Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition)

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Comparison of Image Edge Detection Algorithms Canny/SUSAN for Plant Leaves

ZHANG Xiaoqin,YANG Kuo   

  1. (1.College of Resources and Environment,A'Ba Teachers' University,Wenchuan 620002,Sichuan China;2.Institute of Applied Physics,A'Ba Teachers' University,Wenchuan 620002,Sichuan China)
  • Online:2017-03-25 Published:2017-04-26


Edge detection for plant leaf image is an important part of image recognition technology,and the selection of the image edge detection algorithm is closely correlated with the accuracy of leaf recognition.In this paper,the Canny algorithm and SUSAN algorithm are employed for plant leaf image edge detection of 10 kinds of plants with typical leaf shapes,and the objective evaluation and subjective analysis are carried out.It is demonstrated that leaf shapes and leaf vein features have significant effect on the effectiveness of the algorithms.Therefore,the selectivity of the two algorithms should be considered in practical applications.

Key words: plant, leaf, image, edge detection, algorithm

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