journal6 ›› 2009, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (4): 62-64.

• Physics and electronics • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Comprehensive Evaluation Model of RBF-Neural-Network-Based Multimedia Courseware


  1. (School of Physics & Electronic Engineering,Xiangfan University,Xiangfan  441053,Hubei China)
  • Online:2009-07-25 Published:2012-04-22

Abstract: A  comprehensive evaluation  model of multimedia courseware is built based on the RBF neural network.The structure of the neural network model is described.And then the model is trained with samples and tested in MATLAB.The test results agree well with the actual situation,showing that the model overcomes the complexity and subjective and is comprehensive,fair,and scientific  in evaluating multimedia courseware.

Key words: RBF neural network, multimedia courseware, comprehensive evaluation model

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