial Wastewater
    OUYang-Yu-Zhu , WANG Ji-Hui
    journal6, 2001, 22(2):  67-70. 
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    Synthetic Developments of Anti- cacer Drug Genistien
    CAI Xiao-Hua, YAO Zu-Feng, YAN Wen-Bin, LIU Hong
    journal6, 2001, 22(2):  71-74. 
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    This paper introduces the synthetic development of genistien, including its intermediates deoxybenzion.
    The Internal Control Over the Information System of Electric- computerised Accounting
    LI Ke-Shuang
    journal6, 2001, 22(2):  75-78. 
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    The electric- computerised accounting demands new internal control sys tem, for the one over manual accounting cannot satisfy the needs of electric- computerisation. The ne w internal control system, thus, becomes evenmore necessary. The electric- computerisat ion e xerts a great influence on and add new substance in the internal control over accounting.
    The Sustainable Development Strategy of Tourist Trade in the Town of Fenghuang
    WANG Zhao-Feng, YI Bi-Wu
    journal6, 2001, 22(2):  79-81. 
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    This article discusses the main subs tance of the sustainable development of tourist t rade in the town of Fenghuang in Hunan province. It puts forward relevant principles and measures.
    A Brief of Analysis of Holiday Economy's Influence on City Planning
    TANG Xiao-Lan, CHEN Gong-Xi
    journal6, 2001, 22(2):  82-85. 
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    The thesis discus ses the influence of holiday economy on ci ty planning through the analysis of phenomena of human behaviors during holiday in ci ties. Aimed at the problems exposed in ci ty planning, the thesis analyzes the newrequi rements for ci ty planning from several aspec ts, and proposes corresponding solutions.
    Scientific research bulletin
    The Projection Matrix of the Commonality Vertical Line of the Different Surace Beeline
    QIN Song-Tao
    journal6, 2001, 22(2):  86-87. 
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    The paper discusses an expres sion of the projection matrix of the commonali ty vertical line of the di fferent surface beeline and educes the distance expression of the different surface beeline.
    This essay introduces Asymmetric Digi tal Subscriber Line ( ADSL) , a new transmis sion technology of broadband acces s network , goes further into ADSL basic theory and key technology , compares i ts advantages and disadvantages with the old tec hnology of acces s network, and shows i ts future development.
    LI Fang-Jun, PENG Yi
    journal6, 2001, 22(2):  88-90. 
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    A Method for Database on Windows NT
    LI Zong-Shou, CHEN Cheng
    journal6, 2001, 22(2):  91-93. 
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    This art icle introduces the method for C langua ge and foxpro sharing database on Windows NT.
    Analysis of Physical Fitness Test Results in Students of Jishou University
    XIAO Hong-Qing, LIU Shao-Ying, ZUO Yan
    journal6, 2001, 22(2):  94-96. 
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    Colleges and universi ties are places for training qual ified personnnel of all- round development of morali ty,intelligence, physique and aesthet ics. The aim of school physical educat ion is to a ttain the objective of all- round phy ical fi tness development through planned and purposeful physical education teaching . The students tes t of Grade 97~99 shows that the f reshmen , that is, Grade 99 physical fi thess is velatively poor: the boys  chin- up, 1 000- meterrace, and gi rls shot put, 50- meter dash and 800- meter race .After having a year s general course , the s tudents  of Grade 98 physical fi tness has greatly improved . And af ter a year s elective c ourse , the students of Grade 97 physical fi tenss level has made marked progress .
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