Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition)
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LI Hongyi,OU Zujun
The academic performance of the area-targeted normal students from the Normal College of Jishou University is researched in this paper.Firstly, the single factor correlation analysis was conducted on the professional basic courses and the research courses,and the correlation between any two courses was obtained.Secondly,canonical correlations analysis was used to study the correlations between the basic courses and the search courses.The results obtained provide reference for curriculum setting optimization.
Key words: area-targeted normal students, correlation between courses, correlation coefficient, curriculum setting
LI Hongyi,OU Zujun. Correlation Analysis on Curriculum for Area-Targeted Normal Student[J]. Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdzk.2019.02.019.
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