Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition)
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WANG Jianxing,XUE Meihui,WANG Zongze
A mechanic seismic analysis model is constructed with the pseudo-classic three-storey Chinese-style attic as the study object.Applying the artificial wave and the natural wave to the structure,we obtain the storey displacement in X direction and Y direction through time-procedure analysis.The research shows that the displacement in X direction is smaller than that in Y direction,which indicates that the lateral stiffness in X direction is larger than that in Y direction.The 1-3 storey displacement angle is far less than the elasticity limit 1/550,which indicates that the structural stiffness is large.Reduction in the cross-sectional areas of walls and pillar and reduction in the number of beams and pillars have little effect on the structural mechanic performance.To increase the integral stiffness,it is necessary to increase the lateral stiffness in Y direction which can be realized through increasing the cross-section area in Y direction.
Key words: pseudo-classic attic, seismic wave, storey displacement
WANG Jianxing,XUE Meihui,WANG Zongze. Seismic Behavior of Pseudo-Classic Architecture with Three-Storey Attic Structure[J]. Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), DOI: 10.3969/j.cnki.jdxb.2017.04.018.
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