Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition)

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Training Practitioners in Assessment and Marketing of Dark Green Tea Based on Demand Forecast:Taking Anhua Dark Green Tea as An Example

CHEN Ping   

  1. (Yiyang RTV University,Yiyang 413000,Hunan China)
  • Online:2016-09-25 Published:2016-10-01


With the rapid development of dark green tea industry in Anhua,Yiyang,Hunan province,it is urgent to improve the practitioners' ability in tea assessment and marketing,which will not only solve the contradiction between supply and demand and the problem in the brand construction and management in this industry,but also conforms to the needs of practitioners' career development and the extension of this industry.Based on the research on the professionals cultivation in the major of  "Tea Assessment and Marketing"  in Hunan Open University,it is shown that the training should not only enhance the practitioners' qualification and help them gain the national qualification,but also cultivate the new type of skilled farmers,integrate the academic and non-academic training,and market the tea into the community, so that training can definitely provide the driving force for boosting the local economic development in Hunan Province.

Key words: dark green tea, assessment and marketing, model, training

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