Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition) ›› 2025, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (1): 58-64.DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdzk.2025.01.009

• Chemistry and chemical engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Study on Synthesis of 5-Amino-4-Nitrile-1,3-Diphenyl Pyrazole Catalyzed by Supported Ionic Liquid

WEN Shiyue,AO Rongdong,LIN Shiyao,LI Peixi,ZHANG Yutao,HU Yulin   

  1. (Key Laboratory of Agricultural Resources and Environment in High Education Institute of Guizhou Province,College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Anshun University,Anshun 561000,Guizhou China)
  • Online:2025-01-01 Published:2025-01-20

Abstract: In this study,a type of supported imidazolium ionic liquid SiO2@IL has been designed and synthesized.Its structure was analyzed by FT-IR,XRD,SEM and EDX.It was then applied to the one-step condensation reaction of malononitrile,benzaldehyde and phenylhydrazine to prepare the target product 5-amino-4-nitrile-1,3-diphenyl pyrazole.The results showed that the optimized reaction conditions for the condensation reaction were water as the solvent,0.3 g of catalyst,a reaction temperature at 45 ℃ and a reaction time for 3 h,under which the product yield was as high as 92%.Under the optimized process conditions,the catalytic reaction process could be scaled up to the molar level.The supported catalyst was easily separated from the product phase and could be stably recycled at least five times.This method had mild conditions,simple post-processing,high product purity,stable process,which meets the development direction of green chemistry and possesses good industrial application prospects.

Key words: supported ionic liquids, silicon dioxide, heterogeneous catalysis, 5-amino-4-nitrile-1,3-diphenyl pyrazole

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