Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition)

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History,Present Situation,and Prospect of Tourism and Poverty Alleviation in Ethnic Areas

(College of Tourism and Cultural Industry,Hunan University of Science and Technology,Yongzhou 425100,Hunan China)   

  1. HUANG Yuanji
  • Online:2018-11-25 Published:2018-12-07


Ethnic areas are rich in tourism resources,and  so poverty alleviation through tourism is effective.However,given the depth of poverty,the large area of poverty,and the complexity of poverty,there is still  much to do in poverty alleviation through tourism.It is necessary to offer sustainable support,to increase investment,and to encourage the engagement of impoverished people. Through these ways,the income of impoverished people can be improved.

Key words: ethnic areas, poverty alleviation through tourism, resource endowment, history, prospect

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