Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition)

• psychology • Previous Articles    

Relationship Between Ethnic Identity Integration and Mental Health of Xinjiang Minority College Students:Regulating Role of Self-Identity

LI Ming,MEI Dongmei,HE Wuming   

  1. (1.Mental Health Center for College Students, Jishou University,Jishou 416000,Hunan China;2.Department of Psychology, SUN YAT-SEN University,Guangzhou 511400,China;3.Lingnan Normal University,Zhanjiang 524000,Guangdong China)
  • Online:2017-01-25 Published:2017-01-17


Using questionnaires and implicit measurement,we investigated the relationship between ethnic identity integration and mental health, and the regulating role of self-identity in a sample containing minority students from Xinjiang.The results showed no significant difference between Xinjiang minority students and Han students on meantal health as a whole.Significant difference emerged on factors of compulsion,depression,and paranoid ideation.Positive relationships were found among ethnic identity integration,self-esteem,self-identity,and mental health for Xinjiang minority students.Self-identity regulated the effect of ethnic identity integrity on mental health.These results suggest that self-consciousness education for Xinjiang Minority students is of importance to increase the sense of self-identity,ethnic identity integration,and thus their mental health.

Key words: Xinjiang minorities;college students, identity integration;mental health;implicit measurement

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