Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition)
• Chemistry and chemical engineering • Previous Articles Next Articles
LIU Bangfu
The ICP-AES matrix matching method has been applied to determine the trace elements Ni,Be,Co,and Si in high conductivity copper,and the uncertainty of those elements has been analyzed.The results showed that the mass ratios of those elements were:Ni 2.13 mg/kg,Mg 0.088 mg/kg,Be 0 mg/kg,Co 0 mg/kg,Si 0.22 mg/kg and the main factors which determine the uncertainty were the measurement repeatability and recovery rate.
Key words: ICP-AES, high conductivity copper, matrix matching, uncertainty
LIU Bangfu. Determination of Trace Elements in High ConductivityCopper by Matrix Matching of ICP-AES[J]. Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition), DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdzk.2018.04.015.
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