journal6 ›› 2000, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (2): 55-57.

• Biological resources • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The Compare of the Sample of Different Treatment Procedures to the Nutrition Contents of Similacina Atropurpurea


  1. ( 1.Kunming Institute of Edible Mushroom , All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Kunming 650331,Yunnan China; 2.The College of Life Science and Chemistry, Yunnan University, Kuming 650091, Yunnan China;3 .Supply andMarketing Cooperatives of Yunnan Province, Kunming 650331, Yunnan China)
  • Online:2000-06-15 Published:2013-01-16

Abstract: The different result of the different treatment sample of the nutrition contents shows that Similacina atropurpurea has high nutrition value. Its total amino acid is 24.76%, which includes 17 kinds of amino acid except TRP.Its protein content is 41.6% of dry material. It is flourish in mineral elements but is low in sugar content. The loss of the nutrition contents of salted sample is larger. The processed canned sample has been rather affected to remain Vc.

Key words: Similacina atropurpurea, nutrition component, different treatment procedure

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