Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition)

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A Resource Allocation Algorithm of Variable-Service Interval-Based in HR-WPAN

WEN Jiebin,LIAO Haizhou   

  1. (Hunan Post And Telecommunication College,Changsha 410015,China)
  • Online:2017-11-25 Published:2017-12-29


It is very important to transmit data packets from the application layer according to the parametrization QoS of the traffic specification with guaranteed services in HR-WPAN.Aimed at the problem that the SIMA(service interval-based MAS allocation) allocation algorithm exists delay jumping or low channel utilization rate,the compact allocation algorithm may not distribute the MASs because of uneven service interval,this paper proposes a VSIB(variable-service interval-based)allocation algorithm.Based on the traffic specification,the algorithm calculates the number of media access slot,local resources and local conditions,determines the appropriate location of media access slot in super frame,and effectively retains media resources to accommodate more equipmentbased on the parametrization QoS.Simulation results show that the VSIB allocation algorithm can accommodate more devices than the SIMA allocation algorithm and the compact allocation algorithm,and the efficiency of resource allocation is more than about 10%.

Key words: HR-WPAN, QoS guarantee, MAC resource allocation, algorithm

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