Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition)
• Characteristic column.Study on Wuling Mountain Area • Previous Articles Next Articles
ZHANG Zheng,YE Fuqiu,BI Rengui
Mechanical discipline is one of the main cornerstones supporting the whole industrial development.Wulingshan Region remains underdeveloped;and hence it is worthwhile to investigate how to strive better service for the local social and economic development through mechanical discipline.According to the local situations and taking the mechanical discipline of Jishou University as an example,this study reveals the relevance between the mechanical discipline and the regional development in terms of subjects,teacher,undergraduates and postgraduates.Then some service approaches and suggestions suitable for Wulingshan Region are given.
Key words: Wulingshan Region, mechanical discipline, regional development, service approach
ZHANG Zheng,YE Fuqiu,BI Rengui. Approaches for Mechanical Discipline to Serve Regional Development[J]. Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), DOI: 10.3969/j.cnki.jdxb.2016.02.015.
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