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    25 September 2013, Volume 34 Issue 5
    Sequence of Fixed Happy 4-th Numbers
    GAO Li, ZHAO Xi-Yan, ZHAO Cai-Hong
    journal6, 2013, 34(5):  1-2. 
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    By using the elementary methods,fixed happy 4-th numbers and fixed happy n-th numbers are studied.A theorem about the set of  F4 is given and proven,and series of solutions of the problems related to fixed happy n-th numbers are obtained.
    Mean Value of Divisor Function for Smarandache k-Power Complements
    HUANG Wei, MA Yan
    journal6, 2013, 34(5):  3-5. 
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    Let n be positive integer,the Smarandache k-power complements Ak(n) is defined as the smallest integer m such that mn is perfect k-th  power.The mean value of τ(Ak(n)) is studied and an asymptotic formula is given by the analytic integral methods.
    A Telegraph Equation with Hysteresis
    XU Long-feng,XUE Liang
    journal6, 2013, 34(5):  6-10. 
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    This paper discusses a telegraph equation with hysteresis.First,the properties of Ishlinskiǐ hysteresis operator are given.Secondly,the existence of a C1+α,α strong solution is obtained to this equation.
    On a  Half-Discrete Reverse Hilbert-Type Inequality with a Non-Homogeneous Kernel
    XIE Zi-Tian, SUN Yu-Feng
    journal6, 2013, 34(5):  11-15. 
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    By using the way of weight functions,a new half-discrete reverse Hilbert-type inequality is giver,with a non-homogeneous kernel and with a best constant factor.An equivalent  form with a best constant factor is presented.
    Improved GM(1,1) Model and Verhulst Model with Their Applications
    XIAO Lan-Jing, LIU Hong-Liang
    journal6, 2013, 34(5):  16-20. 
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    The GM(1,1) model and Verhulst model are improved based on residual modification.These improved models are used to predict investment of fixed assets and rice production in Hunan province.The predicting results show that the improved models are better than the previous models and more suitable to predict the investment of fixed assets and rice production.
    Fuzzy Portfolio with Fixed Transaction Costs
    CHENG Yang-Jin, YU Shuang, LUO Xiao-Qin, YU Rui-Hua
    journal6, 2013, 34(5):  21-26. 
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    This paper,based on the interval planning method,studies the fuzzy portfolio selection model with fixed transaction costs.The model introduces the function of normal membership,and at the same time,considers the portfolio risk preference.The general portfolio risk preference method definition method is thus modified,which is more consistent with the interval programming,and taking into account the future rate of return,considers the actual situation factors-limit up and limit down.New liquidity definition method is introduced,and the previous defect brought out by turnover rate is overcome.
    5-Error Sequences of 2n-Periodic Unbalanced Binary Sequences
    ZHOU Jian-Qin, WANG Hong-Cui
    journal6, 2013, 34(5):  27-30. 
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    The linear complexity and k-error linear complexity have been used to measure the randomness and the stability of key stream sequences.Both of them are extremely important for studying key stream strength.An effective method to calculate k-error linear complexity is to study error sequences with minimal Hamming weight.On this basis,the counting functions on the 5-error sequences with 5-error linear complexity up to 2n-3 or equal to 2n-2-2m,2n-2-2m+x are derived,and are verified by computer program.
    Implementation of Network Examination System Based on Cloud Foundry Platform
    DING Zhen-Fan
    journal6, 2013, 34(5):  31-36. 
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    The design of network examination system based on Cloud Foundry platform is introduced.By adding a “Cloud Foundry Integration” extension in the STS environment,developers can visually deploy and manage the applications in Cloud Foundry platform through the virtual machine.By using cloud services,application can access the MySQL database on the cloud.Focusing on test paper generation,test paper display,and scoring process in the examination system,the author introduces programming methods about the controller,model and view based on  Spring MVC framework.The system uses the Json string to transfer test paper information between web pages.
    Query Optimization Based on Genetic Algorithm
    GUO Qing-Yan, GU Li-Chuan, ZHANG You-Hua, CAO Meng-Ru, ZHANG Deng-Liang
    journal6, 2013, 34(5):  37-41. 
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    Query efficiency is an important indicator of database systems,but query optimization is a difficult  research focus.This paper presents a query based on genetic algorithm optimization method.The method uses keyword preprocessing module,which transforms keyword  that users enter into the internal keywords to improve query accuracy.In order to speed up query response time,statistical record index table of researches is established.In case of  repeated searches,full database scan can be avoided.When full database scan is recessary,the use of genetic algorithm,the optimal solution is proposed.Correlation calculation method is used,which is operated according to the degree of relevancy of queries.
    Realization of EIGamal Digital Signature in VFP
    LI Shu-Jing, LI Lin-Guo
    journal6, 2013, 34(5):  42-44. 
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    The digital signature is realized maily by the symmetric encryption algorithm.ElGamal algorithm,a commonly used symmetric encryption algorithm,is widly used in the digital signature and the encryption,with the advantages of fast generation and simple signature verification.Visual Foxpro is a widdely-applied targe-oriented databse designing system.In this paper the realization of ElGamal digital signature algorithm is detailedly introduced,and the course and interface of ElGamal digital signature in VFP is described.
    Construction Based on CAD System Knowledge Base of Planner Disc Cam
    ZHANG Xing
    journal6, 2013, 34(5):  45-48. 
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    The design of cam mechanism is a complicated process which contains multi-factors and multi-levels,and many of the formulas can not be standardized.Combined with the development of Visual Basic and Access database,this system uses the expert knowledge base to maintain and modify the knowledge base to build the cam mechanism of intelligent design system .This system not only makes it convenient for users to operate,embodying the system's usability and intelligence,but also has practical significance for improving the design of cam mechanism.
    Piecewise Curve Fitting Method of Processing Meteorological Data Based on the Orthogonal Polynomial
    SUN Bao-Jing
    journal6, 2013, 34(5):  49-52. 
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    In accordance with the characterics of the large number and complex and unpredicted trend on change of the meteorological detecting data,the piecewise curve fitting method based on the least squares of orthogonal polynomial for scattered data is presented.Firstly,the reason of using the least squares of orthogonal polynomial for scattered data is introduced from the respect of the stability of data processing.Secondly,the principle of twice piecewise curve fitting is set out in detail from the respect of the shape preserving feature of curve fitting.Finally,as the temperature detecting data for example,it is proved clearly that the twice piecewise curve fitting method can make much better fitting precision than the traditional interpolation method,and improve the level of precision and automation of the meteorological detecting data processing.
    Physics and electrical engineering
    Transmission Properties of  One-Dimensional Linear Function Photonic Crystal with Defect
    LI Hong, ZHANG Si-Qi, WU Xiang-Yao, LIU Xiao-Jing, BA Nuo, WANG Jing, GUO Yi-Qing
    journal6, 2013, 34(5):  53-55. 
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    The light propagation characteristic in one-dimensional function photonic crystal with defect is studied by transfer matrix,compared with the function photonic crystal without defect layer.There is defect mode in the band gap.The defect mode is greatly related with the position and refractive index of defect layer.With the changing position of the defect layer,the defect mode is weak.The position and refractive index of defect also have the effect on the distribution of election field.
    Analysis of Power Quality Control in Distribution Network
    ZHANG Li-Sheng, SHI Jia, GUO Chao, SHI Da-Fa
    journal6, 2013, 34(5):  56-59. 
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    This paper proposes a kind of voltage regulation,reactive power compensation and harmonic suppression distribution network power quality control devices.The causes of system harmonic amplification and suppression strategies are analyzed,integrated control model is established for wattless voltage harmonic and optimization control algorithm.The simulation results verify the validity and rationality of the control strategy.
    Information and communication
    Analysis and Prediction on the Chaotic Property of Traffic Flow Time Series
    LUO Yi
    journal6, 2013, 34(5):  60-65. 
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    The real-teime and procise short-ferm traffic flow forecesting is the key factor for the realizing of traffic control and traffic guidance in the intelligent traffic system.Saturated correlation dimension method and mutual information method are used to calculate embedding dimension and delay time,and the traffic flow time series is reconstructed accordingly in phase space.Wolf method is used to calculate the largest Lyapunov exponent,and the power spectrum of traffic flow time series is analyzed.Results show that the traffic flow series is a chaotic sequence with noise.The prediction models based on BP neural networks and RBF neural networks are applied to pedict traffic flow time series,which shows that the two models both  have good prediction effects,with the former having higher prediction accuracy and quicker prediction speed.
    Tree-Based Anti-Collision Algorithm Radio Frequency Identification System
    TIAN Wang-Lan, LI Meng-Xing, TAN Yue
    journal6, 2013, 34(5):  66-69. 
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    The anti-collision algorithm is the key technology of radio frequency identification system to achieve multi-target recognition.To solve the problem of too many identification times and transmitted bits in some binary tree based schemes,a new tree-based anti-collision algorithm is proposed.The algorithm divides tags into several groups.Four query prefixes which consist of two bits are directly used to split tag set,and the backtrack strategy is adopted to reduce identification times.The simulation results show that the algorithm significantly improves the query times and the data transmission.
    Prediction of Safety Distance of Antenna Electromagnetic Radiation in Mobile Communication Base Station
    ZHANG Ming-Hai
    journal6, 2013, 34(5):  70-73. 
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    With the social progress and the development of communication technology,the number of mobile communication base stations have continually increased in cities.Furthermore,the influence of their electromagnetic radiation on the surrounding environment has attracted  people's greater attention.In order to standardize the construction of the base station,and eliminate public's panic,the author studies the prediction of the safety distance of GSM900 mobile communication base station by theoretical and field measurement,the horizontal safety distance being 26 meters,while the vertical being 6 meters.
    Chemistry and chemical engineering
    Study on Aluminum Metalloenzymes by ab initio Method and ABEEMσπ Model
    YANG Zhong-Zhi, NING Fang-Da
    journal6, 2013, 34(5):  74-78. 
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    By applying the atom-bond electronegativity equalization σπ model (ABEEMσπ model), a large number of quantum chemistry calculations were performed to determine the ABEEMσπ parameters of aluminum metalloenzymes.Then these parameters were employed to study the charge distributions and Fukui function of aluminum metalloenzymes.Calculated results obtained by ABEEMσπ model are in good agreement with those by the ab initio method and experimental conclusions.Further analysis of the charge distributions between 1L3R and 1L3R-serine indicates that Al3+  is the active center of 1L3R,and serine would reduce the activity of 1L3R according to Fukui function.In addition,comparing the generalized Fukui function of Al3+ in 1L3R with that in 1L3R-serine,generalized Fukui function is proved to be appropriate in this system,and ABEEMσπ model is feasible to predict the inhibitors of aluminum metalloenzymes.
    Assay of Combustion Heat of Three  Optional Coal Samples
    ZHAO Li-Na, JIANG Da-Yu, LIU Chun-Ling, WANG Xiu-Yan
    journal6, 2013, 34(5):  79-81. 
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    On the basis of the combustion heat  theory,the combustion heat of the three  optional coal samples from three different mines were assayed.Form the results of the test,sample No. 1  is not only burnt completely but also produces the highest combustion heat.It is the best of the three samples coal.
    Biological resources
    Research Advance in White Rot Fungi Assisted Pulping
    ZHANG Xiang-Sheng, ZOU Xue-Dong, CHAI Xin-Yue
    journal6, 2013, 34(5):  82-84. 
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    Pulp and paper industry is one of the pillar industries in China,but it is alsothe major pollution to the environment.Biological technology aided pulping techniques has gained much attention  for its low contamination and low cost.White rot fungi are the most widely used strains.This paper gives a broad review on the relevant biological pulping technology,the mechanism of lignin degradation by white rot fungi,and the screening,improvement and application of white rot fungi.
    Cloning and Expression of spaA Gene of Erysipelothrix Rhusiopathiae C43065
    LIU Dan-Dan, YANG Zhen-Long, WU Lu-Mu-Han-·Na-Zi-尔Bie-Ke
    journal6, 2013, 34(5):  85-88. 
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    The spaA gene encoding mature surface protective antigen A (SpaA) without signal peptide was amplified from genomic DNA of E.rhusiopathiae C43065 by PCR,The BamHⅠand HindⅢ digested PCR product was cloned into prokaryotic expression vector pET32a to generate a recombinant plasmid pET-spaA.The recombinant protein rSpaA was expressed in E.coli BL21 harboring the recombinant plasmid pET-spaA by IPTG inducing,and the expressed protein was determined by SDS-PAGE.The DNA sequence analysis showed that the spaA gene of C43065 strain was 1794 bp in length.SDS-PAGE analysis revealed a single protein band with a molecular weight of 86 kDa successfully expressed in E.coli BL21.The expressed protein of rSpaA will contribute to further study on protective domain of this protein.
    Exploration of College Graduates Employment in Minority Nationality Regions——Taking Jishou University as an Example
    XIONG Wen-Bin
    journal6, 2013, 34(5):  89-92. 
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    Compared with other colleges and universities,colleges in minority nationality regions find greater difficulties in work of graduate employment.In order to realize the full employment of the graduates of colleges and universities in minority nationality regions,a suitable work path for the university employment must be explored.We must improve the employment execution force,improve the security force,and expand employment ideas to enhance employment work force.The overall quality of graduates must also be promoted to increase their competitiveness.Colleges must serve the local economic construction so as to enlarge the influence of the college.
    Policing Supervision Mode in Virtual Network Community
    SHI Rong-Dan
    journal6, 2013, 34(5):  93-96. 
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    With the rapid development of Internet technology,policing activities in the virtual network society has received great impact.This paper put forward a new policing mode based on the three-level system composed of community police service,theory of zero-improvement,and crime prevention.This mode is an innovative mode which makes clear the target,content and scope of supervision and combines with the inherent features of virtual society.
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