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    25 November 2013, Volume 34 Issue 6
    Computer Aided Solution of the Diophantine Equation 5·2x+7·3y=11+2z·3w
    DENG Mou-Jie, ZHOU Xiao-E
    journal6, 2013, 34(6):  1-3. 
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    With computer assistance,all the solutions in integer of the Diophantine equation 5·2x+7·3y=11+2z·3w are given in this paper.
    New Method to Solve the Existence of the Surfaces with the Given Fundamental Forms
    XING Jia-Sheng, HE Hui-Xia, GAO Jian-Quan
    journal6, 2013, 34(6):  4-8. 
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    The authors consider the existence problems of the surfaces with the given first and second fundamental forms.By transferring the surface structural equations into the matrix equations,the authors  give an easier way to solve the surface equations.The matrix method can simplify the complexity of tensor calculation and make the deducing process  easier and clearer.
    A More Accurate Strengthend Half-Discrete Mulholland’s Inequality
    NIE Cai-Yun
    journal6, 2013, 34(6):  9-11. 
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    By means of Jensen-Hadmamard’s inequality and a sharpened Hölder’s inequality,the half-discrete Mulholland’s is improved,and some new inequalities are established.
    Two Notes on Proving Inequation by Using Convex Function
    YONG Long-Quan
    journal6, 2013, 34(6):  12-14. 
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    Based on the distinguishing theorem for convex function,the author  indicates some problems needing attention on proving inequation by using convex function:whether there exists second derivative is the starting point in proving some inequation.The author then proves the matrix form of Kantorovich inequation by using the property of convex function.
    Application of Confidence Intervals and Prediction Intervals of Linear Regression
    ZHANG Lin-Quan
    journal6, 2013, 34(6):  15-18. 
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    After describing the principle of confidence intervals and prediction intervals,this paper,which applies it to analyze the relationship between such two variables as student size and quarterly turnover,tests regression equation.And the result shows that there exists high degree of fitting between these two variables since there exists a positive linear relationship between the two variables (r=0.950 1) and about 90.27% of the variation in the quarterly turnover data is explained by student size;The paper offers not only confidence intervals for the mean of y and prediction intervals for an individual y by using estimated equation,but some relevant graphs as well.
    Proof of PAC-Bayesian Theorem Based on Bayes Classifier
    LIU Miao-Miao, ZHAO Lian-Wen, SONG Hai-Long, JIANG Ying
    journal6, 2013, 34(6):  19-21. 
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    Method of proving PAC-bayesian theorem based on Gibbs classification is used to the proof based on Bayes classification.Through the Bayes classification,the theorem can be applied to the statistical problems conveniently and effectively to solve related problems.
    Simulation Software for Measurement of the Thermal Conductivity of a Poor Conductor Based on Flash CS6
    LIAO Li-Xin, QUAN Xiu-E
    journal6, 2013, 34(6):  22-25. 
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    The operation and using of the YJ-RZ-4A comprehensive experimental instrument is important in improving and training the practical abilities of the students.Physics experiment simulation software utilizing Flash CS6 is introduced,such as the YJ-RZ-4A comprehensive experimental instrument for thermal conductivity.The experimental operations of the YJ-RZ-4A comprehensive experimental instrument for thermal conductivity are simulated in the software based on ActionScript3.0 scripting language.The students may pre-operate experiment and improve the learning efficient by using the software.
    Physics and electrical engineering
    New Chaotic System with One Saddle and Two Unstable Saddle-Foci
    WU Xian-Ming
    journal6, 2013, 34(6):  26-29. 
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    A new chaotic system with a saddle and two unstable saddle-foci is proposed in this paper.The equilibria stability and the relationship between a,b,c of the system and Lyapunov exponents and bifurcation diagrams are analyzed.The numerical simulation is performed in Matlab,and the results show that the new system is chaotic.
    Design of TV Signal Collecting System Based on Double Core ARM+DSP
    HOU Dong-Qing
    journal6, 2013, 34(6):  30-32. 
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    The paper discusses the TV signal collecting system based on double core ARM+DSP.The CPU of this collecting system makes use of TMS320DM8168 by T1 Corporation.The DSP core of collecting system achieves the TV signal collecting and compression,and the ARM core finishes the task of transferring the data to video server.This collecting system makes use of Linux operating system,which functions to manage  the hardware and the software.The tasks of developing software is the transplant of operating system,the compiling of driving program and the programming of application software.This collecting system can operate at lower cost and power consumption than those by traditional PC visual collecting card construction.
    Design of 8 × 8 × 8 LED Light Cube Based on STC Microcontroller
    SU Shan, XIAO Ying, LI Xing-Jie
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2013, 34(6):  33-36. 
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    In order to solve the problems of drab display and poor stereoscopic of 2D LED screen,based on the core of STC single chip,a LED light cube of 8×8×8 is designed,with application of latch 74 HC573 & ULN2803 to obtain high power drive.In this design,text,graph and animation are displayed in multiple 3D forms statically and dynamically.It is suitable for the display of media information and decoration information,and contributes to further development and design of 3D display screen.
    Design of Leakage Monitoring System of Power Lines Based on Internet of Things
    TIAN Meng, ZHANG Ya, ZHOU Teng-Fei, CHEN Shan-Rong, WANG Xiao-Yun
    journal6, 2013, 34(6):  37-40. 
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    A wireless monitoring and remote control system of real-time acquisition of circuit parameters is build by using Cortex-M4 STM32F407 microcontroller core board as the main body,combined with the hardware platform of GSM network communication module and fixed IP host.The system can automatically discover and react to unexpected leakage accidents,while real-time monitoring the parameters on power lines;as a result,this will reduce life injuries and property damage possibly caused by line faults.There are many advantages in our systems,such as visual programming,friendly interface,GSM communication network coverage,monitoring distance unrestricted,GPRS communications wiring-free.In summary,the system is quick,easy and real-time.
    Information and communication
    On k-Error Linear Complexity of pn-Periodic Sequences over GF(q)
    ZHOU Jian-Qin, OuYang-Kong-Li
    journal6, 2013, 34(6):  41-46. 
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    Error linear complexity of periodic sequences is an important indicator of the stability of the key stream.First,the algorithm for computing the k-error linear complexity of a sequence with a period pn over GF(q) is rewritten,and an efficient algorithm for m-tight error linear complexity of this sequence is given.Secondly,a method is given for computing an error vector which gives the k-error linear complexity.Here p is an odd prime and q is a primitive root modulus p2.
    Nighttime Motion Vehicle Detection Based on Self-Adaptive Character Choice
    ZHU Shao-Ping
    journal6, 2013, 34(6):  47-52. 
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    According to the characteristics of the traffic environment at night,a method for nighttime motion vehicle detection based on self-adaptive character selection is presented in this paper.Firstly SIFT algorithm is used to extract the shape characteristic of the motion vehicle at night and obtain the feature vector by the integration of color and texture feature.And then Boosting algorithm and Genetic algorithm are used to obtain a set of fuzzy rules and regulations corresponding weights in the form of iterations and achieve self-adaptive feature selection by weighted voting decision to the most favorable characteristics of the detector.Finally the experimental results show that this method can deal well with complex situations at night,such as occlusion,illumination and background interference,maintain real-time vehicle detection in the choice of different self-adaptive characteristics to background information,and achieve the real-time and accuracy requirements of traffic intelligent monitoring system with strong robustness,which are tested in three different nighttime traffic scenarios.
    Scientific Information Cooperation and Sharing in Xiangxi Region
    YANG Fan
    journal6, 2013, 34(6):  53-55. 
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    Based on the construction of scientific information resources database of the Great Western Hunan Regio,we find out the restrict factors in scientific information cooperation and sharing by spot investigation and analyze the practicability.Meanwhile,the novel model of scientific information cooperation and sharing and effective operating mechanism are established to realize the maximum effeciency by construction of central platform identification and vitual private network (VPN).
    Chemistry and chemical engineering
    Synthesis and Fluorescence Spectra Analysis of 3-Mercaptopropionic Acid Stabilized CdSe Quantum Dots
    WANG Yi-Lin, YANG Kun, LIU Sheng-Yan, MO Li-Shu, LI Huai-Mei
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2013, 34(6):  56-60. 
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    Cadmium selenide quantum dots (QDs) were prepared by the reaction of CdCl2·2.5H2O,Na2SeO3 and NaBH4 in water and in the presence of 3-mercaptopropionic acid (MPA) as stabilizer.The influences of experimental conditions,including refluxing time,cadmium to selenium molar ratio and cadmium to MPA molar ratio,on the luminescent properties of the obtained CdSe QDs were systematically investigated.Furthermore,the obtained QDs were characterized by UV-vis absorption spectra,photoluminescence (PL) spectra,X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM).Experimental results indicated that the refluxing time and the relative quantities of reactants impacted the optical properties of QDs.The proposed method enabled us to obtain cubic CdSe QDs with narrow fluorescence full width at half maximum (35~40 nm).It was found that 16.1 % of photoluminescence quantum yield was achieved when reaction system was refluxed for 90 min at pH 11.0,and nCd∶nSe∶nMPA= 1∶0.2∶1.1.
    Theoretical Study on the Fullerene [4,6]-(C24)n(n =1,2,4,8) and Their Boron-Nitrogen Clusters
    MIAO Shu-Qing, DENG Sheng-Jue
    journal6, 2013, 34(6):  61-65. 
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    AM1 semi-empirical quantum chemical method is applied to optimize the fullerene [4,6]-(C24)n(n =1,2,4,8) and their BN-substituted products [4,6]-((BN)12)n(n=1,2,4,8) with frequency analysis.The results show that the carbon fullerenes and the BN clusters show similar rules of the stability with the changes of the symmetry;BN substitution enhances the stability of the system,so the BN clusters may be expected to be prepared in the laboratory;from the charge distribution of the cluaters the active site of the molecules can be predicted in chemical reaction in laboratory.
    Application of Mixture Regression Design in Pork Ball Formula
    YIN Hong, HUANG Cheng, CHEN Xiang
    journal6, 2013, 34(6):  66-70. 
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    Effects of different proportions of main basic material (potato starch,ovalbumin (OVA),xanthan gum) into lean pork on the sensory quality of pork ball were analyzed.Based on the design of mixture regression experiment,the correlated regression equation between proportion ingredient and sensory quality of product was established,researching the interactions of these three compositions.The optimum conditions of the formula of pork ball were obtained through Design Expert 7.1.6 Trial application software.The optimum conditions of formula are as follows:potato starch is 27.9%,ovalbumin (OVA) is 30%,xanthan gum is 42.1%,in which the total content of three compositions in the lean pork is 10%.
    Overview of Chemical Synthesis Methods of Astaxanthin
    LONG Sheng-Hui, LIU Jing-Lin, XU Liang
    journal6, 2013, 34(6):  71-75. 
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    Astaxanthin,a kind of beta-carotene,exists widely in nature.Astaxanthin has strong antioxidant activity and other physiological activity,with promising applications in many fields.In this paper,recent advances of astaxanthin chemical syntheses are reviewed,and the research trends of the astaxanthin are prospected.
    Historical Discussion About the Theory of Popularization-and-Improvement in Helong’s Sports Thoughts
    LIU Shao-Ying, LI Xiang
    journal6, 2013, 34(6):  76-80. 
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    The Theory of Popularization-and-Improvement in Helong’s sport thoughts was based on people’s health and the country’s development,with inheriting and developing from Marxism-Leninism as its theoretical cornerstone,with practice and progress and national independence as its historical platform,has constructed a very effective logical system and practical model and has become a landmark of China’s sports construction and development.There is also high value in the Popularization-and-Improvement Theory for China to achieve the goal to become a world sports power.
    Analysis Based on Keywords Variation of Network Public Opinion
    SUN Yi, CHENG Rui-Yun, LIU Jian-Ming
    journal6, 2013, 34(6):  81-87. 
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    China has entered the network of public expression of mobile Internet era,network public opinion will experience a latent public opinion,networking crowd,arguing aggregation and influence faded four stages of the process of change in the agglomeration effects are obvious.From quantitative to qualitative change,the network of public opinion through the “keyword” calculation to determine the critical value of the various stages of network public opinion.Meanwhile,according to the changes of network public opinion,can draw an irregular zigzag,pyramid-shaped,glacier-type three categories curve.Therefore,the changes of public opinion research network,reducing network for the probability of occurrence of mass incidents,maintain social stability and the government’s image,has a very important practical significance.
    Education and teaching
    Application Research on English Listening-Speaking Multidimensional Teaching Mode for English Major via Moodle
    TIAN Xing-Bin
    journal6, 2013, 34(6):  88-92. 
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    English listening course and speaking course are the compulsory basic courses for English majors.It is not conducive to develop student communication ability in English listening and speaking in discrete teaching mode.In order to optimize English listening and speaking teaching mode and improve the teaching quality,the present study aims at constructing English listening-speaking multidimensional teaching mode with video-aural-oral via Moodle for English majors based on the related teaching theories.Two intact classes (82 students) of English major were selected as samples.The period of the intervention is a semester (16 weeks).Tests and questionnaires were used as instruments.The results show that the post-test scores of the experimental class which was instructed in English listening-speaking multidimensional teaching mode with video-aural-oral via Moodle are much higher than those of the control class which was taught in English listening and speaking discrete teaching mode.There is a significant difference between two classes.The students had positive attitude toward the multidimensional teaching mode considered it as a new trend of English teaching reform.
    Teaching Reform of Aerobic Course in Colleges and Universities
    WANG Ke, GUO Jian-Hua
    journal6, 2013, 34(6):  93-96. 
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    This article takes the aerobics teaching in colleges and universities as its research object,studies the current situation of aerobics teaching in colleges and universities from four aspects of teaching materials,teaching contents,teaching methods and means and teaching evaluation.It points out the necessity of reform,and aiming at the defects of present situation,puts forward suggestions on innovative teaching ideas and goals,selection and compilation of appropriate textbooks,teaching methods improvement,diverse teaching content and comprehensive evaluation.This research has certain reference value for future aerobics teaching in colleges and universities.
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