Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition)

• Electrical Technology and Communication • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Angular Distribution of Radiant Power in Oscillating Electric Quadrupole in Magnetic Anisotropic Media

MENG Xinhong   

  1. (School of Electronics and Communications Engineering,Quanzhou University of Information Engineering,Quanzhou 362000,Fujian China)
  • Online:2019-01-25 Published:2019-01-26


The angular distribution of the radiant power of the oscillating electric quadrupole in the magnetic anisotropic media is complicated.Based on previous work,this paper obtains the expressions of radiant power and its angular distribution of the electric quadrupole oscillating along the polar axis in anisotropic rectangular coordinate system.When the medium is isotropic,the result is consistent with the expected result,which verifies the correctness of the derivation result.

Key words: oscillating electric quadrupole, magnetic anisotropic medium, radiant power, angular distribution

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