吉首大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2025, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (1): 32-38.DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdzk.2025.01.005

• 计算机 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (吉首大学数学与统计学院,湖南 吉首 416000)
  • 出版日期:2025-01-01 发布日期:2025-01-20
  • 作者简介:刘广英(1999-),女,湖南衡阳人,吉首大学数学与统计学院硕士研究生,主要从事图像重建研究

Surface Reconstruction Based on Spatial Adaptive Parameters

LIU Guangying,YANG Fenlin,FU Feifan,AN Geng   

  1. (School of Mathematics and Statistics,Jishou University,Jishou 416000,Hunan China)
  • Online:2025-01-01 Published:2025-01-20


关键词: 可积性项, Geary-Hinkley变换, 深度不连续, 自适应参数

Abstract: The least-squares model is capable of reconstructing smooth surfaces,but the depth discontinuity features can be blurred.In order to solve this problem,a spatially adaptive parameter is constructed by introducing the productivity term and Geary-Hinkley transform into the least squares model,an anisotropic weighted least-squares model is established;then the model is discretized by the 4-direction discretization formula,and the optimality condition is given;finally,the Krylov subspace method is used to solve the model.The numerical experimental results show that the anisotropic weighted least-squares model can keep the depth discontinuity of the surface,and the reconstruction effect is better than that of the least squares model.

Key words: integrability term, Geary-Hinkley transform, depth discontinuity, adaptive parameters

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