Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition)

• Characteristic column.Study on Wuling Mountain Area • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Value of the Tourism Performance "Meili Xiangxi" in Zhangjiajie City

YAO Wenlong,XIE Zhengfa   

  1. (Wuling Mountainous Area Poverty Alleviation and Development Research Center,Jishou University,Jishou  416000,Hunan  China)
  • Online:2017-01-25 Published:2017-01-17


As a domestic tourism performance with the theme of ethnic culture,"Meili Xiangxi" in Zhangjiajie makes great success in combining diversified cultural elements to bring ethnic culture to masses,popularizing positive social culture,and creating economic profits.This paper makes an attempt to identify the optimization path of tourism performance and to reflect on the authenticity,management and entertainment of ethnic art value displayed in tourism performance.

Key words: Meili Xiangxi, tourism performance, ethnic art, value, path, reflection

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