journal6 ›› 2010, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (3): 101-105.

• Biological resources • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Transportation of Ammonia Across the Water-Feed-Remains Interface and Its Potential Ecological Effects on Pisciculture


  1. (Marine College,Shandong University at Weihai,Weihai 264209,Shandong China)
  • Online:2010-05-25 Published:2012-04-17

Abstract: The transportation speed of ammonia across the water-feed-remains interface was determined by one static water system,during which the feedstuff with the trademark Shengsuo was used as the feed-remains.At 5,10,20,30 ℃,the speed was 0.289 8±0.057 2,R=-0.01 6±0.000 4t+0.285 5±0.030 2,0.269 1±0.149 0,0.241 5±0.080 5μmol·g-1·h-1,respectively.And the fish equivalent of this kind of feedstuff was 0.04~0.54 inds/g.From the point of the ammonia excretion of P.olivaceus Temminck et Schlegel,if the cultivated P.olivaceus Temminck et Schlegel is fed by the feedstuff with the trademark Shengsuo,the mean reduction ratio of holding capacity which caused by the feed-remains is 0.23±0.14(m/(cc)-α) and the range is 0.04~0.54(m/(cc)-α).

Key words: feed-remains, nutrients, water temperature, transportation speed, fish equivalent

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