Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition)
• Ecological Civilization • Previous Articles
HAN Jingyun,ZHOU Weiying
The large-scaled development of rural urbanization in China has caused many environmental problems:the excessive exploitation and occupation of land has brought about serious waste,the loss of rural labor has broken the original balance of the ecological environment system,the development of rural enterprises has led to the increasingly serious industrial pollution in rural areas,and the problems of production and domestic pollution caused by the changes of the modes of rural production and lifestyle have become more severe.Facing the rural environmental problems in the urbanization process,it is necessary to transform the ideas and modes of urbanization,coordinate urban and rural ecological environment management,improve the laws and regulations system of rural natural resources and environmental protection,strengthen the management system and institutions of rural ecological civilization,realize the upgrading and transformation of agricultural production methods,and promote the main status of peasants to increase the intrinsic motivation in rural environmental management.
HAN Jingyun, ZHOU Weiying. Problems and Countermeasures of Rural Ecological Conservation Construction in the Process of Urbanization[J]. Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdzk.2019.01.021.
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