Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition)

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Analyses of Cargo Throughput Capacity of Main U. S. A. Ports  Based on the Geographical Group

DENG Lijuan, WU Qiang   

  1. ( 1. Department of Transportation and Management, Navigation Institute, Jimei University, Xiamen 361021, China;  2. Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro Tennessee 37129, U. S. A. )
  • Online:2019-11-25 Published:2019-12-16


In order to provide a comprehensive version of the basic conditions and throughput capacities of the main ports of U. S. A., this paper, based on the official documents of U. S. A. competent authorities, applying the methods of statistical grouping and indicative analysis, summarizes and analyzes the geographical location, channel depth, air draft of limiting bridges, and the main indicators to cargo throughput, and gets to the finding that such artificial infrastructures as bridges and channel depth provide as many facilities as possible to the marine transportation although the geographical conditions differ from one another. This paper also reaches the conclusion that each port group has various capacities which lead to the different economic importance thereof.

Key words: U. S. A. , main ports, geographical group, cargo throughput capacity

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