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    25 January 2018, Volume 39 Issue 1
    A Class of Euler Integral Formula and the Calculation of Generalized Fresnel Integrals
    XING Jiasheng,YANG Xiaoyuan
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2018, 39(1):  1-6. 
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    In order to solve the computational problem about a class of Euler integrals,this paper presents a simplified proof of Euler integrals formula by using a method in which the derivative of improper integrals with variable can be calculated.Based on the Euler integral formula,a simple method is provided for calculating Fresnel integrals and generalized Fresnel integrals.The calculation results of a class of improper integral are obtained by another method in which the order of quadratic integral can be exchanged.A uniform calculating method on several classes of related improper integrals is given for discussing the relationship between them.

    Several New Methods to Compute the General Formula of Fibonacci Series
    HE Yubo
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2018, 39(1):  7-9. 
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    With power series method,determinant method,difference equation method and recurrence formula method,several new methods to compute the general formula of Fibonacci series are proposed.

    On the Spread of Regularity of Solutions to the Fifth-Order KdV Equations
    SHI Ningxuan
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2018, 39(1):  10-13. 
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    The regularity of solutions to  the fifth-order KdV equations is studied.With  selection of proper truncation functions and through analytical method and inequality technique,the prior estimates of the solutions are obtained based on the qualities of Sobolev space. It is proved that the regularity of the solutions spread to the left in an infinite speed as time evolves.

    Green Function Approach to the Boundary Value Problem of a Class of Ordinary Differential Equations
    SUN He
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2018, 39(1):  14-18. 
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    Firstly,this paper studies the methods for solving the Green function to the boundary value problem of a class of second-order ordinary differential equations.Then it discusses the solving methods for Green function to the boundary value problem of ordinary differential equations.

    Several Problems of Parameters Estimation in Double Truncated Cauchy Distribution
    XIONG Xiong,TUO Heng
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2018, 39(1):  19-24. 
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    Suppose {Xk,1≤k≤n} are independent and all obey double truncated Cauchy distribution with μ,λ,A,B  as its parameters.This article obtains the nature of parameters of torque estimation.And it also provids numerical methods of parameters A,B's torque estimation when parameters μ,λ  are known.Moreover,parameters A,B's maximum likelihood estimation is obtained and  the other parameters' existence and strong combination of maximum likelihood estimation is proved.Eventually,asymptotic distribution of extreme order statistics is used to obtain the approximate interval estimation of parameters A,B.

    Application of Monotone Functions in M/M/1/WV Queueing Model
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2018, 39(1):  25-28. 
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    The application of monotone function in M/M/1 queueing model with working vacation and vacation interruption is discussed.Specially by using the relations between monotonous property and derivative of function we verify the validity of the inequalities appearing in the resolvent set of corresponding operator.

    A Modified Fast Thinning Algorithm of Handwriting Image Based on Binary Image
    CAO Liangbin,YOU Liping,LIU Biyu,ZHANG Xuanyu,ZHOU Kaiqing,MO Liping
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2018, 39(1):  29-33. 
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    To overcome the drawbacks of lare quantity of templates and time-consuming matching in look-up algorithm,a modified fast thinning algorithm of handwriting image is proposed which utilizies the relevant location relationship between the center pixel and the corresponding neighbors.The  advantage of this proposed algorithm is that the thinning process of handwriting binary image could be realized by using 44-mark- template and 15-revised- template.The experiments show that the proposed algorithm can accurately identify the skeleton of the handwriting on the basis of effectively reducing algorithm complexity.

    Application of Collaborative Filtering Technology in  the  Recommendation System of University Course Selection
    CAO Xiuli
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2018, 39(1):  34-39. 
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    On the basis of the traditional collaborative filtering recommendation technology,the improved  collaborative filtering algorithm based on the item weighting  and the user weighting has higher accuracy in college course recommendation.

    Vision System Design of Palletizing Robot
    ZHANG Xing,WU Liming,CAO Jin
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2018, 39(1):  40-43. 
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    The concept,composition,structure and principle of vision system are introduced.Taking the application of palletizing robot in shoe material coating as illustration,we prove that the palletizing robot with vision system can increase production efficiency and accuracy.

    Agricultural Ontology Information Association Mining and Mapping Technology
    ZHAO Changhua,MI Chunqiao
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2018, 39(1):  44-48. 
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    Massive information can be obtained from varieties of sensors in the agricultural Internet of Things,but machines cannot accurately determine whether the information is valuable.This paper uses class diagram mapping to an ontology model and enhances the association possibilities through UML model.The main effort is to present conceptual relationships in agricultural domains in a visualized way.It includes visualizing individual entities,their attributes and relationships in the corresponding editor.Experiment through protege shows that association of the two models significantly enhances the associations in the agricultural ontology models,realizes the mapping between UML and ontologies,and provides possibilities for ontology expansion.

    End-to-End Optimization of Mobile Data Service Based on User Perception
    LIU Ying,HU Jianwei
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2018, 39(1):  49-53. 
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    With the signaling data of LTE signaling monitoring system,the integrity,standardization and accuracy of XDR data are checked to improve the quality of XDR data and  to  perfect the bounding method for perception problem,such as integrated service low rate and poor quality residential areas,frequent ping-pong TAU problem,poor quality of internet element.This method can improve the accuracy of problem demarcation and location.The quality analysis and optimization of high-speed railway communication network is taken as an example.The support ability of the signaling data is extended in the analysis and application of the end-to-end service perception quality improvement.The end-to-end optimization results show that users' perceived quality indicators can be continuously improved.

    Distribution Network Fault Diagnosis Based on Improved RBF Neural Network
    WEI Jianbo,ZHANG Dongzhu,LUO Haojie,TAN Hui,WEI Tao
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2018, 39(1):  54-58. 
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    RBF neural network is effective for nonlinear fault diagnosis,but such method has the problem of local minimum and slow convergence.Evolutionary algorithm has strong global search ability,and it can realize parameter optimization for the RBF neural network through intersection,selection and aberrance;but during parameter optimization,covergence is slow.This paper proposes a distribution network fault diagnosis model based on improved RBF nueral network through combination of gradient descent algorithm and evolutionary numerical hybrid method.Application expriments show that this model has a high diagnostic accuracy.

    Screening of a Methylotrophic Bacteria Serratia Marcescens NH8 and Isolation of Its Pyrroloquinoline Quinone  (pqq) Genes Cluster
    PENG Qiaomu,ZHOU Lulu,XIONG Li,PENG Qingzhong,HU Guang
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2018, 39(1):  59-64. 
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    In this work,screening by using methanol as the sole carbon source,a methylotrophic bacteria,namely NH8,was isolated from soil samples,and was identified preliminarily as Serratia marcescens based on phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequence.With multiple alignments of nucleotide sequences against pqq genes cluster,some primers amplifying the pqq genes were designed by Primer 5 software.Therefore,the pqq genes cluster,which was related to PQQ biosynthesis,had been isolated from Serratia marcescens NH8 by PCR amplification.The pqq genes fragment of 5 535 bp had six open reading frames including pqqA,pqqB,pqqC,pqqD,pqqE,pqqF genes and showed 99% homology to pqq genes of Serratia marcescens WW4.Meantime,the structures and functions of each gene in pqq genes cluster were analyzed.The result show that 5 genes of pqqB,pqqC,pqqD,pqqE,pqqF construct one operon for regulating PQQ biosynthesis in Serratia marcescens NH8.

    Species of Freshwater Mussels in Anhui Province
    ZHAN Xiaodong,WANG Shaosheng,HUANG Yue'e,TAO Ning,LI Chaopin
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2018, 39(1):  65-67. 
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    To investigate species distribution of freshwater mussels resources in Anhui Province,unarmed or (and) powerboat trawl fishing methods were used to collect freshwater mussels from different water areas in Anhui Province,and species were identified based on literatures.The results showed that 3 007 freshwater mussels  collected from 16 cities in Anhui Province belong to 1 family,10 genus and 12 species.The dominant species were Unio douglasiae,Lamprotula caveat and Lanceolaria grayana.Freshwater mussels resources in Anhui Province are abundant but are distributed in different areas,so active protection measures should be taken.

    Chemistry and chemical engineering
    Experimental Study of Static Adsorption of CH4 and  CO2 Mixture
    CHEN Shuhua,LIU Xuewu,ZOU Jiupeng,WANG Xiaojuan,ZHENG Guofeng,WANG Rui
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2018, 39(1):  68-73. 
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    The single-component isothermal adsorption curves of CO2 and CH4 n zeolites 5A,13X and 13X-APG were measured by static volumetric method.The adsorption temperature and adsorption pressure on adsorption capacity were investigated.The experimental results showed that the adsorption of CO2 and CH4  increased as the adsorption temperature decreased and the experimental pressure increased.The adsorption capacity of the three zeolite molecular sieves on CO2 was larger than that of CH4.At -30 ℃,the saturated adsorption capacity of CO2 and CH4 on the adsorbent used was the highest,the adsorption capacity of CO2 were 4.94,6.52,6.35 mmol/g,the adsorption capacity of CH4 were 3.00,3.25,3.79 mmol/g.The regeneration performance of 13X-APG zeolite was at 200 ℃ for 180 mins  good and met the requirement of regeneration of adsorbent.

    Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate from Carbon Dioxide and Methanol Catalyzed by  Nano-Sized Cerium Dioxide
    LIU Renbo,FENG Qiuju,LI Xin,XIAO Yonglai
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2018, 39(1):  74-78. 
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    Under atmospheric pressure,nano-sized cerium dioxide (CeO2) was prepared by chemical precipitation method.Catalyzed by this nano-sized CeO2,dimethyl carbonate (DMC) was synthesized directly from carbon dioxide and methanol (CH3OH).The effects of reaction temperature,carbon dioxide pressure and the dosage of CeO2 on the yield of DMC were investigated.The results showed that the highest yield was 47.9% at 140 ℃ with carbon dioxide pressure 4.0 MPa,catalyst dosage 0.15 g,and  the amount of CH3OH 15 mL.

    Submerged Fermentation Process  and  Compound Debittering Methods for Ponkan Fruit Vinegar
    ZOU Haiying,YU Ji,YU Zhaoshuo,ZHANG Min,LIU Fang,MA Chengjin
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2018, 39(1):  79-85. 
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    Taking the fresh Ponkan fruit as the raw material,the production process conditions of vinegar from fresh Ponkan were studied through compound debittering methods,alcohol fermentation and acetic fermentation.The vinegar was debittered by the  ultrasonic technology combined with activated carbon and β-cyclodextrin.The influence of factors on acetic fermentation was also studied according to Box-Behnken design based on single factor tests.The results showed that the removal rate was up to 74.37%,and the optimal parameters of the fermentation process were:inoculum size 10 mL/100 mL,temperature 33 ℃,rotation speed 120 r/min,time 6 ds.Under this condition,the total acid content reached 5.52 g in 100 mL Ponkan fruit viuegar.The obtained vinegar has light color and moderate sourness with fresh and little bitter taste.

    Characteristic column.Study on Wuling Mountain Area
    Research Review of Tujia Medicines in the Wuling Mountain Area
    YE Fan,CHEN Gongxi,TANG Zongxiang
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2018, 39(1):  86-89. 
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      Tujia medicine,a representative of the national medicines in the Wuling Mountain Area,has a long history and unique medical system.In recent years,studies on Tujia medicine have made a lot of achievements in literature sorting,medical resource investigation,clinical application and drug development with the support of national policy.In this review,we have summarized the characteristics,the current research status and the importance of Tujia medicine.It aims to promote the inheritance of tujia medical and tujia medicinedevelopment,and serve the economic development of the area.

    Current Situation of the Primary and Secondary Educational  and Measures for Targeted Educational Poverty Alleviation in Wuling Mountain Area
    LI Qiong,BAI Lan
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2018, 39(1):  90-94. 
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    The primary and secondary education in  Wuling Mountain Area of Hunan Province is developing well in recent years,but the educational poverty remains a serious problem.The external cause is the sluggish economic development,and the internal cause is  the policy system.The problem can be solved from four aspects:implementation of the Hunan Educational Poverty Alleviation Planning (2015-2020),precise identification of object for poverty alleviation,establishment of poverty operation mode,establishment of monitoring mode.Only in this way,educational poverty alleviation in this area can be legitimate and efficient.

    Medical Science
    Evaluation of Survival and Efficacy of Splenic-Tissue Transplanted After Splenectomy in Children
    MA Chuncan,LUO Yong,CHEN Zhengying
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2018, 39(1):  95-96. 
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    With the purpose of evaluating the survival and efficacy of splenic omentum-transplanted tissue after splenectomy in children,47 cases of children of splenectomy owing to spleen hurt were selected,who all had been done with splenic autotransplantation by omentum-transplantation.Results show that both blood routine examination and immunologic function of patients get right.The B-ultrasonic examination shows that the transplanted spleen tissues have survived.That is to say the splenic omentum-transplantation tissue is a convenient and effective way of operation,available with the surgical treatment of splenectomy owing to spleen hurt.

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