journal6 ›› 2012, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (2): 62-66.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-2985.2012.02.015

• Physics and electronics • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Design of Bridge Deck with Intelligent Temperature Control and Deicing System


  1. (College of Civil Engineering and Dynamics,Xiangtan University,Xiangtan 411105,Hunan China)
  • Online:2012-03-25 Published:2012-05-28

Abstract: It is cold winter in China,and the cold weather lasts almost one month in south China and even longer in the north.So,the road surface and bridge deck get iced up easily.The traffic accidents and high-way  closures caused by icing will bring huge negative social influence and economic losses,so it is necessary to take effective decicing methods.However,some of the current deicing methods,have both advantages and disadvantages.Accordingly,this paper proposes a new method:replace a row of reinforcement steel bar with steel pipes in the steel mesh and lay heating wires in the pipes to heat up he bridge deck.The entire circuit control system takes the advantage of automatic temperature control.When the deck temperature is lower than 2 ℃,the temperature control system automatically switch on the power,and wires warm up;when the deck temperature is higher than 20 ℃,the temperature control system automatically switch off  the power,wires stop warming.In this way,intelligent  temperature control is achieved,and at the same time,the deck  will not be iced up in low temperature.This system is  easy to repair when with a fault,thus ensuring safe transportation.

Key words: bridge deck, steel mesh, temperature control and deicing, safety

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