journal6 ›› 2004, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (1): 36-41.

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  1. ( 1. 四川大学生命科学学院, 四川成都610064; 2. 四川农业大学动物科技学院, 四川雅安625014)
  • 出版日期:2004-03-15 发布日期:2012-11-06
  • 作者简介:吴琦( 1973- ) , 男, 四川省自贡市人, 四川大学生命科学学院遗传学专业现代遗传与生物工程方向博士研究生, 主要从事微生物基因工程研究.
  • 基金资助:

    国家“十五”重点科技攻关项目子课题( 2002BA514A- 12)

Intracellular Expression of Bacillus Subtilis Phytase phyC in Pichia Pastoris

  1. ( 1. College of Life Science, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064, China;2. College of Animal Science and Technology ,Sichuan Agricultural University, Ya??an 625014, Sichuan China)
  • Online:2004-03-15 Published:2012-11-06

摘要:根据已知的枯草芽孢杆菌WHNB02 植酸酶phyC 基因全序列设计一对引物, 采用PCR 法从含有该基因的pUC18- phyC 质粒上获得了长约1. 1 kb 不含有信号肽序列的植酸酶phyC 基因表达片段. 经T 载体克隆及序列测定后, 构建毕赤巴斯德表达载体pPIC3. 5K- phyC, 并电转化毕赤巴斯德酵母宿主菌GS115. 经MD 和MM 平板筛选、酶活性测定, 获得了阳性转化子, 并进行了诱导表达. SDS- PAGE 分析表明: 表达产物分子量为42. 01 KD, 表达量占细胞可溶性总蛋白的24%, 并具有植酸酶的生物学活性. 酶学性质分析结果显示: 胞内表达的植酸酶酶促反应最适pH 值为7. 5; 最适反应温度为70 ?? ; 经90 ?? 处理10 min, 残留酶活性42%?? 均优于出发菌株天然植酸酶的相应性质.

关键词: 枯草芽孢杆菌, 植酸酶, phyC基因, pPIC3. K 表达载体, 毕赤巴斯德酵母, 胞内表达

Abstract: The Bacillus phytase is very suitable to be used in animal feed particularly in carp feed, because its optimum pH is at the neutral range and it has the excellent thermostability.At present, all the expressions of Bacillus phytase were reported in prokaryotic expression systems such as Bacillus and Escherichia coli, but the yield was very limited. So, the eukaryotic P. pastoris may be another better expression system due to its highly efficient expression for heterogenous protein.As the foundation of secretory expression in P. pastoris, the intracellular expression of Bacillus phytase was reported firstly in P .
pastoris . In this study, the phyC encoding phytase from Bacillus subtilisWHNB02 without signal peptide sequencewas ampl-ified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) .The phyC fragment was sequenced and cloned into pPIC3. 5K expression vector of P. pastoris .The pPIC3. 5KphyC plasmid was linearized and transformed into Pichia Pastoris GS115 strain by electroporation.Positive strain was screened and purified by culturing on MD plate andMM plate. Furthermore, it was cultured and induced by 0. 5% methanol. SDS- PAGE analysis shows that phytase is expressed intracellularly, and the yield comes to 24% of the total soluble protein and its molecular weight is 42. 01 KD.The enzymatic analysis shows that the expression product has the biological activity of native phytase, its opt imum reaction pH and temperature is 7. 5 and 70 ?? , respectively.Moreover, its residual activity with treatment at 90 ?? for 10min is 42%.All of these properties are better than the native phytase from Bacillus subtilis.

Key words: bacillus subtilis, phytase, phyC, pPIC3. 5K expression vector, Pichia pastoris, intracellular expression

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