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    25 March 2020, Volume 41 Issue 3
    Methods of Proving Solution of the Heat Conduction Equation to be Analytic Function
    XING Jiasheng, YANG Yichuan, WU Sang
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(3):  1-5. 
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    With the solution formula of the initial value problem for the heat conduction equation, this paper  proves that the solution of the initial value problem for the homogeneous heat conduction equation is an analytical function. With the formula and a estimation of the partial derivation of each order, this paper gives the method to prove that the solution to the initial boundary value problem of homogeneous heat conduction equation is an analytical function.

    Characterization of ε-Duality Gap Properties and ε-Strong Duality for Composite Optimization Problems
    TIAN Liping, FANG Donghui
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(3):  6-12. 
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    By using the epigraph technique of conjugate functions, we give two new constraint qualifications. With these constraint qualifications, ε-duality gap properties, ε-strong duality and ε-Farkas lemma between composite optimization problem and its Lagrange dual problem are established.

    Information and electronics
    Image Denoising Model Based on Four-Direction Total Variation
    TENG Xian, PENG Ying, YANG Fenlin
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(3):  13-16. 
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    A four direction total variation (TV4) model is proposed. An effective fixed point method for solving the model is given. The gradient mode is defined by the forward and backward difference of the gradient of each pixel, which effectively reduces the nonlinear degree of the TV4 model. Experiments show that the model reduces the staircasing effect of TV model to a certain extent, and the convergence speed is faster than that of TV model.

    Construction of Mobile Nurse Station Based on 5G/4G Mobile Communication Network
    XU Qian, ZHONG Zhuqing, LUO Aijing, LI Shifu
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(3):  17-21. 
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    Based on the 5G/4G communication network, the mobile nursing workstation system with smart digital assistant (SDA), QR code and  hospital front-end application server is implemented connected with the hospital service data platform through the dedicated network-line. Taking a Third Grade Class-A Hospital as an example, the bedside SDA can realize input, medical supervision, nursing note recording, and other collaborative works. The mobile nursing station can ensure information security, reduc  error rate and improve work efficiency.

    Design of Water Quality Testing System Based on Embedded Internet of Things Technology
    TANG Mingjia, ZHOU Zipeng,TIAN Xiaowen
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(3):  22-27. 
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    To solve the problem that the water quality environment is difficult to detect in real time, a set of water quality detection system based on microcontroller STM32 is designed and developed by using the way of sending real-time detection by the lower computer and receiving and processing data by the upper computer. pH value detection module, DS18B20 temperature sensor module and TDS water quality detection module are added. It can detect water temperature, pH value in water, TDS water quality and GPS positioning data collection points in real time, and combine with the corresponding Web client and mobile APP to send and receive wireless data remotely, which is convenient and fast and improves the detection efficiency.

    Biology and chemical industry
    Determination and Analysis of Complete Mitochondrial Genome of Ozobranchus jantseanus: Based on Pacbio and Illumina Sequencing
    GU Shengli, LIU Jianjun, SUN Entao, ZHAN Xiaodong, NIE Liuwang
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(3):  28-35. 
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    The complete mitochondrial genome of Ozobranchus jantseanus was sequenced and annotated accurately through a combination of Illumina and Pacbio technology, and the comparative analysis of the gene order and phylogenetic relationship with other species in the Hirudinea were performed. The results showed that the complete mitochondrial genome length of O. jantseanus was 14 868 bp, and there were two kinds of start codon, ATG and ATT, and four types of stop codon, TAA, TAG, TA and T in the coding gene of O. jantseanus. Comparative analysis showed that mitochondrial genes orders of 10 species in the Hirudinea were divided into two types, and the differences were reflected in the exchange of tRNA gene order and the length of long noncoding region (LNR). All Rhynchobdellida species, including O. jantseanus, belonged to the b-type, and most of the Arhynchobdellida species to a-type. The Neighbor-Joining (NJ) evolution analysis of 13 protein coding genes (PCGs) from species in the Hirudinea showed that O. jantseanus and others species in Rhynchobdellid formed a monophyletic group.

    Extraction and Fatty Acid Analysis of Seed Oil of Discocleidion rufescens, a Species in Eeuphorbiaceae
    LIU Zhaojun, PENG Zhen, ZHU LI, PENG Xiaolie, LIU Shibao
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(3):  36-39. 
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    The seed oil of Discocleidion rufescens in euphorbiaceae collected from 4 sampling suburb sites of Jishou city was extracted by ultrasonic wave-assisted extraction, and the fatty acid constituents were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results showed that the average extraction percentage of seed oil was 22.71%, and the fatty acid components were of 8, 7, 5 and 4 kinds, respectively. The components of high content from 4 sampling points included linolenic acid (52.38%), linoleic acid (28.18%), stearic acid (13.30%) and palmitic acid (5.78%), with the sum of which took 99.47% of the total fatty acid.

    Characteristic column:Study on Wuling Mountain Area
    Influential Factors of Poverty Reduction Effects of Enterprise Participation in Rural Tourism Development
    ZHANG Yanfei, LU Wei
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(3):  40-49. 
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    Taking Xuefengshan Tourism Company, Diana Rose Company and Hangwumiaozhai Tourism Company in Wuling Mountain Areas as examples, this paper explores the factors that influence the poverty reduction effects of enterprise participation in rural tourism development. The results show that the influential factors include enterprise strength, business model, tourism development environment, interest linkage mechanism, and so on. The paper constructs a influential factor model of poverty reduction effects of enterprise  participation in rural tourism development, and puts forward some suggestions to improve the poverty reduction effects of enterprise participation in rural tourism development.

    Influence of Highway Traffic on Tourism Development of  in Zhangjiajie City
    CHEN Ming, HE Yun, YANYuting, SHENG Yang, LI Ruihua
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(3):  50-52. 
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    With the tourism income is selected as the dependent variable, and the highway mileage, highway turnover and highway transportation volume  as the variables, a multiple regression model is established through SPSS. The comprehensive analysis of the impact of highway transportation on the overall tourism development of Zhangjiajie shows that highway mileage and highway turnover have positive effects on the total tourism income, of which highway turnover has the greatest impact on the total tourism income. Highway traffic volume has a negative impact. Some suggestions are thus put forward.

    Predicament and Solution for Developing Extremely Impoverished Liantuan Village
    ZHU Fujun
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(3):  53-57. 
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    Liantuan Village, an extremely impoverished village, is confronted with predicament of insufficient talent and infrastructure, slow progress of industrial development and inappropriate public service. The Jishou University task force in charge of helping lift the village out of poverty, during their work from 2015-2017, adopted various measures including well planning, improving human resources quality, breaking the bottleneck of infrastructure, flourishing featured industry, making up the demand of public service, strengthening grass root organization and beautifying the environment. With these measures, the per capita income increased from a little more than ¥2 000 in 2014 to about ¥10 000 in 2017. The rural poor people have no worry about food and clothing and have access to compulsory education, basic medical services, and the safe housing has been significantly improved. In 2017 the village as a whole was  lifted out of poverty.

    Comparason of Copper Options Based on Two Mathematical Models
    WANG Wansheng, MO Ying, DENG Dandan, GUO Yonghong
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(3):  58-61. 
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    The estimated parameters were substituted into the black-scholes model and the Merton jump-diffusion model to calculate the theoretical price of the call option contract of the copper option before the expiration date.By comparing the theoretical price of copper options in the two models with the actual option price, it is found that the Merton jump-diffusion model is more stable than the black-scholes model in the pricing process.

    Comprehensive Evaluation of China's Economic Vitality from the Perspective of Provinces
    ZHU Jiaming, YANG Yang, XIE Rui
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(3):  62-66. 
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    An evaluation index system of economic vitality is constructed in term of five aspects: economic scale, transportation, living standard of residents, energy utilization efficiency and innovation vitality. Through the factor analysis method to get the comprehensive evaluation score equation of economic vitality, and then through the system clustering method to cluster the common factor scores, it is shown that energy efficiency has the greatest impact on economic vitality; the level of inter provincial economic development shows obvious differences. The economic development level of Jiangsu, Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces is higher, while that of Qinghai, Guizhou and Yunnan provinces is lower.

    Evaluation and Analysis of Rural Industry Revitalization Based on Farmer Perspective: A Case Study of "Thousand Village Survey" of Rural Revitalization in Hunan Province
    XIANG Wusheng, JIANG Hui, PENG Jiaojiao, ZHANG Chi
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(3):  67-73. 
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    Combined with analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and entropy weight method, this paper constructs an evaluation index system of rural industry revitalization based on the farmer perspective. Data of 887 sample villages in industry development are collected in the programme "Thousand Village Survey" of Hunan Province. The empirical study shows that the spatial differentiation pattern of rural industry development in Hunan Province is obvious, showing a high concentration state; the imbalance phenomenon of rural industry development is obvious, showing the trend of "north high and west low"; the capital, technology, talents and other elements needed for rural industry development are relatively weak; the quality and efficiency of rural industry is not high. Problems such as incomplete categories, insufficient vitality of elements and short industrial chain are prominent. In order to achieve the goal of overall rural revitalization, it is necessary to formulate a global strategy and vigorously promote the development of industrial integration, to pay attention to multiple inputs and increase support for industrial revitalization in poor areas, to strengthen the characteristics of advantages and cultivate rural revitalization industries in various areas according to local conditions, to optimize the top-level design and steadily promote the revitalization of rural industries, to innovate the institutional mechanism and evaluate rural industries scientifically and dynamically.

    Medical Science
    A Summary of Research on the Henoch-Schonleinpurpura in Children
    TAN Qiliang, MEI Shuaihu, LIU Quane, ZHOU Chu, LUO Xuemei
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(3):  74-79. 
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    The study of Henoch-Schonleinpurpura (HSP) in children was reviewed in terms of epidemiology, etiology and pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, auxiliary examination, diagnostic criteria, treatment methods, prognosis and follow-up. Existing studies had fully demonstrated that, the etiology and pathogenesis of HSP werenot clear, and the mechanism of immune and genetic actionstill needs to be further studied. There is lack of specific means of clinical examination, so the diagnosis of HSP in children mainly depends on the symptoms and signs. The histopathological analysis of the patients is especially important when there are rare or uncommon clinical manifestations. At present, there is no unified and specific treatment plan of HSP at home and abroad. Most of the patients with mild illness were treated symptomatically, and most of the patients with severe illness were treated individually with hormone. However, large sample size, multi-center Randomized Controlled Trial (RTC) studies, and evidence-based medical validation are needed for relevant treatment plan of HSP. The short-term prognosis of HSP is better, and the long-term prognosis is mainly related to renal involvement. The key to reduce renal involvement lies in early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment.

    Architecture and urban and rural planning
    Fuzzy TOPSIS Method for Ranking Barriers to Passive House: Environmental, Social and Economic Perspectives
    XUE Meihui, WANG Jianxing, YUE Xiaofang
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(3):  80-89. 
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    This paper presents the topsis method for capturing various planning activities barriers to migrate into a greener and more eco-efficient building systems. In order to mitigate these barriers, the ranking of barriers is very essential to address the issue more effectively within the availability of resources and capacity to improve environment. Twelve barriers have been identified and grouped as environmental, economicand societal barriers.

    Evaluation of the Suitability of Recreational Greenway Selection Based on Urban Road: Case Study of Jishou Old City
    WANG Binyi, XU Dawei
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(3):  90-96. 
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    This article takes the old city area of Jishou City as the research object. Based on the literature research and field surveys, combined with relevant route selection studies, we evaluate the urban roads from the perspectives of ecological landscape and traffic conditions. The evaluating indexes include seven factors: the road greening rate, the surrounding landscape, the types of connected land, the road grades, the width of street front, the traffic flow, and non-motorized vehicle lane and sidewalks. Then through the questionnaire survey and expert evalution, combined with analytic hierarchy process (AHP),  we establish the weight of each index. Finally, by scoring each index and calculating the weighted suitability value of each road, we rank the urban greenway suitability into levels, and proposes a greenway grid with two horizontal and two longitudinal lines, which provides a basis for the urban greenway route selection.

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