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    25 July 2019, Volume 40 Issue 4
    Relations of Connections on Almost Hermite Manifolds
    YANG Songlin
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(4):  1-3. 
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    Almost Hermite manifolds are  SpinC manifolds. In this paper, we obtain the relationship between Levi-Civita connection, Hermite connection and  SpinC connection on almost Hermite manifolds.

    Error Bound of Linear Complementarity Problem for Dashnic-Zusmanovich+ Matrix
    YU Min, MO Hongmin
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(4):  4-8. 
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    Based on the definition of Dashnic-Zusmanovich+ matrix, we present the error bound for the linear complementarity problem when the matrix involved is a Dashnic-Zusmanovich+ matrix by using inequality scaling techniques and the estimator on upper bounds for the infinity norms of inverses of Dashnic-Zusmanovich+ matric.

    Numerical Methods for Vector Polynomial Optimization Problem
    PENG Xueke, ZHOU Guangming, ZHAO Wenjie
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(4):  9-18. 
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    For vector polynomial optimization problem, the objective function and constraint condition are all described in polynomial. Firstly, the multi-objective polynomial function is transformed into the single-objective polynomial function by using the main objective method, linear weighted sum method and ideal point method respectively. Then Lasserre relaxation method is applied to solve the polynomial optimization problem, and its optimal solution is obtained, which is also the weak efficient solution or effective solution of the original vector polynomial optimization problem. Numerical experiments show that the proposed numerical methods are effective.

    Design and Implementation of Passenger Flow Detection System Based on C/S Architecture
    QU Hongquan, TAN Lei
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(4):  19-23. 
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    This paper presents a design and implementation scheme of a passenger flow detection system, which is developed on Windows platform and based on C/S architecture. Series of processing of the collected videos can realize the functions of passenger detection and tracking, real-time computation and display of relevant passenger flow data. This paper mainly elaborates the design of video decoding module, detecting and tracking processing module, and inter-process interaction module. Tests show that each module of the system meets the operating requirements and has strong stability and expansibility.

    Influence of Inertia Weight and Learning Factor on Performance of Standard PSO Algorithm
    SONG Mongpei, MO Liping, ZHOU Kaiqing
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(4):  24-32. 
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    Two types of parameters, inertia weight and learning factor, are the main factors affecting the accuracy and convergence speed of the standard PSO algorithm. Based on the standard PSO algorithm, the influence of different value-taking strategies of two types of parameters on the optimization results of commonly used test functions is analyzed to explore its impact on the performance of the standard PSO algorithm. The experimental results show that the proper dynamic change of the two types of parameters can significantly improve the optimization accuracy and convergence speed of the unimodal function, and can improve the optimization probability of the bimodal and multimodal functions. The inertia weight mainly affects the convergence speed of the algorithm. As the inertia weight increases, the convergence speed of the algorithm increases. The learning factor mainly affects the optimization precision of the algorithm. When the two learning factors increase and decrease, the precision of the optimization increases. The inertia weight increases with the two learning factors. The increase and decrease of the change, or the decrease of the inertia weight combined with the increase and decrease of the two learning factors, can significantly improve the performance of the standard PSO algorithm.

    Design of Intelligent Bus System Based on Internet of Things
    YAO Huixiong, ZHAI Fengyun, TANG Pengcheng, HU Li
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(4):  33-35. 
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    Aiming at the problems of the current bus system, an intelligent bus system is designed based on IOT technology. In this system, the perception layer realizes data collection through the low power consumption ZigBee wireless ad hoc network and GPS, the network layer realizes data transmission and storage through 3G wireless communication technology and cloud technology, the application layer realizes the system management and inquiry through GIS technology by PC and mobile terminal. The structure of the system is flexible and extendable, which can achieve effective bus management, guarantee driving safety, and improve passengers' travel experience.

    Physics and electronics
    Regulation of Spin Filtering Effect in Chrome-Porphyrin Molecules Based on Different Connection Configurations
    LI Meihua, YE Fuqiu, ZHANG Jun
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(4):  36-42. 
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    The first principle method has been used to calculate and analyze the electron spin transport properties of chrome-porphyrin molecule with different connection configurations. The results showed that chrome-porphyrin molecules with diagonal connection configuration had more than 95% spin polarization at 0~0.2 V bias voltage, and the conductivity of horizontal connection configuration was one order higher than that of diagonal connection configuration. By changing the connection configuration and then changing the molecular orbital distribution and transport path of the electron spin front, the spin filtering effect can be realized and the electron spin transport properties of chrome-porphyrin molecular devices based on different connection configurations can be effectively regulated.

    Load Forecasting Modeling and Simulation of Wind Power Microgrid
    LI Ming, WANG Lin, LIANG Bing, HU Haize, ZI Chunyuan, MO Yi, FANG Mengge, HU Feiyu
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(4):  43-47. 
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    Wind has the characteristics of stochastic intermittence (mainly including the intermittence of wind direction and wind speed). In the process of grid-connected load forecasting, the intermittence of wind speed and wind direction will have a great impact on the power grid (mainly reflected in the frequency and voltage fluctuations of the power grid), seriously affecting the stability of the power system. Based on the characteristics of micro-grid and wind power operation characteristics, the basic load model and wind power model of micro-grid are built, and the load forecasting simulation model is built with MATLAB/Simulink. The simulation results show that the wind power micro-grid can not only resist the influence of wind power integration, but also effectively reduce the peak-valley difference of the load curve of the grid. Participation of wind power micro-grid in load forecasting of power grid can effectively improve the reliability of power supply system.

    Multi-Objective Optimization of 35 kJ YBCO Single-Screw Superconducting Energy Storage Magnet
    LI Tailai, YANG Yang, YANG Zheng
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(4):  48-51. 
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    The optimized design of the superconducting magnet can technically ensure the safety and reliability of the superconducting magnetic energy storage system and reduce manufacturing cost as well. In this paper, the basic parameters of the single screw tube energy storage magnet, including its length, outer diameter and inner diameter, are optimized under certain conditions through simulated annealing algorithm, and then the optimal design plan is obtained. The superconducting energy storage magnet is simulated by using ANSYS. The superiority of optimized design is thus verified.

    Design of Greenhouse Drip Irrigation System Based on Photovoltaic Power Generation
    CHEN Xugen, CHEN Ying, FANG Xinyue, WU Wenjing, SUN Yan
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(4):  52-55. 
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    A photovoltaic power generation and drip irrigation system is designed for agricultural greenhouses. C52 single chip microcomputer is taken as a control chip to optimize and adjust the light alignment position of solar panels according to the light intensity outside the greenhouses, so that the light demand of indoor plant growth can be met while the photovoltaic power generation can be increased. Moreover, environmental data such as the temperature inside the greenhouse and soil humidity are collected to carry out reasonable drip irrigation spraying and effectively increase the plant growth rate.

    Biological and chemical
    Isolation of Endophytic Bacteria from Inula Helenium L. and Identification of Its Antibacterial Activity
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(4):  56-61. 
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    Using the tissue separation method, 32 endophytic bacteria were isolated from the roots, stems and leaves of Inula helenium L., and antibacterial activiy of these strains were determined by using the agar disc diffusion test. Identification of these strains was determined by their morphological, physiological-biochemical properties and phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA sequences. The results showed that the 10 endophytic bacteria had remarkable antibacterial activities to Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis and Pasteurella multocida. The endophytic strains YIR-5, YIR-7, YIR-8 and YIR-9 were classified as genus Pseudomonas, strains YIR-3 and YIR-6 as Serratia plymuthica, strains YIR-4, YIS-1 and YIS-2 as Rahnella aquatilis, Bacillus halotolerans and Bacillus cereus respectively, and the strain YIL-3 as the genus Bacillus. There are a variety of endophytic bacteria from Inula helenium L., and Bacillus mojavensis YIS-1 has the greatest antibacterial activity for escherichia coli, bacillus subtilis, and avian pasteurella multocida.

    Synthesis and Characterization of Sm(N-HPA)3phen Complex and Its Fluorescence Properties
    WANG Ying, MA Dongyun, GUO Yingxue, SONG Chunxiang,ZHANG Jie, LYU Yuguang
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(4):  62-64. 
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    The ternary complex of samarium with N-phenylanthranilic acid (N-HPA) and phenanthroline (phen) has been synthesized in ethanol water and characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectrum (FTIR), ultraviolet spectroscopy (UV-Vis) and fluorescence spectrophotometer (FS), respectively. The fluorescence emission spectra of the complex showed strong typical sharp characteristic emission peaks of Sm at 560, 597 and 641 nm, which indicates that the triplet energy levels of N-phenyl aminobenzoic acid match the lowest excitation energy levels of Sm3+ and the complex has good luminescence properties.

    Performance Verification and Analysis of Electrophoretic Fluorimeter Based on AFP, AFP-L3 and PIVKA-Ⅱ
    XING Yan, FENG Changhuan, DU Lijun
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(4):  65-69. 
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    Outpatients in a 3A (Grade A) Hospital in Nanchong City have been randomly selected. According to the EP-6A2 document announced by CLSI, the precision, linear range and accuracy of μTASWakoi30 have been verified by combining alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and its heterogeneity ratio (AFP-L3) with abnormal prothrombin (PIVKA-Ⅱ) reagent specification. The results showed that the precision CV of μTASWakoi30 was below 10%, and the precision of AFP and PIVKA-Ⅱ were all below 10%, and AFP and PIVKA-Ⅱ were fitted well by the regression of mean value and predicted value in different proportion of high value samples. The recoveries were within 80%~120% at different calibration levels and the accuracy was high.

    Characteristic column:Study on Wuling Mountain Area
    Statistical Analysis and Risk Assessment of the Stormy Weather in Summer in Wuling-Mountain Area
    LIU Jianguo, YUAN Jie, BAI Yeshan, YUAN Kun, YI Pan, YANG Haibing
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(4):  70-76. 
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    Based on the daily precipitation data of 18 meteorological stations in Wuling-Mountain Area from 1961 to 2008,the spatiotemporal characteristics of the stormy weather in summer have been analyzed by statistical methods including linear regression and correlation coefficient, and the spatial variation of the risk of the stormy weather in summer has been calculated as well by using information diffusion technology. The results show that the annual mean number of stormy days in the whole Wuling-Mountain Area is on the rise, with more in the east, the north and the center, and less in the west, the south and the edge. Inaddition, due to the landform and the number of stormy days, the rainfall is higher in Wuling-Mountain and its surrounding region, with the river basins of Wujiang River, Qingjiang River and Zishui River being the key regions of meteorological disaster prevention. These findings have certain guiding significance for regional development policy formulation, disaster prevention and mitigation, and ecological construction in Wuling-Mountain area.

    Consolidation of Poverty Alleviation Achievements in Jishou City, Hunan Province
    WU Rong
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(4):  77-82. 
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    An in-depth survey of the poverty alleviation in Jishou City finds that the primary absolute poverty has disappeared and Jishou City will enter a new stage of relative poverty, in which short-term poverty and potential poverty will be the focus of poverty alleviation. In order to consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation, we should increase government transfer payments, strengthen educational poverty alleviation, stimulate the internal impetus of farmers, and actively guide social forces to participate in poverty alleviation.

    New Thoughts on Poverty Alleviation in Severely Impoverished Areas: A Case of Luxi County of Hunan Province
    FU Yunjin, YANG Weiguo, BAO Changgai
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(4):  83-87. 
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    The current situation and achievements of poverty alleviation in Luxi County in recent five years are in vestigated. Accordingly, some suggestions are put forward.

    Medical Science
    Effects of Dachengqi Decoction on the Immunologic Mechanism of TH17/Treg in Bronchial Asthma and Lung-Intestinal Disease
    LI Jihong, WANG Xiaoli, HUO Jier, WU Xiuming
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(4):  88-92. 
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    TH17/Treg are common immune substances between lung and large intestine.  To explore the immune mechanism of "interior-exterior relationship between lung and large intestine",  the study has observed the changes of TH17/Treg in the rat model with bronchial asthma (asthma) and lung-intestinal disease.  Asthma group,  lung-intestinal disease group,  and Dachengqi decoction group of rat models were established.  Dachengqi decoction group was divided into asthma intervention group and lung-intestinal disease intervention group.  The distribution and expression of Th17 and Treg subsets in peripheral blood lymphocytes and the levels of IL-17,  IL-6 and IL-2 in serum of rats in each group were detected.  The results showed that,  compared with the normal control group,  the proportion of Th17 cells increased and that of Treg cells decreased,  IL-6 and IL-17 levels increased and IL-2 levels decreased in serum of asthma group and lung-intestinal disease group (P<0.005),  especially in lung-intestinal disease group (P<0.005).  With the intervention of Dachengqi decoction,  compared with asthma group,  the proportion of Th17 cells decreased,  that of Treg cells increased,  the levels of IL-6 and IL-17 decreased,  and the level of IL-2 increased in serum of asthma intervention group and lung-intestinal disease intervention group (P<0.005).  It can be concluded that the changes of intestinal immune function may lead to imbalance of TH17/Treg in asthma.  Migration of immune response to respiratory mucosa and other parts can aggravate the onset of asthma.  Dachengqi decoction can alleviate asthma by regulating intestinal TH17/Treg immunity,  which can improve the mucosal barrier function and reduce lymphocyte "homing".

    Stratified Training Strategy of Nursing Staff in the Context of Medical Service and Pension Service Integration
    HUANG Yanhua
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2019, 40(4):  93-96. 
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    This paper analyzes the current supply and demand situation of old-age care services by using literature data, and puts forward a stratified training strategy of nursing staff in the context of medical service and pension service integration in China. Firstly, secondary and higher vocational education of nursing must be developed to meet the market demand for nursing staff. Secondly, the academic degree education of nursing must be improved according to the different levels of training objectives. Thirdly, educational reform should be closely related with the old-age pension service industry. Fourthly, the teaching staff must be recruited to ensure the sustainable development of this profession. Fifthly, the career promotion system for the nursing staff must be improved.

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