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    25 January 2021, Volume 42 Issue 1
    Uniform Blow-up and Estimation of Boundary-Layer for Nonlocal Parabolic Equations
    LIN Zhiqiang
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(1):  1-9. 
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    We consider the properties of solutions of reaction-diffusion system ut-Δu=∫Ωuα1dx∫Ωvβ1dx,vt-Δv=∫Ωuα2dx∫Ωvβ2dx, and obtain the uniform blow-up profiles of solutions, and the estimates of boundary layer.
    A Set of Criteria for Nonsingular H-Matrices
    WEI Yingying, LUO Biao, MO Hongmin
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(1):  10-15. 
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    A set of criteria for nonsingular H-matrices are given according to the relationship between α-chain diagonally dominant matrix and nonsingular H-matrix. Their effectiveness is illustrated by numerical examples.
    Error Bounds for Linear Complementarity Problem of B-Matrices
    DONG Yingxue, MO Hongmin
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(1):  16-22. 
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    With the infinite norm range of the inverse matrices of the strictly diagonally dominant M-matrices, the error bounds for linear complementarity problem of B-matrices is studied, and a new estimate of the error bounds is given.
    Stable Total Duality for DC Composite Optimization Problems
    YANG Ting, XIE Feifei, FANG Donghui
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(1):  23-28. 
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    By using subdifferential properties, we introduce two new constraint qualifications, and establish some necessary or sufficient conditions for the total duality and the stable total duality between DC composite optimization problem and its dual problem.
    Mordukhovich Subdifferentials of the Value Function for Parametrized Composite DC Optimization Problems
    XIAO Chengfeng, FANG Donghui
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(1):  29-34. 
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    By using the properties of subdifferentials of function, we introduce a new weaker constraint qualification. Under this constraint qualification, we establish the upper estimates of the Mordukhovich subdifferential of the value function for the parametrized DC composite optimization problems. Then, applications to the conic programming involving DC composite function are given.
    Computer and Electronics
    Solving TSP Issue Based on  Improved Harmony Algorithm
    WU Ying, OU Yun, YAO Xuanshi, DING Lei
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(1):  35-40. 
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    To improve the convergence speed and accuracy of harmony search (HS) algorithm, a dynamic harmony search algorithm (DHSA) by dynamic adjustment probability mechanism is presented in this paper to settle traveling salesman problem (TSP). In simulation, three classic algorithms, which are genetic algorithm (GA), Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA), and DHSA are selected to verify the feasibility by implementing two TSP data-sets bayg29 and ch150, respectively. The results reveal that the DHSA could obtain the shortest path among these algorithms.
    Research Review of Recurrent Neural Networks
    WANG Yuyan, LIAO Bolin, PENG Chen, LI Jun, YIN Yumin
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(1):  41-48. 
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    Recurrent neural network (RNN) is a kind of neural network with feedback connection in each layer. Because of its storage characteristics, it can process the sequence data which is related before and after input, and can be widely used in the field of text audio, video and so on. But when the input gap is large, RNN has a short-term memory problem, which can not process long input sequences, while long short-term memory (LSTM) can deal with the long-term dependence problem well. Almost all the exciting results based on RNNs have been realized by LSTM since LSTM was proposed, so LSTM has become the focus of deep learning. This review firstly introduces the basic working principle and characteristics of RNN, and then it introduces the principle and characteristics of LSTM and its variants, as well as  the application of RNN and LSTM in various fields. Finally, the future research direction of RNN is proposed.
    Performance Analysis of Fifth Order IIR Digital Low-Pass Filter
    ZHOU Xuan, WU Yunwen
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(1):  49-53. 
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    MATLAB software platform is used to study the performance of the fifth order IIR digital low-pass filter designed by bilinear transformation method. The relationship between the order of digital filter and the maximum attenuation of passband, the minimum attenuation of stopband, the corner frequency of passband boundary and the corner frequency of stopband boundary is derived. At the same time, the transition band and stop band of the filter are further analyzed by combining the system function, z-domain analysis and simulation results. Analysis indicates that: the fifth order IIR digital low-pass filter is a stable system, the phase presents delay in the passband and stopband. When the frequency is 0.25π rad/s, the phase state has reverse mutation, and the transmitted signal envelope collapses and enters the transition band. At this time, the phase presents a leading state. When the amplitude response in the stopband decays to 0, the system signal still has phase change, and  there is still signal in this frequency band.
    Influence of the Middle Wall on the Mechanical Characteristics of Frame Bridges
    WANG Jianxing, LI Zhuoyu, SUN Xueqian, SHI Qingyun
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(1):  54-60. 
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    This paper takes an actual  frame bridge as the engineering background, establishes a model of the bridge under design load, and analyzes the influence of the middle wall on the mechanical characteristics of the frame bridge. Comparative research shows that the extreme values of the top and bottom plates of the frame bridges decrease in vertical displacement, vertical axial force, shear stress; the extreme values of the curvature change and cross-sectional stress of the top plates decrease,  while those of the bottom places increase. The research also shows that the vertical displacement of the top plates is most obviously affected by the middle wall and the shear stress of the bottom plates is lest affected by the middle wall.
    Active Earth Pressure Calculation of Retaining Wall with Hoek-Brown Criterion
    SUN Wangcheng, ZHANG Daobing, JIANG Jin, YU Biao, YIN Huadong
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(1):  61-65. 
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    Based on the logarithmic spiral failure mechanism of the retaining wall and  the nonlinear Hoek-Brown strength criterion, the earth gravity power, internal energy dissipation rate and active earth pressure power of the retaining wall are calculated by the upper limit analysis method. The analytic formula of active earth pressure of the retaining wall is derived based on the virtual power principle, and the optimal upper limit solution of the active earth pressure is solved by Matlab software. The influence of Hoek-Brown strength criterion, retaining wall and soil parameters on the active earth pressure and stability of the retaining wall are analyzed. The results show that with the increase of disturbance factor, wall back angle, retaining wall height, and soil bulk density, the active earth pressure increases nonlinearly, and the stability of the retaining wall decreases. As the geological strength index, rock mass constant, external friction angle, and uniaxial compressive strength increase, the active earth pressure nonlinearly decreases, and the stability of the retaining wall increases.
    Investigation and Exploitation of Edible Medicinal Plant Resources in Xiangxi region, China
    CHEN Jiabei, WANG Lu, LIU Jinyuan, DENG Shanshan, HU Die, CHEN Gongxi
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(1):  66-77. 
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    In order to understand the current situation of medicinal and edible wild plants resources and development and utilization in Xiangxi region. By means of field investigation and literature review, the family composition, living habits, habitat and distribution pattern, function and utilization of medicinal and edible plants in this area were investigated and analyzed. The results showed that there were 57species of medicinal and edible wild plants belonging to 30 families and 52 genera in Xiangxi region. Among them, Liliaceae, Compositae, Gramineae, Lamiaceae and Rosaceae were the dominant quantitative families, Polygonatum, Lilium, Amygdalus and Ziziphus were the dominant quantitative genera. There are 35 herbaceous plants and 23 woody plants, and herbaceous plants are dominant. Among 21 habitats, hillside, cultivated land, forest and roadside are important habitats for medicinal and edible plants in Xiangxi region. In the distribution pattern, the horizontal distribution pattern of the southern and northern regions is basically uniform. The vertical distribution was significantly different, and the medicinal and edible plants were most distributed in the low mountain area. In terms of function and utilization, there are many functions, parts and methods of medicinal and edible plants. Among them, plants with heat-clearing medicinal and edible health care effect are the most. Plants with edible and medicinal stems accounted for the highest proportion. Most plants are decocted for medicine and cooked in soup/porridge. Xiangxi region is rich in medicinal and edible plant resources and has great potential. The protection, comprehensive research, development and utilization of local medicinal and edible plants should be carried out, and corresponding measures should be taken to promote the development of medicinal and edible plant resources in Xiangxi region.
    Characteristic column:Study on Wuling Mountain Area
    SWOT Analysis of Building Zhangjiajie into a Developed Cybereconomic Place
    DENG Yulu
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(1):  78-82. 
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    Using the SWOT model, this paper analyzes the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, and threats of building Zhangjiajie into a developed cybereconomic place. It is found that the advantages of Zhangjiajie include abundant local resources, mature online marketing, and robust  policy support. Insurfficient economic development,inadequate functions of the transportation hub  are also the threats which Zhangjiajie are facing. The recovery of the tourism market, the development of online economy, and the improvement of transportation and logistics system  are the opportunities. The complicated operation and supervision of online economy, the short period of online  effects, the lack of online operation talents, and fierce competition in surrounding areas are threats. In order to further cultivate and develop cyber economy, the city of Zhangjiajie must exploit the potential of  products for online marketing and activate the online marketing efficiency; strengthen the reservior of talents and enhance competitiveness; build a sophisticated regulatory mechanism to avoid regulatory absence; strengthen maintenance system, and consolidate the foundation for development.
    Medical Science
    Research Progress in the Relationship Between Intestinal Flora and Its Metabolites and Psycho-Cardiology
    XUE Bingqing, LI Chunyan, ZHU Can
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(1):  83-89. 
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    Psycho-cardiology refers to cardiovascular disease with mental illness which is attracted growing attention with medical development. In the previous treatment of cardiovascular disease, doctors focused more on organic cardiopathy than on psychological disease of patients. Numerous studies have shown that intestinal flora and its metabolites played a vital role not only in cardiovascular disease, but also in mental and psychological diseases. This article summarizes the influences and mechanism of intestinal flora and its metabolites in the outbreak and development of psycho-cardiology, as well as the potential value in the prevention and treatment of psycho-cardiology to offer new insights into the prevention and treatment of ppsycho-cardiology.
    Advances in diagnosis and treatment of uterine scar pregnancy after cesarean section
    HUANG Liying, ZHANG Yuhua, LIN Tong
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(1):  90-96. 
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    Study Objective:This article reviews the clinical manifestations and diagnosis and treatment of uterine scar pregnancy after cesarean section in recent years at home and abroad, with a view to providing a reference for gynecologists in the diagnosis and treatment of uterine scar pregnancy after cesarean section.Measurement: Search CNKI, Wanfang, Pubmed and other databases, and use literature tracing and other methods to collect publicly published relevant research on uterine scar pregnancy after cesarean section.Results: The main diagnostic methods are: ultrasound examination, MRI, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, and histopathological examination are still the gold standard for the diagnosis of CSP. There are many ways to treat CSP. At present, level I evidence has not been proposed, so that there is no specific evidence-based guideline. The current treatment methods are: drug treatment, uterine artery embolization, surgical treatment or multiple treatments. Clinical treatment of CSP patients should clearly identify the type of disease and the advantages and disadvantages of various surgical procedures, combined with comprehensive analysis of the patient's condition, fertility requirements, economic conditions, hospital facilities and other indicators, and select a reasonable surgical method to minimize patient treatment. Risk, obtain a good prognosis and preserve fertility.Conclusion: For the early diagnosis of CSP method has been clear, but the best treatment plan and management guidelines at present has not yet reached a consensus that the uterus after cesarean section scar pregnancy diagnosis and treatment, there is no uniform standard, the most ideal treatment need large sample randomized controlled studies data.
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