Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition)

• Chemistry and chemical engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Microwave Synthesis of Bismuth Aluminate Gel and Its Property on Bacteriostatic Action

WU Zhifu   

  1. (School of Material Science and Engineering,Baise University,Baise 533000,Guangxi Chian)
  • Online:2017-01-25 Published:2017-01-17


Nanosized bismuth aluminate gel particles were synthesized through the reaction of Bi(NO3)3·5H2O and Al(NO3)3·9H2O dissolved in ethylene glycol at different temperatures with the microwave heating.Analytical methods such as ICP,SEM,XRD and ZATA potentiometer were used to characterize the obtained gel particles.The effects of reaction temperature and microwave irradiation time on the composition and particle size of the obtained particles were investigated.The results showed that bismuth aluminate synthesized in ethylene glycol was dense spherical particles with a diameter of about 30 nm.The obtained gel particles show significant antibacterial properties against escherichia coli..

Key words: microwave heating, bismuth aluminate, nanosized gel particles, escherichia coli., antibacterial property

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