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    25 July 2006, Volume 27 Issue 4
    Ruin Problems for the Double Risk Model of Discrete Time with Constant Interest Force
    HE Shu-Hong, MA Li-Juan, ZHAO Jin-E
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  1-4. 
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    The applying probability theory discusses about ruin problems under the discrete time double risk model with constant interest.From the research,the recursion formulae of the distribution of the surplus immediately before ruin and of the distribution of the time in the red which describe the severity of ruin have been gotten.
    Measure of Value at Risk of Convertible Bonds by Monte Carlo Simulation
    YANG Li-Hong, LAN Yan-Shu , ZHANG Ting-Ting
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  5-8. 
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    Based on the relation between the value of convertible bonds and the undering stock price,the concept of value at risk is applied measure the risk of convertible bonds.Monte Carlo Simulation is introduced as the means of risk measure of convertible bonds,and its validity has been proved finally by point estimate in this article.
    Option Pricing on Maximum or Minimum of Several Assets in Vacicek Model
    ZHOU Jun, YANG Xiang-Qun
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  9-12. 
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    Applying the equivalent barrier option and the theory of no-arbitrary pricing,this paper studies the option pricing on maximum or minimum of risk assets in Vasicek model,and provides the pricing formula with the  no-random rate and the relationship of European options on maximum or minimum of several assets in Vacicek model,which is a special study case.
    New Criteria for Generalized Strictly Diagonally Dominant Matrices
    LI Bin, HUANG Zheng
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  13-16. 
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    In this paper,we provide some new sufficient conditions for generalized strictly diagonally dominant matrices by constructing different diagonal matrices D and using the relation between the comparison matrix  B and A(in this case,B=M(A)+MT(A)).In the end,we illustrate the practical applicability of the results with a numerical example.
    One Result of the Structure of λ Divided Cantor Set Equally
    SU Ling-Cui, ZHAO Ke-Wen
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  17-19. 
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    The paper extends one of the natures of the structure of parts Cantor set which has been divided into three parts to the λ divided Cantor set equally.Applying this nature,the article offers the Hausdorff conjecture of the λ divided cantor set equally.
    Some Properties of Consistently Bifinite Domains
    ZHANG Luan-Yun
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  20-21. 
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    Based on the concepts of consistently bifinite domains and the equivalent properties,the article proves several relevant conclusions of consistently bifinite domains.The image of a consistently bifinite domain under a Scott-continuous projection is also a consistently bifinite domain;A nonempty Scott-closed subset of a consistently bifinite domain is also a consistently bifinite domain,etc.
    Bayesian Estimation of Time Series Model with Trend
    OU Zu-Jun , LI Hong-Yi, LUO Xian-Fa
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  22-24. 
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    This paper systematically analyzes the mathematic model and conditional likelihood function of time series model with AR(p) error,and constructs conjugate prior distribution of parameters on the basis of the statistical structure of the function.In the condition of normal-mixed Γ prior distribution,the paper studies the Bayesian inference of the model,including the statistical inference of the parameter of the  kernel estimation of trend and the prior parameters of posterior distribution.
    Issue of Applicability About Grid Programming for Supporting System
    SHI Jun-Ping, LI Bi-Yun
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  25-27. 
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    By analyzing the system structure of system  of grid programming for supporting system such  as Legion,Globus and NetSolve,we put forward  that they are  faced with many questions of grid programming at exploiting grid application,and point out separately each applied field and applicable  characteristic.
    Machine Learning Approaches and Their Application in Bioinformatics
    ZHANG Zhen, LI Jun-Li
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  28-32. 
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    This paper outlines machine learning contents and research methods,introduces the content of bioinformatics and the new applied technique,introduces and scoops out the applied path to bioinformation mining at the same time.These approaches help to accelerate several major researches (biomolecular structure prediction,gene finding,genomics and protemics).
    Physics and electronics
    Phenomenal Analysis of Fine Structure Constant
    JIAO Shan-Qing, CHEN Bo-Tao, GONG Zi-Zheng
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  33-36. 
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    It is found that the fine structure constant α=e2/c is alterable rather than a constant.It’s a puzzle which one of the three quantities e,,c leads to the change of α.The result α≈1/137.313 can get from Dirac large number D,Plank mass mPl and Planck large number A while using the rest mass of electron,accord with habitual value  α≈1/137.036  well.Whereas under kinetic condition,the quantity of electricity of electron e will increase along with the mass of electron,as well as the fine structure constant is changable.According to the sub-quark model,‘abnormal masses,‘abnormal charge’ and ‘abnormal magnetic torque’ effects will be present with leptons.The calculated ‘abnormal magnetic torque’ which coherent with ‘abnormal charge’ accorded with experimental value well.Thus we can take the change of electron charge for the result of ‘abnormal charge’.
    Design and Simulation of Algorithm of Linear Quadratic Optimal Control for Discrete System
    XIE Chang-Yan, HE Yi-Gang
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  37-39. 
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    A kind of quadratic performance target belonging to integral performances has been adopted in this paper.Based on the state space expressions describing linear system,an optimal control quadratic was derived to realize the optimal control of the linear system.The algorithm of computing the optimal control sequence and an example have been presented also.
    Systematic Design of Nth-order Multiple Loop Feedback Lowpass Filters
    PENG Liang-Yu, HE Yi-Gang, ZHANG Chun-Xi, HUANG Man-Chi
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  40-46. 
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    A systematic method of designing nth-order multiple-loop feedback current-mode low-pass filter based on multiple-output current controlled conveyor(CCCII±)is presented.Different kinds of nth-order low-pass filter structure  can be obtained by this method.The proposed nth-order filter is constructed by n CCCIIs and n grounded capacitors.and is integrated conveniently for all the capacitors  grounded.Design example of 4th-order lowpass filter and computer simulation results of multiple-parameter sensitivity are also provided.
    Research and Application of Robust Calculation Method for Grey Model (1,1)
    TIAN Lin-Ya, ZHAO Xiao-Fei, HE Xi-Ping
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  47-49. 
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    Appling least absolute deviation to calculate variable parameter of differential equation,robust grey model RGM(1,1)  has been set up and used to forecast the settlement tendency of building.The results show that,comparing with the normal GM(1,1) model,the robust GM(1,1) model has the advantages of better resistence against disturbance and less deviation by the influence of outlier.What’s more,RGM(1,1) which can be builded with little data,is more applicable useful than the other models.
    Analysis of Equivalent Circuit of Controlled Source and Working State of Three-phase Alternating Current Motor
    CHEN Xiang, HE Yi-Gang
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  50-53. 
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    In accordance with theory of dynamic magnetic coupling circuit,this paper analyzes stator winding,rotor winding of a three-phase concealed polar motor and the relations between them,and obtains a controlled source circuit model of separated motor stator and rotor.It also analyzes every kind of working state with the help of this circuit model.
    Design of Digital  High-Precision Signal Generator Function
    ZENG Qing-Li, PENG Ke, HOU Dong-Qing
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  54-56. 
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    In view of the current poor precision signal generator frequency  adjustment shortcomings,the paper provides  a PID algorithm to achieve high-precision frequency step scale new methods;with the  combination of MCU and  D/A,a multi-frequency wave-form signal generator has been designed,with a signal at 5 Hz~20 MHz frequency range and relative error of less than 0.05%.
    Design of Set Box Top Secheme Based on ARM9
    HOU Dong-Qing, CHEN Bing-Quan, ZENG Qing-Li
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  57-59. 
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    With the combination of the TDA8275、TDA8290 of collecting and processing TV signals,and the decoder SAA7133 of Philips Corporation with  S3C2510A of Samsung corporation with PCI interface based on ARM9,the article tries to introduce the design of the set top box with storing TV programs and linking internet function,and estimate that it has great application value and  market future.
     The Robotics Control System Based On Lowering Dimension Interpolation Algorithm
    ZHANG Bo
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  60-63. 
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    In this paper,a method of lowering dimension is adopted to change five-dimension interpolation into five two-dimension interpolation for solving the problem of five-dimension interpolation with the associated running of the five joints of the robot,so the control for the track of its movement is simplified.The designed and practiced robotics control system with five DOF can guide the robot to confirm and define the position coordinate of the point in space by running in manual teaching pattern,it can also run automatically in step way or in continued way by using the robotics language defined in this control system.
    A Mining Algorithm of Single-Dimensional Boolean Association Rules Based on Rough Set
    ZHUO Yue-Ming, QIN Zun-Yue, HU Bin
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  64-67. 
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    Applying the concepts of equivalent class in the Rough Set Theory,the paper advances association rules to mine valuable knowledge that describe the interrelationship about data item,and put forward one mining algorithm.Considering the limit of localization of Association rules setting single minimum support threshold,it brings forward the discovery of numerous item class through many minimum supports and evaluating rule though interestingness.
    An Improvement on Measuring Laser Wavelength by Double-PrismInterference Method
    QUAN Xiu-E, LIAO Li-Xin, LIU Sheng-Chang
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  68-70. 
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    In the double prism interference experiment in measuring laser wavelength,the major factors which result in measuring error are the measuring value of the distance between interference fringes using the second focus method,narrow distance between double slit,and the distance between two virtual light sources.An improvement of measuring method is introduced in our experiment:The distance between two virtual light sources is measured by the first focus method,and the distance between the slit lamp and the double-prism and the distance between the slit lamp and the viewing screen are greatly increased in our experiment.Our experimental results are proved to be in agreement with the theoretical results well.
    Biological resources
    Study on the Submerged Fermentation Culture Medium Producing Red Pigment by Monascus
    WANG Wei-Ping, WU Si-Fang
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  71-74. 
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    The study was made to determine the optimal submerged fermentation culture medium for the yield of red pigment.Through comparing and orthogonal experiments,the best culture medium was the following:rice powder 9%,NaNO3 0.2%,sodium glutamate 0.2,KH2PO4 0.1%,MgSO4 0.2%.
    Temperature Stress on Physiological Indices of Compositae Weeds and Their Adaptive Significance
    YANG Dong, LUO Qun, CAO Mu-Lan, LI Jie, MA Dan-Wei
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  75-79. 
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    Under different artificial temperature,the contents of soluble sugar,proline and malonaldehyde(MDA) as well as activity of POD of 10 Compositae weeds including Cirsium souliei,Erigeron canadensis.L.,Herba Gnaphalii Affinis,Herba Artemisiae Scoparia,Ixeris chinesis(Thunb.)Nakal,Baphicacanthus cusia,Carpesium abrotanoides L.,Youngia japonica (Linn.)DC.,Hemistepta lyrata Bunge and Herba Cephalanoploris are tested under 4 ℃,24 ℃ and 44 ℃ temperature respectively.The MDA changes of ten Compositae weeds indicated that their resistance to high temperature of 44 ℃ ranked as Baphicacanthus cusia,Hemistepta lyrata Bunge,Youngia japonica (Linn.)DC.,Herba Gnaphalii Affinis,Herba Cephalanoploris,Cirsium souliei,Erigeron canadensis.L,Carpesium abrotanoides L.,Herba Artemisiae Scoparia and Ixeris chinesis(Thunb.)Nakal,while those to low temperature of 4 ℃ ranked as Carpesium abrotanoides L.,Erigeron canadensis L.,Baphicacanthus cusia,Herba Artemisiae Scoparia,Cirsium souliei,Hemistepta lyrata Bunge,Ixeris chinesis(Thunb.)Nakal,Herba Cephalanoploris,Youngia japonica (Linn.)DC.and Herba Gnaphalii Affinis.
    Studies on the soil and Water Loss and Strategies of Prevention and Cure——A Case Stuely of Qiabi Small Watershed
    ZHUANG Da-Chun
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  80-83. 
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    The characteristics of water and soil loss in this small watershed were analysed through collecting and comparing of some concerned data,the effects of detail soil property,vegetation,land utilize situation,precipitation,terrain and social economic factor on water and soil loss were elucidated carefully.Under the consideration of manage slope,manage ditch and manage river,some measures about the “Slope changes the Terraced fields”,“Planting the bush bar”,“Building the river embankment” were proposed.
    Chemistry and chemical engineering
    The Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships Research of  pKa Values of Substituted Carboxylic Acids
    YANG Wei-Hua, FENG Chang-Jun
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  84-89. 
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    In this paper,Hall’s electrotopological state indices(En) and Kier’s molecular connectivity indices(mxv) are calculated for 38 monocarboxylic acids.A satisfactory relationship between pKa and En,mxv is expressed as:     pKa=6.271+2.391E8-0.470E39-0.171E38+10.082E6-0.730E40-0.192E17+1.867 4xvwhere R and s are 0.967 and 0.299 7,respectively.The model is examined to validate overall robustness with Jackknife tests.The regression results show that the electrotopological state indices can characterize molecular structure and explain influential factors of pKa.
    Solvent Effect on Extraction Efficiency of Chlorogenic Acid from the Leaves of Eucommia Ulmodies by Ultrasonically Assisted Extraction Technique
    LI Hui, LI Ya-Nan, LONG Ling-Liang, YAO Zu-Feng, OUYang Yu-Zhu , LI Zhi-Ping
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  90-92. 
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    Solvent effect on ultrasonically assisted extraction of chlorogenic acid from the leaves of Eucommia ulmodies was investigated.Extraction was carried out by using water,methanol,ethyl alcohol,ethyl acetate and acetone as solvent,respectively.The influence of the ratios and pH values of mixed solvent on the extraction efficiency of chlorogenic acid was evaluated.Results indicated that the extraction efficiency obtained using methanol as solvent was the highest and the optimized solvent for the ultrasonically assisted extraction of chlorogenic acid was 70% methanol water solution with a pH value of 4.5.
    Study on the Chemistry Stability of Yellow Pigment from Oenothera biennis L.Flower
    CHEN Xiao-Yuan, ZHANG Ai-Hua, TIAN Hua, ZHANG Zhi-Min
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  93-98. 
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    This paper studied the stability of yellow pigment from Oenothera biennis L.flower in the following different additive agents:light,heat,acid,sodium hydroxide,hydrogen peroxide,reducer,metal ions,saccharose,Vc,etc.The experimental results show that the pigment can easily dissloved in the solvent of 95% ethanol,pure ethanol,acetone,ether,ethyl ethanoate etc.It has a certain stability toward light,heat,sodium hydroxide,hydrogen peroxide,metal ions(Na+,Mg2+,Ca2+) and food additives ect,however,it has less stability to solutions of hydrochloric acid,sodium sulfite,Cu2+ and Fe3+gave undesirable effects.
    Supercritical Fluid-CO2 Extraction of Essential Oil in the Fructus Sophorae Japonicae of Amorpha fruticosa and Analysis of Its Compositions
    LIANG Liang, CAI Shi-Jian, WU Yan, ZOU Hai-Yan, LIU Zhi-Xiao
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  99-102. 
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    The best techniques parameters of Supercritical Fluid Extraction of essential oil in the Fructus sphere japonica of Amorpha fruticosa,including extracting pressure,extracting temperature,separating temperature,were analyzed,and the compositions of the essential oil were identified with GC-MS technology.The result showed that:the best parameters of extraction of the Fructus sophorae japonicae of Amorpha fruticosa with SEF-CO2 were extracting temperature 40 ℃,extracting pressure 25 MPa,separating temperature 38 ℃ and extracting time 1.5 h;26 kinds of compositions were identified (occupied 89.96% of all extractions),mainly including a-Pinene,Mreene,a-Cedrene,β-Eudesmol,Trans-Caryophyllene,β-Cubebene and so on.
    Campus Sports Culture and University Spirit
    CHEN Hong, CHEN Bi-Hua
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  103-106. 
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    As a cultural heritage and innovation,university spirit is the spiritual motive force to encourage the university development,to promote the educational standard,and to rally popular support.Campus sports culture is a kind of cultural phenomenon with rich denotation and deep connotation.It is not only to help keep fit and healthy,but also to foster university spirit.
    The Theory and Practice on Building New and Better Keep-Fit Exercisesfor Community Residents in Jiangsu Province
    HU Fei-Yan, ZUO Cong-Xian
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  107-109. 
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    Considering the present situations of the keep-fit exercises in Nanjing,and in order to serve the residents of the city,the author tries to establish a new theoretical system of the keep-fit exercises and build new fashionable keep-fit exercises for the community people under the guidance of the new theoretical system,which includes the basic principles and methods of creating and arranging the exercises.
    Aesthetic Forms of National Traditional Sports in the Square Culture Construction
    CHEN Su-E
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  110-112. 
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    The square culture construction of modern city has become an important part of the urban spiritual civilization construction.In order to enrich the square culture and promote citizen spiritual civilization,it is necessary to inherit the national traditional culture,to discover the aesthetic function of the national traditional sports,and apply the aesthetic forms of national traditional sports into the square culture construction.
    Dynamic Analysis  of the Ethnic Students Endurance Qualities Situation in Southwest Area from 1985 to 2000
    XU Jian-Bo
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  113-115. 
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    Using the data of the healthy situations of the ethnic students in the southwest area from 1985 to 2000,this paper makes a historical analysis and lateral comparison on the changes of these students’ endurance qualities over the 15 years,and it also discusses the features,the rules,the trends,the differences and the reasons of the this changes,thus  providing theoretical basis for having healthy children and the teaching of Physical Education and Health in this area.
    Traditional  Industrial Cluster Under the Backgroud of Economic Globalization in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan
    HE Yan-Zi
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  116-118. 
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    Using industry value chain as frame work,and combining the analysis about competitiveness of traditional industrial cluster in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan,this article discusses about international division and its changing tendency,and believes that the industrial competitiveness is not mainly decided by industry level,but by the ability to create added-value,and finally brings forward some advices on promotion of the competitiveness of traditional cluster under the background of economic globalization.
    Problems in Evaluation of College Scientific Research and the Countermeasures
    ZHOU Wen-Yan
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  119-121. 
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    The problems in evaluation of college scientific research are introduced and analyzed from the aspects of policy,institution,and procedures.The countermeasures are then put forward to make the evaluation scientific and justified.
    Survey of the Teachers' Income Distribution in Universities
    LI Bi-Hong
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  122-125. 
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    The research at home and abroad of the university teachers' income distribution covers the affecting factors,theoretical basis,distrubuting model,features and comparison.As a result of the reform in recent years,there exists the study on the position subsidies.The existent research has laid down a good foundation,but there is insufficiency for further exploration.
    Education and teaching
    Mathematic Linguistics Barrier and It's Relational Questions
    WANG Gong-Yi
    journal6, 2006, 27(4):  126-128. 
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    Mathematics language is a  kind of special scientific language,which is to reflect and express the relationship between quantity and space forms.Full-time compulsory education “standard for mathematics course” pose explicit requirement for the first time on the position,function and grasping standard of mathematics language,because there is a  close relationship among  mathematics language,knowledge and thought,and mathematics language’s own characters have decided,too.
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