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    25 September 2019, Volume 40 Issue 5
    Connectivity and the Super Connectivity of Exchanged Folded Crossed Cubes
    CAI Xuepeng, YANG Wei, DU Jie, REN Baitong
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(5):  1-9. 
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    The crossed cube CQn and the exchanged crossed cube ECQ(s, t) are two common topology in the computer system. ECQ(s, t) is obtained by systematically removing links from a binary crossed cube  CQn. A new interconnection network, named exchanged folded crossed cube EFCQ(s, t), is obtained, which is basically a standard exchanged crossed cube ECQ(s, t) with some extra edges constructed between the nodes. The connectivity and the super connectivity are the two significant factors for measuring the reliability and fault tolerance of the interconnection network. In this work we  show that the connectivity of EFCQ(s, t) is equal to its minimum degree, and the super connectivity of EFCQ(s, t) is equal to its minimum edge-degree.

    Minimum Size of Graphs Satisfying Ore Condition
    HAO Chen, YANG Weihua
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(5):  10-12. 
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    Determining the extremal graph under a given parameter is a classic topic in extremal graph theory. We determine the minimum size of graphs satisfying Ore condition and  obtain a partial result for the minimum size of graphs satisfying Ore-type condition

    Application of  Self-Adaptive and Dynamic Cubic ES Method  Traffic Prediction
    CAO Bangxing
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(5):  13-17. 
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    According to the defects that smoothing coefficient in traditional cubic ES prediction model is fixed, the traditional one cannot track time series due to the change over time, and can not reflect the influence of historical data on the prediction results over different time periods, an improved cubic ES method is presented in this paper, which is based on the principle of minimum  sum of squared errors and blanket search algorithm to obtain the smothering factor of dynamic adjustment. It is greatly adaptable to the data with a large range of fluctuations and nonlinear regular change. Through the analysis on the simulation case of railway passenger traffic volume, the self-adaptive and dynamic cubic ES method can better adapt to the trend of time series with high prediction accuracy.

    Communication and electronics
    Vehicle Detection System Based on Image Processing
    QIU Guoshu, ZHANG Xiang, LIU Jun, WANG Lei, TIAN Qing, GUO Jianhua
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(5):  18-24. 
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    To obtain traffic information and dispose of traffic accidents in time, and ultimately reduce accidents frequency to a certain extent, a vehicle detection system based on HOG and SVM was designed. Firstly, a large number of vehicle samples were collected to build positive and negative sample sets, and then HOG feature vectors of all these samples were extracted and summarized. Finally, the SVM classifier template was formed. In the video detection process, the HOG features of each frame in the video were extracted and compared with the template that has been trained, and the detected vehicle targets were tagged with a rectangular frame. The actual road monitoring video was adopted to test the vehicle detection system, and the results demonstrated that the algorithm designed shows real-time performance, accuracy, and applicability for different road conditions, different weather and different illumination.

    Analysis of Lightning Protection and Grounding Accident of 35 kV Fuse
    HU Haize, ZENG Shuiling, SUN Qianfang, LIANG Bing, WANG Lin, FANG Mengge, HU Feiyu, MO Yi
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(5):  25-30. 
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    This paper analyzes the causes of fuse blowout caused by lightning in a 35 kV substation, and proposes lightning protection measures such as adding lightning rod, replacing the grounding body, connecting the grounding body with the main grounding grid, and installing protective gaps in parallel. At the same time, the electromagnetic transient simulation software ATP-EMTP is used to simulate the grounding resistance and the lightning protection effect before and after the protection gap. The simulation results show that connection of the grounding body of the arrester  with the main grounding grid and the protective gap of the fuse can  effectively reduced, the lightning overvoltage amplitude.

    Design and Implementation of Intelligent Wind/Light/Storage LED Street Lamp Control System
    ZHOU Xixiang
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(5):  31-36. 
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    An  intelligent wireless distributed wind/light/storage LED street lamp  control system is designed, including the hardware system,  software system,  data acquisition system,  and communication system, In this system, intelligent wind-light complementary controller is adopted for data acquisition and intelligent control. The data is transmitted to the PC through the wireless module and the upper computer,  and the intelligent monitoring and control of the wind/optical/storage/load is achieved through the control center PC. The experimental results show that the control system can locate the latitude and longitude of LED street lamps,  automatically adjust their working status,  read the detailed parameters of the  control system,  realize the remote monitoring and fault diagnosis of the  control system,  and effectively improve the maintenance efficiency.

    Machinery and Engineering
    Elasto-Plastic Analysis for Static and Dynamic Performance of Rolling Element Bearings
    BI Rengui, QIAN Ping, YAN Can, YANG Daiyun
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(5):  37-44. 
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    Aiming at the status quo of research in the elasto-plastic mechanical behavior of rolling bearings, taking deep groove ball bearings as an example, a semi-analytical model was established to study the elasto-plastic mechanical behavior of rolling bearings. By introducing a mixed strain hardening yield criterion which is related to spherical stress tensor, the model established an elasto-plastic incremental constitutive equation for mixed hardening materials. The model used Hertz contact theory to determine the relationship between the load exerted on the inner and outer rings. And from the symmetry between the inner and outer rings, the equilibrium equations, as well as the corresponding deterministic conditions for a quarter of the outer ring of the bearings were obtained in the orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system. And then the finite difference method, as well as Newmark-β approach, was applied comprehensively to find an iterative solution of related problems. The numerical results show that the elasto-plastic model can more accurately describe the mechanical properties of rolling bearings; the traditional elastic model might overestimate the stiffness of bearings; the load weight, bearing dimensions and plastic properties of materials are all important factors that should be considered in the design of bearings.

    Communication and electronics
    Quality Detection and Quality Standard of Mori Cortex Medicinal Materials
    LIU Yihan, TIAN Yungang, GUO Hongwei, WANG Jianxia, WEI Hua
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(5):  45-52. 
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    Mulberroside A, morusin, and kuwanon G in Mori Cortex were qualitatively determined by thin layer chromatography (TLC), and the content of moisture, total ash, acid insoluble ash and extract in Mori Cortex from different origins were determined according to the methods in Chinese Pharmacopoeia of 2015 edition; in addition, the content of mulberroside A was determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The results showed that the spots of mulberroside A, morusin, and kuwanon G were clear and distinctive. The quality standard (by mass fraction) of Mori Cortex medicinal materials is suggested: moisture should be less than 13%, total ash within 9%, acid insoluble ash no more than 2.5%, water soluble extract obtained by hot dip method no less than 25%, mulberroside A calculated on dried sample no less than 0.91%.

    Biology and chemical industry
    Preliminary Assay of Mineral Elements and Fatty Acids in the Larvae of Protohermes Costalis (Walker)
    PAN Fengliu, QU Yuguo, ZHAO Chijun, ZHANG Youxiang, HUANG Xinglong
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(5):  53-58. 
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    With ICP-OES and GC-MS, respectively, the content of mineral elements and fatty acids is determined in the larvae of Protohermes costalis (Walker) distributed in Dong River basin of Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture.  The results showed that the larvae were rich in mineral elements. The content of major elements from high to low was K, Ca, Mg and P, with the content of K up to 5 206.00 μg/g. That of trace elements from high to low was Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Ba, Se and Co, with the content of Fe and Zn  being 520.75 μg/g and 154.15 μg/g, respectively. The harmful element Al was not detected, but the content of Cd was up to 0.878 μg/g, which was higher than the Cd content standard in Pollutant Limit in Food (GB2762 2017). The content of fatty acids in the larvae was more than 30% of the dry weight. A total of 11 peaks containing 8 fatty acids were separated. The saturated fatty acid and unsaturated fatty acid accounted for 55.4% and 44.862% of the total fat, respectively, and the essential fatty acid was 0.8%. It is concluded that the P. costalis larvae are rich in mineral elements and fatty acids. However, for the putative enrichment of Cd it is suggested that the P. costalis larvae for food should be collected from rivers and streams with high-quality water.

    Optimum Cultivation Conditions for Extracellular Polysaccharide in Lactobacillus
    SONG Haorui, LI Yan, WANG Le, YAO Yifan
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(5):  59-62. 
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    The lactobacillus extracted from homemade Sauerkraut juice was firstly biochemically identified for its bacterial species,, and then EPS extracted from the lactobacillus was determined by phenol-sulfuric acid method for its polysaccharide content. Based on single factor test, effects of temperature, pH value, glucose content, and experimental time on LAB EPS yield were studied by the orthogonal test with four factors at three different levels. The optimum conditions for high yield of extracellular polysaccharide in lactobacillus are as follows: 35 ℃, 1.5% mass fraction for glucose, pH 6.5, and 10 h fermentation.

    Characteristic column:Study on Wuling Mountain Area
    Constructing the Evaluation Index System of Electricity Universal Service in  Western Hunan
    CAI Jiangang, YANG Jie
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(5):  63-70. 
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    Using Analytic Hierarchy Process,and around based on process indicator and outcome indicator, this paper constructs a composite index system which contains 6 levels of indicators, including policy executive ability, service quality, access level, electricity quality,electricity consumption and corporate performance, and 17 secondary indicators. The empirical study shows that the overall level of electricity universal service in  Western Hunan is relatively high but  weak in policy publicization, electricity consumption growth, the  supply cost, and so on. Electricity power universal service shows the spatial characteristics, which presents a gradual weakening trend from east to west, and has significant positive correlation with local economic development. In the aim of poverty alleviation, it is necessary to establish a unified evaluation system of the electricity universal service, to attach importance to policy publicization and guide  rational utilization of electricity, and to explore an electricity universal service mode.

    Industrial Development of Longmudong Village Under the Background of Rural Revitalization
    XIANG Juanjuan
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(5):  71-77. 
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    In the process of Chinese rural industry development, there have been problems of homogeneous  industries, single profit model and lack of sustainability. This paper attempts to find out the paths for sustainable development of Chinese rural industry by referring to  the successful experience of Taiwan's community construction and examining the industrial construction of Longmudong Village. The development of rural industries should be based on local conditions, and the formation and development of community industries should be activated through the maximum development and utilization of regional resources. Most of Chinese industrial development is dominated by the top-down model. Therefore, the main status of villagers in rural construction has not been fully expressed. At the same time, Chinese bottom-up rural self-organization mechanism is still not perfect. Therefore, the way out for the development of rural industries lies in the integration of these two development models.

    Management and Economy
    Accurate Assessment of Poverty-Stricken College Students  Based on AHP
    SUN Yuanyuan, YANG Mingya, CHEN Jun, LIU Hongbing
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(5):  78-82. 
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    In order to achieve fairness in the aid work for poverty-stricken students in colleges and universities, an assessment index system is established by using analytic hierarchy process (AHP), and  the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the judgment matrix are calculated by using MATLAB software. Taking three poverty-stricken college students as  example, nine groups of judgment matrices were established, and the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of each matrix were calculated. Then the weight vectors in the index system were calculated. Finally, the poorest student was identified as having the largest eigenvectors.

    Influence of Farmer Professional Cooperative on  Financing Availability for Farmers
    LI Jiazhen, LI Mingxian
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(5):  83-90. 
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    Difficulties in financing for farmers have always been the biggest obstacle to the development of rural economy. As a major new agricultural management entity, farmer professional cooperative can provide financing help to for farmers. This paper analyzes the factors influencing loan availability for farmers after they join in farmer professional cooperatives through the ordered multivariate Logit model. The results show that whether farmers join in the farmer professional cooperatives and whether they receive financing services have significant positive impact on the availability of loans. In addition, their education level, the area of the land they operate, their income situation and whether they have relatives and friends in financial institutions also have positive impact on the availability of loans. On the other hand, the funding gap and their expected financing period have negative impact on the availability of loans. Hereby, it is recommended that farmers should be encouraged to join in the farmer professional cooperatives, the circulation of agricultural land the development of agricultural insurance should be promoted, and financial credit innovation should be stimulated so that the availability of financing for farmers can be improved.

    Evolution and Restoration of Female Sports Religious Beliefs and Customs in Jiangyong Nvshu (Female Script) Cultures
    OUYANG Jinhua
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(5):  91-96. 
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    The formation, evolution, and decline of female sports religious belief and customs embodied in Jiangyong Nvshu (female script) are textually researched from the historical, ethnographical, and linguistic perspective. Hereby, views on its restoration, protection, and inheritance are put forward. It is stated that female sports religion has originated from the festival customs, and the evolution of female sports religious belief and customs have proceeded from generation and prosperityto destruction and-disappearance. The key reasons for its decline include postmodern "center-periphery" female identity transformation, religious anomie, and commercial exhibition and performace.

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