journal6 ›› 2012, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (5): 120-124.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-2985.2012.05.030

• Sports • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Preliminary Research of the Physical Self Characteristics of College Sports Vulnerable Groups


  1. (Department of Physical Education,Capital University of Economy and Business,Beijing 100070,China)
  • Online:2012-09-25 Published:2012-11-30

Abstract: By the methods of questionnaires,documents and experiments,this research makes a survey of physical self characteristics between sports vulnerable group of students and common group in university from the two aspects of self physical description and self physical satisfaction.(1)the vulnerable group shows notable high degree of attention than the common group on the athletic ability,health and exercise habit but low degree of attention on the dimension of shape;(2)as for physical self-satisfaction,the vulnerable group shows lower attention degree on the positive and neutral dimension but higher degree on  negative and expectation dimensions;(3)boys and girls show significant differences on self ability,health and negative dimension.Overall,the findings reveal visible groups and sex differences in the perspective of physical self characteristics between sports vulnerable group of students and common group in university.

Key words: university students;sports vulnerable group, physical self;characteristics

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