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    25 January 2022, Volume 43 Issue 1
    A Time-Delayed Giving up Smoking Model with  Relapse
    ZHANG Zizhen, ZHANG Weishi
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2022, 43(1):  1-9. 
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    A time-delayed giving up smoking model with relapse is studied.The model includes five subgroups:potential smokers,occasional smokers,heavy smokers,temporary quitters and permanent quitters.Firstly,the basic reproduction number and smoking equilibrium of the model are calculated.Then the existence of Hopf bifurcation is discussed by taking the time delay of the period experienced by occasional smokers to heavy smokers as the bifurcation parameter,and the critical point of the delay for the occurrence of Hopf bifurcation is calculated.Finally,a simulation example is given to verify the correctness of the results.
    Stability of Discrete-Time Predator-Prey Model with Fear Effect
    SHU Qing, XIE Jingli, LIU Hanyan
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2022, 43(1):  10-14. 
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    The constant capacity harvesting and the fear effect are introduced into the classic Leslie-Gower model.Through the stability theory of the dynamical system,the local asymptotically stability conditions of the predator-prey model at each equilibrium point are obtained,and the condition of Flip bifurcation at the positive equilibrium is obtained by using a new critical criterion.Numerical simulations illustrate that an appropriate increase in harvesting of predators can stabilize the system.
    A Class of Neumann Problems of Singular Elliptic Equations with Critical Sobolev-Hardy Exponents
    GONG Yan
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2022, 43(1):  15-19. 
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    In the condition of 0∈Ω,the existence of solutions for a class of singular elliptic equations with critical Sobolev-Hardy exponent is solved,and the existence of positive solutions for this class of singular elliptic equations is obtained.
    Dynamic Properties of SIS Epidemic Model with Stage Structure
    LIU Hanyan, XIE Jingli, SHU Qing
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2022, 43(1):  20-25. 
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    The dynamic properties of a Beddington-DeAngelis type functional response predator-prey model with stage structure and SIS epidemic are studied.The existence and stability conditions of positive solutions are proved through the method of constant variation.The local stability conditions of each equilibrium point are obtained by using the characteristic equation,and the global stability conditions of each equilibrium point are obtained by using Lyapunov function and LaSalle invariance principle.
    CEFE and NBE Coupling Method for Solving Boundary Value Problems of Poisson Equation in Concave Corner Region
    ZHU Shuangbiao
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2022, 43(1):  26-30. 
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    Based on the principle of natural boundary reduction,the coupling method of curved edge finite element and natural boundary element is given.The coupling method is used to solve the boundary value problem of Poisson equation in concave region,and the error estimation and convergence of the approximate solution of the coupling method are obtained.Numerical examples verify the superiority of the coupling method.
    Communication and Computer
    Mental Workload Classification Based on Visual and Operational EEG Signals
    QU Hongquan, LIU Yuzhe, PANG Liping, SHAN Yiping
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2022, 43(1):  31-37. 
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    A classification method is proposed based on EEG independent component features for the mental workload classification of visual and operational task.First,the independent component analysis method is used to decompose the independent components of the EEG signals from the mixed EEG signals;then the energy features of the four different frequency bands of the EEG independent components are extracted;and the energy features are classified.The mental workload classification experiments were carried out based on EEG signal features and EEG independent component features respectively,and the classification accuracy was 60.52% and 86.14%,with the latter increased by 42.33%.
    Image Denoising Based on New Nonlinear Multigrid Method
    HAN Fen, YANG Fenlin
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2022, 43(1):  38-42. 
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    A new nonlinear multigrid (NM) method is constructed by setting effective restriction operator and interpolation operator for differential curvature,and this method is applied to TVP model based on differential curvature.The experimental results show that the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) of images processed by the new method is significantly higher than that of the fixed point iteration (FP) method,and the convergence speed is 2~3 times that of the fixed point iteration method.
    Automation and Computer
    Review of Hybrid Beamforming Technology for Millimeter Wave Massive MIMO System
    LIU Jian, QIAN Yingjing, ZHANG Renmin
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2022, 43(1):  43-52. 
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    In view of hybrid beamforming techniques for mmWave communications,we first describe the transmission characteristics of the mmWave  and its channel model,and outline the architecture of a massive mmWave MIMO hybrid beamforming system and its mathematical model.On that basis,we summarize  the transmission scheme and introduce two feasible methods of mmWave beam alignment.Finally,the typical applications  of mmWave communication integrated with other technologies and the future research hotspots  are anticipated.
    Characteristic column:Study on Wuling Mountain Area
    Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Museums in Wuling Mountain Area and Influential Factors
    LIU Zheng, LIU Shuiliang, LIU Jie, ZHUANG Qin, TANG Jiaqi
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2022, 43(1):  53-63. 
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    Based on the 127 museums in Wuling Mountain area,the spatial distribution characteristics and the influential factors  are analyzed by kernel density estimation method and nearest neighbor index method.The results show that the spatial distribution of museums in this area is generally concentrated in the county administrative region.The number of the four major types of museums is relatively balanced,and each type has its respective region of high-density distribution.The museums include state-owned museums and non-graded museums.Non-graded museums also present a cluster distribution.The main factors affecting the spatial distribution of museums in this area include natural and cultural resources,economic development,transportation,tourism development  and population density.In order to optimize the space layout of museums in Wuling Mountain area,suggestions are put forward in terms of  developing resources,responding to market demand,innovating system and mechanism,exploiting the advantages of tourism industry and perfecting infrastructure.
    Economy and management
    On Influencing Factors of Health Behavior Change of Rural Residents in Underdeveloped Areas:Model Construction Based on Theory of Planned Behavior
    GONG Fangmin, GONG Zhuliu
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2022, 43(1):  64-76. 
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    We collected the data of rural residents in underdeveloped western Hunan through a questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews.Based on the data analysis,this paper analyzed the internal mechanism of farmers' health behavior change in the post-poverty alleviation era.Different from previous studies,this study attempts to integrate media use and health knowledge into the theoretical model of planned behavior and explores the influence of media use on farmers' health behavior through a structural equation model.The results show that:The use of media has a significant positive impact on rural residents' health behavior,and also has an indirect impact on health behavior through self-efficacy,behavioral attitude and subjective norms;Social media is an effective channel for the change of rural residents' health behavior;The unhealthy behaviors of rural residents mainly focus on smoking,drinking and eating preserved food by a positive attitude towards these behaviors.Cultural customs and power demands are the factors that are difficult to change unhealthy behaviors;The role of health knowledge is not significant,and there may be mediating variables from health knowledge to health behavior,and the proliferation of pseudo-health information that makes it difficult to achieve health knowledge adoption and thus does not lead to changes in poor health behavior.
    Is the Social Connection as Close as Possible?:Based on An Empirical Study on the Impact of Resource Bricolage on the Performance of SMEs
    LI Lu, ZHANG Huaiying, ZHANG Yan
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2022, 43(1):  77-84. 
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    Under the background of resource constraint,social connection has contingency effect on resource allocation and development process.Based on the resource orchestration theory,this paper integrates resource bricolage,social connection strength and innovation performance into the same analysis framework,and empirically tests the influence of resource bricolage on innovation performance of SMEs under the business connection strength and political connection strength.The results show that resource bricolage has a positive impact on innovation performance of small and medium-sized enterprises;The intensity of business connection plays a negative role in regulating the relationship between resource bricolage and the innovation performance of SMEs.The intensity of political connection plays a positive role in regulating the relationship between resource bricolage and the innovation performance of SMEs.Enterprise managers should put together the resource attributes and contents according to the current needs,and must actively think about strategies and selectively develop social ties.
    Impact of Financial Openness on Financial Agglomeration and Regional Heterogeneity  of Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration: Clustering Analysis Based on Feature Extraction
    MA Hanjiang, YU Xiaolan
    Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), 2022, 43(1):  85-96. 
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    According to the panel data of 26 cities in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration from 2005 to 2018,this paper uses factor analysis to evaluate the degree of financial agglomeration of cities over the years,and uses the financial openness index to conduct the K-means dynamic clustering division based on feature extraction,and empirically analyzes the impact of financial openness on the financial agglomeration of cities in the Yangtze River Delta.The results show that,on the whole,financial opening up has a significant positive impact on the degree of urban financial agglomeration,but this promoting effect is mainly concentrated in the developed cities with higher level of financial opening up,and shows a negative inhibitory effect in the less developed cities with lower level of opening up,which shows obvious heterogeneity among regions.
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