Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition)

• Characteristic column.Study on Wuling Mountain Area • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Evolution of Educational Poverty and Measures of Poverty Alleviation in Wuling Mountainous Area

ZHANG Yanfei,ZHU Haiying   

  1. (Business School,Jishou University,Jishou 416000,Hunan China)
  • Online:2017-01-25 Published:2017-01-17


Poverty alleviation through education is an important means and direction to solve the poverty problem in Wuling Mountainous Area of Hunan Province.In the three aspects including educational investment,configuration of teaching resources,and educational scale,a system of evaluation indexes is constructed and applied in evaluating the temporal and spatial evolution of educational poverty in Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture,Zhangjiajie City and Huaihua City of Wuling Mountainous Area.The results show that,compared with the average level of Hunan Province,the financial educational investment in these areas did not differ much,while the funding channels are in severe shortage;there is still a considerable gap in the configuration of teaching staff,and the stability of teaching staff is poor;the staff training is in severe shortage,and the higher education has been in disadvantageous condition for a long time.To improve the education,it is necessary to increase the educational investment and strengthen resource guarantee,to promote the balance between educational service and resource,to recruit and train highly qualified teaching staff,and to innovate the system of education poverty alleviation mechanism.

Key words: Wuling Mountainous Area, educational poverty, temporal and spatial evolution, measures of poverty alleviation

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