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    25 March 2012, Volume 33 Issue 2
    Auslander-Reiten Translations for Comodules
    ZHU Jia-Gui, LI Qi-Sheng, WEI Li-Juan
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  1-6. 
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    Let  Γ be a coalgebra over a field k.Further discussion of the functor  τ=DTr:MΓqc→ MΓqc is carried out,where MΓqc denotes the full subcategory of MΓ determined by the quasi-finitely copresented comodules.If  Γ is a semisimple coalgebra,it is proved that  the functor  τ:f.d.M〖TXX-〗Γqc→ f.d.M〖TX-〗Γqp is a categories equivalence,where M〖TXX-〗Γqc (MΓqp)  is the injectively (projectively) stable category and f.d.M〖TXX-〗Γqc(f.d.MΓqp) is the full subcategory of  M〖TXX-〗Γqc (M〖TX-〗Γqp) determined by the finite dimensional injective(projective) comodules.
    On the Mean Value of Generalized Smarandache Summands  Function
    HUANG Wei
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  7-9. 
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    The main purpose of this paper is using the elementary method,analytic method and the properties of the Gauss function to study the mean value properties of AS〖JB((〗n,m,k〖JB))〗,and  give an interesting asymptotic formula for it.
    Relative Productive Spaces in L-Topological Spaces and θ-Connectedness
    JIANG Jin-Ping, WANG Xiao-Xia
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  10-12. 
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    The relative product spaces are introduced by the generalized Zadeh function and the θ-connectedness is discussed in the relative product spaces of L-topological spaces.The product  of θ-connectedness to the relative product spaces is proved.That is,the relative product spaces are θ-connected if and only if each factor space is θ-connectedness.
    Two Mistakes of Fuzzy Sets
    SU Fa-Hui
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  13-15. 
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    By examplification,it is shown that  L. A. Zadeh  improperly defined fuzzy sets with mapping and furthermore,he also incorrectly defined the join and intersection operations by selecting the maximal and minimal values.In fact,the fuzzy school knew the problem of selecting the values and they provide many arithmetic operators,especially the notions of t-and s-bound norms which are proven wrong.Therefore,it can be concluded that fuzzy-set theorists have not yet provided a reasonable definition for the join and intersection operations.
    Ruin Probabilities in the Poisson-Geometric Risk Model Perturbed by Diffusion Under Heavy-Tailed Claims
    BAO Zhen-Hua, YIN Ming-E, ZHANG Shao-Hua
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  16-18. 
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    The compound Poisson-Geometric risk model is more appropriate for describing the case that risk event and claim event are not equivalent,so it has significant background in insurance practice.In this paper the authors investigate the Poisson-Geometric risk model perturbed by diffusion under heavy-tailed claims,and the asymptotic expression satisfied by the ruin probability is derived.The result obtained in the present paper is consistent with the classical risk model perturbed by diffusion.
    Blow-up  Criterion of Classical Solution of Quasi-Geostrophic Equation
    CUI Wen-Hui
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  19-23. 
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    The quasi-geostrophic equation is considered in this paper.A criterion is given for the finite time blow-up of a classical solution in terms of its small time behaviors along the trajectories.The result is deduced from a differential inequality for the reciprocal of the length of the gradient of the solution along a particle trajectories.The method and the result are similar to those of Chae on the 3 dimensional incompressible Euler system.The result gives some inspiration for the further research of quasi-geostrophic equation.
    A Class of House  Prices Model Based on Multiple Regression
    LIN Wei, HE Ping, CAO Can
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  24-27. 
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    With SPSS software,this paper treated the four indexes used to measure house prices as the factors to affect the sales amount of the completed apartments of commercial houses.A price model was constructed based on the idea of multiple linear regression.It can be seen  that the residual cumulative probability plots are fluctuations around the baseline in the residual sequence of pure random test,the sample autocorrelation coefficient gradually decreases to zero,and basically there is no autocorrelation about residual series.
    8-Error Linear Complexity of 2n-Periodic Balanced Binary Sequences
    ZHOU Jian-Qin, ZHAO Qi, CUI Hong-Cheng
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  28-34. 
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    The linear complexity and the k-error linear complexity of a sequence have been used as the important measurement of keystream sequence strength.By studying linear complexity of binary sequences with period 2n,based on Games-Chan algorithm,8-error linear complexity distribution of 2n-periodic binary sequences with linear complexity less than 2n is discussed.The complete counting functions on 2n-periodic balanced binary sequences with 8-error linear complexity 2n-2,2n-3,2n-4 and 2n-3-2n-j are derived respectively.
    Realization of CIM Data Access Mechanism Based on FastDB
    CAO Yu-Lin
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  35-40. 
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    Starting from analyzing CIM data access mechanism,this paper expounds the methods of resource location,data inquiry,and data description in the process of data access.This research introduces the realization code of CIM data access interface Resource ID Service and Resource Query Service based on FastDB.The functions and ways to deal with the exceptional conditions are also explored.This way can make effective use of CPU period and memory,and to some extent,can realize the real-time data operation,which improve the exploitation,development and the maintainance of the system.
    Hierarchical Model Based on Mobile Agent IDS Design
    SONG Ji-Hua, LIU Wei-Guo
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  41-44. 
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    As one of the effective supplements of firewall technology intrusion detection system  is widely used in practice,but the traditional intrusion detection system has some limitations.Intrusion detection system based on mobile agent has become an important direction in the research field of  distributed intrusion detection technology.This paper analyzes the deficiency of existing intrusion detection system,introduces the  mobile agent technology,and thus designs a mobile-Agent-based distributed intrusion detection system model structure,which can improve  the suspicious behavior analysis and response and effectively deal with distributed intrusion behavior.
    Physics and electronics
    Dynamical Behavior of  Whispering-Gallery Cavity Optomechanical System
    LI Xiao-Juan, WU Yun-Wen, PENG Jun
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  45-49. 
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    The dynamical behavior of  whispering-gallery cavity optomechanical system under the action of a controlling laser and a probe laser is investigated.The origin of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) -like dips is analyzed.The existence of the analog of EIT and electromagnetically induced absorption (EIA) in the output field at the probe frequency in this optomechanical system is demonstrated.The pump-probe response for the whispering-gallery mode (WGM) shares the features of the Λ system in atoms.What’s more,the switching between the EIT and EIA is dominated by the pump detune.The demonstration of EIT in this optomechanical system provides a theoretical basis for the quantum information processing.
    Quantum Solitary Wave in a Quasi-One-Dimensional Molecular Crystal Model
    DENG Yi-Qun, LI De-Jun
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  50-54. 
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    By using the number state method and the simplified method of quasidiscreteness multiple scales,the authors  have studied quantum solitary wave solutions in a quasi-one-dimensional molecular crystal model.In this model,there are both traveling and stationary quantum solitary waves.With the help of the obtained quantum solitary wave solution,the energy levels of the quantum solitary wave have been investigated further.It is shown that the energy of the quantum solitary wave is of quantization,which makes it possible to  observe quantum thermal conduction in the material.
    Dual Linear Polarization Interference Experiment Based on Michelson Interferometer
    LI De-Sheng, LIAO Li-Xin, LI Fang, ZHU Yu-Wei
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  55-57. 
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    The theory of dual linear polarization light interference is reviewed,and thus the functional relationship between the visibility and the angle of two planes of polarization in the interference picture is obtained.Based on the Michelson interferometer with optical path and with the addition of  the polarizers,the dual linear polarized light interference is realized.By adjusting the direction of polarizers plane and changing the angle,the interferance pictures in different angle are obtained.Using the CCD recorded interference pattern image,the theoretical and experimental results are compared.Analysis results indicate that the predictions of the theory are supported by experimental results qualitatively.
    Collimation and Modulation System Design of Optical Modules Based on the Single-Chip Microcomputer
    ZHANG Ya-Juan
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  58-61. 
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    This article first elaborates the examination principle of  optical module collimation technology.Combined with the application,it designed the laser-aided optical module collimation detection system based on the single-chip microcomputer.It then introduces the operating principle of the system which has the advantages of more accuracy,less power dissipation,and lower cost.
    Design of Bridge Deck with Intelligent Temperature Control and Deicing System
    TAN Hong-Xia, TU Li, LI Jian-Nan
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  62-66. 
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    It is cold winter in China,and the cold weather lasts almost one month in south China and even longer in the north.So,the road surface and bridge deck get iced up easily.The traffic accidents and high-way  closures caused by icing will bring huge negative social influence and economic losses,so it is necessary to take effective decicing methods.However,some of the current deicing methods,have both advantages and disadvantages.Accordingly,this paper proposes a new method:replace a row of reinforcement steel bar with steel pipes in the steel mesh and lay heating wires in the pipes to heat up he bridge deck.The entire circuit control system takes the advantage of automatic temperature control.When the deck temperature is lower than 2 ℃,the temperature control system automatically switch on the power,and wires warm up;when the deck temperature is higher than 20 ℃,the temperature control system automatically switch off  the power,wires stop warming.In this way,intelligent  temperature control is achieved,and at the same time,the deck  will not be iced up in low temperature.This system is  easy to repair when with a fault,thus ensuring safe transportation.
    Information and Engineering
    Comparison of Root-MUSIC and PM Algorithm with MUSIC
    HUANG Guang-Ya
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  67-71. 
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    Root-MUSIC and PM which are aimed to reduce complexity of calculation have been discussed and compared with MUSIC in this article.Root-MUSIC algorithm reduces complexity of calculation by calculating polynomial roots,while  PM algorithm by using matrix multiplication instead of eigen-decomposition.The simulation demonstrates,among the three algorithms,Root-MUSIC performs best in the case of a small amount of array elements;otherwise,PM will be better.
    Sliding Mode Circuit Design of High-Order Σ-Δ  Modulators
    TAN Zi-You, YANG Xi
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  72-77. 
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    A novel sliding mode circuit approach for implementing  high-order Σ-Δ modulators is proposed in this paper.Firstly,the Σ-Δ modulating coding function is prooved,and then the stability criterion of transfer function for high-order  Σ-Δ modulators is deduced.Secondly,the stability design algorithm of transfer function using the deduced criterion,Butterworth poles and zeros optimization is introduced.Finally,the circuit implementation of  Σ-Δ  modulators with cascading loop-filters is completed by using the solution of parameter equations and simulation modifications.A design example and simulation results verify that the proposed method is feasible.
    Image De-Noise Based on Wavelet Threshold Shrinkage
    SONG Zhi-Guo, ZHANG Yin-Xing, DENG Xiao-Fei
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  78-79. 
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    The image denoising experiment,using biorthogonal wavelet and applying VisuShrink thresholds and BayesShrink thresholds,is conducted to images mixed with Gaussian white noise through the hard threshold function and the soft threshold function respectively.The results show that denoising effect of the hard VisuShrink threshold is better than that of soft VisuShrink threshold;the denoising effect of the soft BayesShrink threshold is better than that of hard BayesShrink;and BayesShrink can have a better denoising effect only in the soft threshold function.
    Design of Adaptive Filter Based on  the Normalized Least-Mean-Square Algorithm
    ZHANG Yin-Xing, YANG Hui-Yuan, SONG Zhi-Guo
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  80-83. 
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    The convergence rate of the Normalized Least-Mean-Square(NLMS) algorithm with variable step length  is higher than that of the Least-Mean-Square algorithm,and the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)design of the adaptive filter using Altera DSP Builder and QUARTUS II 7.2 is accomplished.
    Biological resources
    Reserch on the Body Shape and Composition Adults in Huaihua City
    WU Yi-Zhong, LI Feng-Qian, LU Qiong-Zhi, LEI Ming-Zhi, QU Jie
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  84-88. 
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    In order to understand the status quo of adult body shape and body composition in Huaihua city and reveal the index variation of different age groups,4 880 adults (male 2 480,female 2 400) in the age of 20~59 in Huaihua city are investigated and analyzed.The results show that,as for the body shape,heigh,weigh,and ratio of waist to hip tend to decrease with the age;as for the body composition,percentage of fat increases with age.Compared with the results obtained in 2005,the height and fat percentage of the male are lower than the average level (P<0.05,P<0.01) in Hunan province,and the male Quetelet index and fat percentage of the female are higher than the average level (P<0.05) in Hunan province.
    Chemistry and chemical engineering
    Theoretical Study on the Hetero-Diels-Alder Reaction of Oxime and Cyclopentadiene
    XU Wen-Yuan, XU Na-Na, TANG Jing, DU Rui-Huan, LI Min, HU Lin
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  89-92. 
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    B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) theory and MP2/6-311G(d,p) theory  were used to calculate the Hetero-Diels-Alder reaction’s mechanism of oxime and cyclopentadiene.The results indicate that C—N bonds’ formation was prior to C—C bonds’;the formation and fracture of C— N bonds and C—C bonds were asynchronous collaborative processes;C=O bond which was passivated did not participate in the reaction.Reactions agree with frontier orbital theory which is favorable for the hetero-Diels-Alder reaction’s  progress.From the perspective of thermodynamics and kinetics,the reaction is feasible and the optimization results are of great significance.Reaction’s calculated data is in full agreement with literature’s.
    Electrochemical Capacitive Property of Polypyrrole/Graphene Oxide Composites
    JIANG Jian-Bo, LUO Dong-Ming, QIAN Dong
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  93-98. 
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    The electrochemical capacitive property of Polypyrrole/Graphite Oxide(Ppy/GO) composites was studied.Firstly,graphite oxide was prepared by a improved Hummer’s method,and the composites of Polypyrrole/Graphite Oxide was synthesized by in-situ chemical polymerizing method.Then using CV,CP method,the as-prepared composites’ electrochemical capacitive property was measured,and using XRD,FTIR,SEM,its structure was characterized.The result shows that (1)the product presents a higher special capacitance,which is 358.93 F·g-1 at 0.5 A·g-1 in 1 mol·L-1 H2SO4 solution;(2)the cyclic stability and rate charge-discharge property of the composites is better than those of Ppy,when the scanning rate is 10,20,50 mV·s-1,the cyclic voltammograms of composites can keep consistently a good rectangle shape,and at a series of current density of 1,2,5 A·g-1,the corresponding special capacitance of the composite is 204.71,130.82,60.21 F·g-1,respective,which is higher than polyrrole’s 178.05,123.89,46.52  F·g-1 under the same series of current density.The result indicates that it can effectively improve polypyrrole’s rate property by in situ chemically polymerizing polypyrrole and graphite oxide to form Ppy/GO composite.
    Optimized Techniques for Extraction of Trichosanthes Kirilowii Maxim Seed Oil
    GU Ren-Yong, YIN Yong-Zhong
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  99-102. 
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    The extraction process of Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim seed oil by supercritical CO2 extraction was studied.The effect of the factors on extracting ratio  such as grinding fineness of  Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim seed,extracting temperature,extracting pressure and extracting time were investigated by using single factor test and orthogonal test.The results showed that the optimal conditions for the extraction were  90 mesh,50 ℃,30 MPa and  3.0 h.Under such conditions,the extracting ratio was 39.6%.
    Relevance and Reliability:An Analysis on the Fundmental Contradiction of Fair Value Accounting
    WANG Yue-Wu
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  103-106. 
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    There exists an eternal fundamental contradiction between the relevance and reliability of accounting information,which is determined by the quanlities and their variation tendency of the demand and supply of accounting information,and it is derived from the progress of the game between the demanders and suppliers.The method of fair value accounting is in essence an attempt to coordinate the fundamental contradiction.
    Analysis on Personal Social Crisis Function and Unknotting of Personal Social Crisis
    LUO Gui-Cheng, FEI Rui-Bo
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  107-110. 
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    Assuming that politics as well as economy of society is stable and personal physical condition is normal,the independent variables of personal social crisis function could be determined by means of dichotomy.Intelligence quotient,emotion quotient,knowledge stocking and morality can be selected as internal factors.Supposing aggregate valid population scale on crisis is G,subject’s influence or vote-getting on crisis is A,the scale of subject’s supporting group is P,the scale of subject’s antagonistic group is N,A/G and N/P could be deemed as external factors.Personal crisis function could be depicted as c=f(A/G,I,em,k,m;N/P),simplified as c=f(A/G,N/P).Crisis coefficient can be denoted by ε=W1/W2  or ε=U1/U2,W1  being the current expected welfare level without crisis,W2 the present welfare level under crisis,while U the utility.Crisis coefficient is employed to gauge crisis.
    Empirical Analysis on Mutual Development Between Higher Education and Economy of  Jiangxi Province
    YIN Ya-Hong
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  111-116. 
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    With the development of higher education,coordinate development of higher education and economy receives much  attention.Taking Jiangxi province as an example and by using empirical means of VAR model and impulse response,this paper analyzes empirically the relationship between higher education and economy.The results test indicate that there are long-term relation between higher education and economy,but the accumulating effect is not obvious in different variables.
    Zhangye National Wetland Park Eco-Tourism Development Mode
    LI Li
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  117-121. 
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    The Zhangye National Wetland Park  is the only one wetland park in Gansu province and  the first national wetland park in inland river basin.Zhangye National Wetland Park has perfect ecosystem structure and function and profound historical and cultural background,but it is less competitive with its poor regional conditions.The development of eco-tourism is likely damage the ecological environment,while at the same time,likely to protect and promote the environment.For the sake of sustainable development,several measures are put forward:to take  unified development and zone management,to improve the wetland ecotourism legislative system,to implement  wetland ecological restoration project,to establish the long-term mechanism of monitoring ecological environment,to enhance the ecological conscionness of the management personnel,to strengthen the tourist publicity and education,and to encourage residents actively participate in management mode.
    Evaluation  Index System  of the Supply Chain Transaction Costs of Highway Construction Project
    HE Mei-Li, LIU Lang
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  122-125. 
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    Reducing transaction costs in the supply chain of road construction projects is clearly the focus for reducing total cost of the supply chain of road construction project.The paper establishes a transaction cost evaluation index system through a large number of visits and surveys.It selects 30 highway construction project samples,extracts a lot of transaction cost data with the use of analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to determine a target weight.Thus,a theoretical basis for the effective evaluation of supply chain transaction costs of road construction project is provided.
    Education and teaching
    Investigation on Methods for Cultivating  Students’ Creative Abilities in Teaching in Mathematics Major
    ZHONG Wen-Yong
    journal6, 2012, 33(2):  126-128. 
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    To cultivate creative talents is one of the main aims of education in mathematics major;the teaching is a key factor to realize the goal.In this work,we investigate the methods by which the teaching is organized effectively to train students’ innovative abilities.We point out that the mathematical qualities of teachers and the learning interest of students are premises to develop students’ innovative abilities.We further analyze the functions of the teaching methods for cultivate students’ innovative abilities;and the methods involve analogy and  conjecture and induction,the problem-oriented ideas and the integration of modeling thinking into the teaching process;and some concrete examples are given to demonstrate that the methods discussed are advantageous to training students’ innovative abilities.
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