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    15 April 2005, Volume 26 Issue 2
    Homoclinic Orbits and Periodic Solitons for a Class of Boussinesq Equations
    LI Zheng-Biao, DAI Zheng-De
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  1-4. 
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    arized stability analysis,the authors get the existence of homoclinic orbits for “bad” Bq equation and periodic solitons for “good” Bq equation.Then,by the Hirota's bilinear method,the exact expressions of homoclinic orbits and periodic solitons are obtained respectively,and the authors find there is blow-up phenomenon for the soliton solutions.
    Extrapolation for Numerical Solutions of Boundary Value Problems Based on Boundary Element Methods
    LIU Jing-Hong, ZHU Qi-Ding
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  5-8. 
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    This paper solves elliptic boundary value problems by boundary element methods and mainly studies an extrapolation method for Poisson integral equation by means of Galerkin solution of this equation.Furthermore,for numerical solutions of boundary value problems,extrapolation results with O(h3) accuracy are obtained.
    The  Crossing  Numbers  of  Cartesian  Products of  Paths  with 6-Vertex  Graphs
    WANG Jing, HUANG Yuan-Qiu
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  9-13. 
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    The crossing number  of a graph  is the minimum number of pairwise intersections of edges in a drawing of  in the plane.It is well known that the crossing number of a graph is attained only in good drawings of the graph,which are those drawings where no edge crosses itself,no adjacent edges cross each other,and no two edges intersect more than once.Computing the crossing number of a given graph has been proved to be NP-complete.It is very difficult to determine the exact crossing number of a given graph for its complicity.The crossing numbers of few families of graphs are known so far,most of which are Cartesian Products of special graphs,such as Cartesian Products of paths,cycles or stars with “s
    mall” vertex graphs.On these basis,this paper extends the results to the Cartesian Products of paths of length  with four special 6-vertex graphs by using the induction method.
    Physics and electronics
    Character Recognition Based on Wavelet Preconditioning and Neural Network
    TANG Sheng-Xue, HE Yi-Gang
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  14-17. 
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    A new  method of character recognition based on the wavelet preconditioning and neural network is introduced.Character is preconditioned by wavelet transfore,and the energy characteristics are drawn.This method reduces the dimension number of character recognition,has higher rate of convergency and smaller network size than the neural network way without wavelet preconditioning,and exhibits a better and more effective recognition of the fuzzy noise-containing characters.
    Biological resources
    Calcium Distribution in the Anthers of Baotai Type Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Rice During its Development
    XIA Kuai-Fei, LIANG Cheng-Ye, YE Xiu-Lin, XU Xin-Lan, WANG Ya-Qin
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  18-23. 
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    Potassium pyroantimonate technique was used to investigate the Ca2+distribution in the anthers of Baotai type cytoplasmic male-sterile rice (Ozyra sativa L.) and its maintainer line.There were some differences between sterile and fertile anthers during the pollen mother cell stage.Some Ca2+ were found in epidermal cells,endothecium and vascular bundle of the sterile rice,whereas almost no Ca2+in fertile anthers.The differences were further improved at the meiosis stage.Ca2+ in cells of sterile anthers' wall and vascular bundle  apparently increased,especially at tapetal cells and the second wall of trachea.It was manifested that at the early stage of anther's development,gene expression and metabolism of fertility in the sterile and fertile anthers appeared differences,which caused the pollen abortion afterwards.The phenomena offered a new ponder for us on the male sterile mechanism research of the rice.In other words,we should seek the mechanism of rice male sterile at the early development of anther.
    Methods in the Preparation of F-Type ATP Synthase
    ZHU Jie-
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  24-28. 
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    As the energy currency of the cell,ATP is mainly produced by the catalysis of ATP synthase in the mitochondria.In the past 50 years,scientists have done  much on ATP synthase’s structure and its function already,but people  have known more about function but fewer about the mechanism,so there is much more work to do.High purified ATPase which should come first is the key factor in the study of enzyme’s structure and catalytic mechanism.So isolation of the ATP synthase has become the primary work for the researchers who want to study it.This article has summarized and introduced some valuable methods in the isolation of mitochondria and submitochondria,and purification of ATP synthase,and the assay of the enzyme’s activities in details respectively.
    Doctoral Forum
    A Construction Method of the Pairs of Wavelet Bases
    JIANG Li, HUANG Hui, HU Gui-Wu, ZENG Xiu
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  29-32. 
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    According to the infinite product formula of scaling function's Fourier transform,combined with the Fourier transform relation between a function and its Hilbert transform,the paper derived an condition on how two wavelet bases constructed from two conjugate quadrature filters can be pairs of wavelet bases,and proposed a method on how to construct the pairs of wavelet bases.At the same time,a discrete  numerical solution for the filters  h0  and  g0  of minimal length that satisfy the derivate condition was presented.
    Dynamic Nonlinear Analysys of 3D Upper-Loeer Interactional Parts in Time Domain
    XIONG Hui, ZOU Yin-Sheng
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  33-38. 
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    A simplified 3D finite-element model which can be availably applied to analyzing the dynamic nonlinear effect on pile-supported superstructure system in layered soil-field is presented.The real-time movement of the system is simulated based on the reasonable description about the behavior of contact on interface of pile-soil and the viscous-spring boundary under dynamic condition.It is indicated that the nonlinear characteristic of slide or debonding in pile-soil interface largely influence the structural response,even if subjected to non-strong shock.So the perfect bond hypothesis may not be suitable for estimating the dynamic behaviour of pile-bearing structures effectively.
    Ruin Probability in a Double-Type-Insurance Risk Model with Markov-Modulated Premium Rate
    HE Shu-Hong, CHEN Yan
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  39-42. 
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    A double-type-insurance risk model with Markov-modulated premium rate is introduced.Under the condition of double-type-insurance,a integral equation for the conditional ruin probability is obtained.Furthermore,a recursive inequality for the ruin probability with the stationary initial distribution and the upper bound for the ruin probability with no initial reserve are given.
    Research on the Real Exchange Rate of RMB
    YANG Wen-Chao
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  43-46. 
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    In the long-term,China should adopt a flexible exchange-rate policy that varies according to the supply and demand of market.But in the short-term,government should take some non-market measures to keep the stability of exchange rate so as to reduce risks and fluctuation.Facing the increasing world opinions on RMB appreciation,the author,starting with analyzing the causes of RMB revaluation pressure and the  factors that make RMB exchange rate fluctuate,obtains a conclusion that RMB exchange rate must  remain stable in the near future,and Chinese government should adjust related policy timely to reduce the pressure of RMB appreciation and improve the function of exchange rate policy.
    Analysis of Game Theory on the Price of Layoff Mechanism for Human Resource
    LEI Yong, PU Yong-Jian
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  47-50. 
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    The new thought of using game theory to study the price of layoff mechanism for human resource management was put forward.Two main ideas on layoff mechanism and one sufficient and necessary condition of layoff mechanism were introduced.Under the conditions of imperfect information and linear stratagems for enterprise and employee,two games as non-arbitrage and arbitrage price on the layoff were discussed.The research showed that the dominant stratagems were linear on non-arbitrage game and single prices on arbitrage game for enterprise and employee.The base of the pricing of layoff mechanism is to quantitate three kinds of income functions.
    Key disciplines
    Preparation of Cubic Nano-Powder (ZrO2 )0.9-(CaO)0.1 Powder by Low Temperature to Calcine Method
    LIU Jian-Ben, WU Xian-Ming, ZOU Jian-Peng, XIAO Zhuo-Bing, YAO Jun, CHEN Shang
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  51-53. 
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    With zirconium oxychloride,nitrate of lime and amonium as the raw materials,nanometer-sized powder of (ZrO20.9-(CaO)0.1  was prepared by chemical coprecipitation method under the doping of nitrate of lime and 600 ℃ to calcine.The grain was tested by the TEM and BET analysis,and phase structure was analysed through XRD and Raman spectrum.All the results indicated that the powder's particle size is 8.9 nm and cubic crystal particle is 0.5 nm.
    Nonliner Response of  an One-Dimensional Superlattice by a THz Electric Field
    HAN Hai-Qiang, MI Xian-Wu
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  54-57. 
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    With a THz electric field,an electron in a one-dimensional would be located.Using a relaxation-time approximation for scattering,the density matrix equation of motion within a single miniband is solved.The author obtained the electronic response by calculating the dipole moment,and analyzed the power dissipated.The collisions are crucial in eliminating transients.The optical properties of superlattice depend on the dynamic localization of electrons.
    Design Optimization and Implementation of  DDS Based on  EP1K30TC-114
    CHEN Bing-Quan, TANG Sheng-Xue
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  58-61. 
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    In order to improve the system speed and signal quality,reform the systematic controllability,and reduce the costs,the author  utilizes Field Programmable Gate Array  FPGA chip EP1K30TC-144 to realize the Direct Digital Frequency Synthesis  (DDS ).The author states the  principle of DDS and the ideas for its design in FPGA,gives the optimization and implementation methods,and describes the circuit structure.The VHDL sourse program that DDS is formed is provided;thus the shortcomings of the limit frequency band range of the special purpose DDS chip and the stray and great output are overcome.
    Marketing Problems of Hunan Laodie Co. and the Countermeasures
    ZHANG Hai-Yan, LENG Zhi-Ming
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  62-64. 
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    Though Laodie Co. has won some marketing achievements,there still exist some problems,i.e. lack of marketing strategic plan,shortness of marketing talents,rough distribution,no guarantee for the product quality,inadequate strength of advertisment,and so on.After analyzing these problems,the paper gives some countermeasures,such as strengthening the marketing strategic plan and crisis consciousness education,enhancing the company's competitiveness,building a brand strategy,stabilizing the product quality,reinforcing the publicity campaign,improving the quality of the whole sales force,etc to make the company develop and expand.
    Thinking on the New Type of Industrialization in Xiangxi Autonmous Prefecture
    YE Ming-Xia
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2005, 26(2):  65-67. 
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    The first choice to develop economy under the conditions of socialism market economy is the new type of industrialization.The major ways of new-type industrialization in Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture are considered in the light of the local economic situation.
    Oscillations of 2n Order Nonlinear ODE with Impulses
    ZHANG Chao-Long, ZENG Fan-Fu
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  68-71. 
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    Oscillations of higher order nonlinear ordinary differential equation with impulses are investigated,and some sufficient conditions about oscillations of higher order nonlinear  ordinary differential equations with impulses are obtained.The effect of impulse upon the oscillation of solutions is stressed.
    The Iterative Approximation of a New Sequence of Linear Positive Operators
    WANG Xiao-Bin
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  72-74. 
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    The iterative approximation of a new sequence of linear positive operators is studied.A Voronovskaja type asymptotic formula and an estimate on error in terms of higher-order modulus of continuity for the operators are obtained,which generalize the corresponding work of the reference.
    Localization of Commutative Semi-Modules
    CAO Wei-Hong, HE Xiao-Fei
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  75-78. 
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    Localization is defined and according to the definition,some properties of localization are discussed.It is proved that the localization of a commutative semi-module satisfies the universal property.
    Elementary Approximations of Classical Emden Equations on Unit Ball
    YAO Qing-Liu
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  79-82. 
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    By improving classical monotone iterative technique,an elementary approximation process and correspondent error estimate are given for classical Emden equations in unit ball.This elementary approximation process starts  with the constant function,and is feasible and efficient.
    Positive Solutions for Singular Critical Elliptic Problems
    GONG Yan
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  83-86. 
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    The author deals with the conditions of the existence of the singular elliptic equation -Δpu=|u|r-2u+( |u|p(s)-2u)/(|x|s)+ f(x,u). An analysis on the (P.S.) sequence of the variational functionals corresponding to the equations is given and a local compactness result is obtained.By choosing special Mountain Pass theorem and energy estimate,the author obtains that if  the variational functionals corresponding to the equations satisfy local (P.S.) condition,there exsits a critical point,then the author proves the  exitence of positive solutions.
    Education and teaching
    System Forecasting of the Demand for Regional Higher Vocational Education
    BAO Feng-Yu, ZHAO Dong-Ming
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  87-90. 
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    For the variables and data which influence the demand for regional higher vocational education from the year of 1998 to 2002 in Liaoning Province,this paper sets up multi-regression analysis model and BP artificial neural network model.The results show that,after being exercised,the network can provide nonlinear mapping relation between independent variables and dependent variables.The model has precise and good forecasting effect.
    Research of the Spatial Data Administrative Technology in Geographical Information System
    YANG Xi, PENG Jin-Zhang, LEI Ke-Jun
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  91-93. 
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    As the geographical information system(GIS) should provide a flexible and efficient access to the geographical information,using database to manage the geographical information is a developing tendency.The author discusses the key technology of using RDBMS to manage the spatial data during developing GIS with Visual C++.Some ideas to solve related problems are put forward.
    Credit and Risk Rank Evaluation for Consumer Paying Electric Power Charges
    GU Lin-Feng, YU Hu, WANG Lu, YAO Jian-Gang
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  94-97. 
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    Credit and risk rank evaluation for consumer paying electric power charges is an important means to guarantee the creditor's rights security and validity for power enterprises.This system utilizes the automatic collection procedure to gain data from power generation companies or enterprises’ original marketing and financial system,and then uses optimal fuzzy probability and neural network  to rank electrical fee credit for customers and establish electrical fee risk advance warning mechanism.Finally,according to the appraisal results,classification management measure is proposed to promote electrical fee recycling and guarantee power generation enterprises to fully cash their management products.
    Realization of Function Optimization with Genetic Algorithm in Matlab
    JIANG Dong-Chu- , HE Fei, XIANG Ji-Wen
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  98-100. 
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    By using the Matlab optimization toolbox,one-dimension and multi-demension variable function optimization is realized effectively with genetic algorithm(GA).Visual results and excellent performance can be obtained.A new method for the actual application of GA is established.
    Optimization Design of Line Illumination and Its Implementation and Simulation Based on MALTAB
    LIU Jing-Zhong, CAO Ai-Hua, LUO Wei
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  101-103. 
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    Discretization is used to discretize line source to point source;and reflecting concave to a series of points on a volute curve so as to solve the surface area problem formed with a combination of the straight light and the reflected light on the measuring screen 25 meters away.Meanwhile the simulation based on Matlab is also achieved.The result of the simulation accords with the theoretical result.This example  deals with the application of the discretization thoughts in mathematical modeling and the advantage of Matlab implementation and its simulation.
    Physics and electronics
    Design of the Burnable Gas Detector System Based on CAN Bus
    CAI Bing
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  104-106. 
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    By using distributed system,a new burnable gas detector system based on CAN bus is designed.Hardware circuit of the measure-control unit and software system are mainly discussed.The practice shows that the system is accurate and reliable.
    Phenomenon of Activity Chaos in the H2SO4Electrolyte
    PENG Pei-Fu, ZHANG Gui-Fang
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  107-109. 
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    Through the research on acid lead accumulator electrolyte chaos,the author discovered a phenomenon that when temperature and concentration of H2SO4electrolyte exceed a certain degree,its electromotive force fluctuates irregularly because of the irregularity of fluctuation activity.This is a representation of chaos.Furthermore,this essay illustrates the Bernard’s Equation of Neuto-Boussinesk and the equation of dynamics of evolvement.
    Research on the Credit Problem and Its Running Mechanism in Tourism Industry——Analysis and Research of the Tourism Industry in Zhangjiajie
    JIAN Yu-Feng, LIU Chang-Sheng
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  110-113. 
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    The paper points out the deficiency in the theoretical research of tourism credit problem and its running mechanism,and with an emphasis on the tourism credit problems in Zhangjiajie,discusses the major reasons for tourism industry credit problems.It finally puts forward the countermeasures for establishing running mechanism in tourism industry credit to promote sustainable,healthy and instant development.
    Research on Fostering the Marketing Subject of Agricultural Products and Increasing Peasants’ Income
    YANG Zong-Jin, PENG Yong-Sheng
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  114-116. 
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    In the light of the current situation of agricultural products circulation and markets at home and abroad,this paper analyses the changes of the income of Chinese peasants  since reform and opening-up,and points out that it will be more difficult to further increase the peasants' income.It is explained  that fostering the marketing subject of agricultural products can increase peasants’ income in four respects.Policies and measures are finally put forward to foster the marketing subjects of agricultural products.
    On the Fostering of “Consciousness on the Court” of Volleyball Players
    CHEN Shang-Yue, CHEN Zhuang
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  117-119. 
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    Volleyball is a collective sport,so the “consciousness on the court” seems extremely important,especially in the constantly changing match,and it is one of critical reasons for gain and loss.The ways to foster the “consciousness on the court” are proposed from the perspectives of physiology,psychology and so on.
    Scientific research bulletin
    Discussion on Rate of Lightning Striking Against Poles of Transmission Lines
    YAN Huai-Liang, LIU Ming-Guang
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  120-122. 
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    For transmission lines,the rate of lightning striking against poles directly affects the calculation of lightning trip-out rate.The former has not only relations to the topographic features,height and structure of poles but also to the amplitude and probability of lightning current.According to the rate recommended by “code”,the mean rate of lightning striking against poles of transmission lines is discussed with an electrogeometric model.
    Discussion of Chain-Like Network Equivalent Resistance
    REN Wen-Hui, PENG Pei-Fu, ZHANG Gui-Fang
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  123-125. 
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    This essay mainly deals with how to solve the limited chain-like network equivalent resistance by mother-function and inducing relation.Meanwhile,the arithmetic result of unlimited network is proved.After that,a new method is provided to resolve the problem of limited chain-like network.
    Solutions to the Environmental Problems of Chinese AutomobileIndustry After the Entry into WTO
    WANG Li-Xin
    journal6, 2005, 26(2):  126-128. 
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    After the entry into WTO,Chinese automobile industry faces many environmental  problems,such as how to break through the green trade barrier,how to deal with environmental pollution.The author analyses the present environmental situation of the automobile industry in China and the solutions to the environmental problems.
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