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    15 June 2002, Volume 23 Issue 2
    On the Euler's Factor and Its Order of Odd Perfect Numbers
    LE Mao-Hua
    journal6, 2002, 23(2):  1-2. 
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    Let n be an odd perfect number,and let π,α denote the Euler's factor and its order of n respectively.In this paper we prove that if every non-Euler q of n satisfies q≡3(mod 4),then π≡α(mod 8).
    Information and Engineering
    Computation of Bistatic RCS of Cylinders Filled WithLarge Loss Dielectric by Moment Method
    DONG Wen-Feng, FU Wen-Bin, LIU Jian-Hao, ZHOU Jian
    journal6, 2002, 23(2):  3-6. 
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    Numerical computation of bistatic RCS is carried out by moment method for some infinite long cylinders filled with large loss dielectric (LLD) used in radar anti-stealthy technology and design of microwave dark rooms, in case of TM incident of wave. The simulation shows that the scattering is weak for materials with large permittivity and low loss. The electromagnetic parameters of filled dielectric have obvious effect on the scattering of the cylinders when ka0 is small, however, the effect becomes weaker with the increase of the angle between the cylinder to the two stations. When ka0 is large, the influence of electromagnetic parameters of the filled dielectric to RCS is weak, while the scattering energy gradually concentrates to the backward direction.
    Design of a Multi-Media Whiteboard System on Internet
    LI Li-Ming, CAI Li-Jun, HU Jin, SHI Rong-Hua, LI Fang-Jun
    journal6, 2002, 23(2):  7-11. 
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    According to the application of the whiteboard in CSCW,a multi-media share whiteboard system on Internet is designed,which,aiming at the safety strategy required by the whiteboard,provides relevant safety service and presents approaches to realization of system information and object.
    Biological resources
    Allergy of Huwen Analgesic Peptide (HWAP-1)
    LIANG Hai-Ying, ZHANG Xiao-Yuan, LIANG Song-Ping
    journal6, 2002, 23(2):  12-14. 
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    HWAP-1 was studied on allergy by whole body allergic test and skin part allergic test.The results showed that HWAP-1 did not cause whole body allergic and skin part allergic.
    Doctoral Forum
    Disposal of Chromium (VI) in Waste Water by Titania Compound Adsorbent
    LU Xiu-Guo, LIANG Shu-Xuan, YU Bo-Qu
    journal6, 2002, 23(2):  15-18. 
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    The experimental study using a titania  compound adsorbent to dispose the chromium in waste water is compared with using the active carbon. The result shows,if the content of the chromium in waster water is 80 mg/L and the adsorbent is titania, the removal rate of chromium will reach 99.5%, which is obviously higher than using active carbon adsorbent; what's more, the desorption rate of chromium can reach 99.6%, and the adsorbent can be used again after regeneration.
    The Observation of to Normal Distribution of Population
    CHEN Bi-Hong
    journal6, 2002, 23(2):  19-23. 
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    The simplest model in statistics,the observation of normal distribution of population is analysed in this paper,by using  the theory of observation  process.Though the problem has been solved,some new conclusions are given in this paper.According to the viewpoint of observation process,it is important not to concern with estimating value,but with the knowledge distribution about observed object,or posterior probability distribution,which is used to make decision.But in the process of making decision,there may be some process equivalent to estimation.This point is used to do analysis,and thus some conclusion which is not found before is drawn to give a foundation to further analysis.
    Application of Virtual Reality in Micro-Accelerometer Design
    XIE Shao-Rong, LUO Jun, ZHAO Xin, LU Gui-Zhang
    journal6, 2002, 23(2):  24-27. 
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    The design method with virtual reality is specially propitious to develop micro-structure parts, similarly micro_accerlerometer. In this paper, the corresponding implementation steps of designing virtual micro-accelerometer are given. The virtual environment based on micro computer is established. The micro-accelerometer working in the virtual environment shows that the idea of design method for micro-accelerometer with virtual reality is feasible and the implementation steps are correct.
    Key disciplines
    On the Anti-Symmetric Solution of Linear Matrix Equations
    JIANG Li-Qun, MO Hong-Min, LIU Luo-Fei
    journal6, 2002, 23(2):  28-30. 
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    The anti-symmetric solutions of linear equations AX=C and AXB=C are considered.The necessary and sufficient conditions for the consistency of the equations with an anti-symmetric condition on solutions are derived using the full-rank decomposition,generalized inverse and generalized singular-value decomposition.
    High Sensitive SO2-4 Ion-Selective Electrode
    DUAN You-Gou
    journal6, 2002, 23(2):  31-33. 
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    A PVC membrance SO2-4ion-electrode made up of a electroactive substance and plasticiser,was reported in this paper.The electroative substance was composed of 2-Aminperimidine and SO2-4.The plasticiser was made up of DBP.The experiment made clear that the ion-electrode had good selectivity and high sensitivity about SO2-4.The electrode gave a linear response range from 5.0×10-7 mol·L-1 to 1.0×10-1mol·L-1.This electrode has been used for determining SO2-4 in water.The result was satifactory.
    Treatment of the Electrolytic Mangan Wastewater byIron Chipping Microelectrolysis
    OuYang-Yu-Zhu , SHEN Yang, LI Qing-Ping, LI Jian-Hua, XU Jing-Ming
    journal6, 2002, 23(2):  34-37. 
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    The electrolytic mangan wastewater was processed by iron chipping.The factors of iron chipping amount, reaction time and the influence of wastewater pH on the purgation ratio of Cr6+,Mn2+ were investigated. The results show that under usual temperature when amount of iron chipping is 15%, wastewater pH is 4.00, reaction time is 120 min, Cr6+,Mn2+ and total chromium purgation ratio were 99.7% and 99.2%.when it was used to practice the treatment electrolytic mangan wastewater, purgation ratio of Cr6+,Mn2+ was 99.45% and 95.53%.
    The GC/MS Testing of Essential Oil and the Valeriana in Xiang-e-yu-qian Areas
    GU Li
    journal6, 2002, 23(2):  38-42. 
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    GC/MS has been used to test the chemical components of essential oil of the perfume plants of Valeriana such as Valeriana pseudofficinais C.Y.Cheng et H.B.Cheng,V.faurieri Briq and V.steeenoptena in the areas of Xiang-e-yu-qian.The conclusion has been drawn that the essential oil of perfume plants is of high content of main chemical components and of effective components. The three kinds of Valeriana plants are excellent ones.
    On Cultural Choice for the Development of Traditional Ethnic Sports
    LONG Pei-Lin
    journal6, 2002, 23(2):  43-45. 
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    As a kind of traditional ethnic sport among different nationalities in Hunan-Hubei-Chongqing-Guizhou border region,long-feet-horse(something like stilts) has become a part of P.E. teaching and national sports competition. After analysing its modernized transformation,the difference between tradional ethnic sports and modern sports has been discovered.This thesis provides theoretical refference for modernizing development of traditional ethnic sports under new social condition and new cultural choice.
    Integral Operator Solving Process of Abstract Kinetic Equation With a Parameter and Reflecting Boundary Condition
    YU De-Jian, LIU Xiao-Ping
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2002, 23(2):  46-51. 
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    Some kind of abstract Volterra linear integral operators is studied in order to solve the boundary value problems of abstract kinetic equation. The solving process is named as integral operator solving process, thus it is fended provide a new, simple and immediate solving process of the boundary value problems of abstract kinetic equations. In the paper we solve the boundary value problems of abstract kinetic equation with a parameter and reflecting boundary condition by the integral operator solving process.
    On the First Power Mean of Dirichlet L-FunctionsWith the Weight of Kloostermann Sums
    GAO Li
    journal6, 2002, 23(2):  52-55. 
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    By using estimation of the classical kloostermann sum,estimation of the trigonomitric sum and the analytic method to study the first power mean of Dirichlet L-functions with the weight of general Kloostermann sum,a sharp asymptotic formula is given:∑x≠x0|S(m,n,x,q)|2|L(1,x)|=φ2(q)∑′∞n=1(r2(n))/(n2)+O(q3/2+ε).
    Physics and electronics
    New Exact Travelling Wave Solutions for a Class of  Nonlinear Evolution Equations
    CAI Hong-Ying, GUO Guan-Ping
    journal6, 2002, 23(2):  56-58. 
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    The hyperbolic function method has been used to study new exact travelling wave solutions for a class of nonlinear evolution equation. The basic idea of this method is based on the fact that solitary wave solution of the nonlinear evolution equations is essentially of a localized property.Because the travelling wave solution can assum the polynomial form of the hyperbolic functions, the resultant solutions are obtained by solving a systems of nonlinear algebraic equations.
    Stochastic Calculus on the Frame Bundle
    ZHOU Hui, LIU Yong-Li
    journal6, 2002, 23(2):  59-61. 
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    Associated with a canonical second order differential operator on frame bandles, there is a diffusion process.We denote by X={x∈C([0,1],Rd),x(x)=0},H={h∈X:‖h‖2H=∫10|h··(t)|2dt<∞},Y={y∈C([0,1],s(d)):y(0)=0},K={k∈Y:‖k‖2K=∫10|k·(t)|2dt<∞},then (β,ρ) is a Rd×s(d)-valued semimartingale satisfying the following SDE:dβ(t)=dh(t)+ρdx(t)-(dy(t))β,β(0)=0,dρ(t)=dk(t)+Ω(dx(t),β(t))+[ρ(t),dy(t)],ρ(0)=0.
    Physics and electronics
    Study of the Knowledge Acquirement Based on Feed-Forward Neural Network
    HE Guo-Guang, ZHOU Jian-Qiang
    journal6, 2002, 23(2):  62-65. 
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    In this paper,based on feed-forward neural network,“Tic-Tac-Toe”is taken as research object to explore the application of the artificial neural network in cognizance science. Computer simulation shows that it is feasible to acquire knowledge with the neural network.
    Implementing TCP/IP Network Communication by Windows Sockets
    HUANG Guo-Sheng, LIANG Ping-Yuan, ZHOU Xiao-Qing
    journal6, 2002, 23(2):  66-69. 
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    The Sockets programming model is intended to be a standard for TCP/IP networking,and the Winsock is an open interface for network programming under Microsoft Windows ,which has been built upon the Sockets programming model. At first,the basic concept of Winsock is introduced,then the structure of Winsock is analyzed,at last,an example programme is presented to illuminate the method of implementing TCP/IP network communication by Winsock.
    Information and Engineering
    The Application of the Theory of Grey System to the Diagnosis of Equipment Breakdown
    WEI Cheng-Hui, QIN Hong-Qiao
    journal6, 2002, 23(2):  70-74. 
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    By applying the theory of grey system to diagnosing equipment breakdown,the problems of state prediction and trouble-mode recognition of equipment can be solved.The operation is easy and the diagnosis is quick and reliable,but no complicated devices are needed.
    Physics and electronics
    Essential Self-Adjointness of Symmetric Fields
    ZHANG De-Xing
    journal6, 2002, 23(2):  75-77. 
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    The essential self-adjontness of symmetric fields and the local commutativity of spectral projections is discussed.Local von Neumann rings for any operator from  the Borchers class of the free fields is constructed.The relation between the Borchers-Zimmermann bound and the essential self-adjointness of a symmetric field.
    On the Geomagnetic Field in Xiangxi District and Its Determination
    PENG Ye-Jin
    journal6, 2002, 23(2):  78-81. 
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    Based on the state addition principle,this thesis makes an initial analysis of the relationship between the intensity of light filtering through rubidium bubble and the constant magnetic field at the centre of the bubble,and expounds on the magnetic field determination method by optical pumping magnetic resonance experiment. The thesis also gives out the value of geomagnetic field in Xiangxi district.
    Biological resources
    Characteristics of Polyphenol Oxidase in Lotus Root
    HUANG Jian-Shao, TIAN Hong-Xian
    journal6, 2002, 23(2):  82-84. 
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    The acetone powder of ppo in lotus root being extracted from ice?.cold acetone,the effects of pH,temperature,concentration of substrate,and inhibitors on ppo's activity were investigated by using the spectrophotometric method.The results showed that the optimal pH and tempearture were 7.0 and  35 ℃,Km and Vm of ppo with catechol substrate were 22.7 mmol/L and 0.625 OD/min respectively,the extinct condition of ppo was 25 s at 100 ℃,sodium sulfite and ascorbic acid were strong inhiitors,with the effective concentration  being 3.00×10-4 and 1.75×10-4 respectively.
    Scientific research bulletin
    On Making General Installation Programs in Delphi
    HUANG Bin
    journal6, 2002, 23(2):  85-86. 
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    The writer  introduces the method and process of  making general installation programs in Delphi by using some functions of Visual C++.
    Structural Constants of Finite Dimension Algebra and Coalgebra
    YANG Yu-Ying, LI Xiao-Pei, ZHANG Shou-Chuan
    journal6, 2002, 23(2):  87-89. 
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    Let A be a finite dimension algebra(coalgebra).The products(coproducts)of bases of A give the structural constants of A.The structural constants form a cube matrix,which determine the structure of algebra A. Therefore,leading into structural constants gives a new show of finite dimension algebra.
    Preparation of the High-Pure Capsaicin Chemical Compound by Way of Extraction and Crystallization
    ZHANG Shi-Wen, YAO Zu-Feng
    journal6, 2002, 23(2):  90-92. 
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    Use hot pepper as material,and dissolve it in the solution of 2% sodium hydroxide,after this,acidulate it with the solution of 5% H2SO4,extract with n-Hexane and concentrate it,then the crude product(its degree of purity is 82%~84%)of the capsaicin chemical compound is obtained.In the next step,dissolve the crude product in the mixed solution of n-Hexane-Hexyl acetate,then,after recrystallizing it,the crystal of the high-pure capsaicin chemical compound is obtained,it's degree of purity being 92.5%,according to the examination standard of GB10783—1996.The obtaining rate of the high-pure capsaicin chemical compound is 2.2%(relative to the element of hot pepper).
    The Patterns of Ecological Agricuture in Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture
    WANG Ya-Li
    journal6, 2002, 23(2):  93-96. 
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    By analyzing the  natural conditions and the present situation of industry  and  agriculture,this article puts  forward the principles of choosing  ecological agriculture  patterns and  devises  four kinds of ecological agricultural system : rice soil ecological agricultural system,dry land ecological agricultural system,meadow  ecological agricultural system  and forest ecological agricultural system   for  Xiangxi autonomous prefecture.
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