Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition)
• Medical Science • Previous Articles
HUANG Yanhua
This paper analyzes the current supply and demand situation of old-age care services by using literature data, and puts forward a stratified training strategy of nursing staff in the context of medical service and pension service integration in China. Firstly, secondary and higher vocational education of nursing must be developed to meet the market demand for nursing staff. Secondly, the academic degree education of nursing must be improved according to the different levels of training objectives. Thirdly, educational reform should be closely related with the old-age pension service industry. Fourthly, the teaching staff must be recruited to ensure the sustainable development of this profession. Fifthly, the career promotion system for the nursing staff must be improved.
Key words: medical service and pension service integration, nursing staff, stratified training, training strategy
HUANG Yanhua. Stratified Training Strategy of Nursing Staff in the Context of Medical Service and Pension Service Integration[J]. Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdzk.2019.04.018.
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