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  1. (1.云南大学生命科学学院,云南 昆明 650091;2.云南省石林县黑龙潭水库,云南 石林 652200)
  • 出版日期:2018-07-25 发布日期:2018-07-31
  • 通讯作者: 李维贤(1937—),男,云南石林人,研究员,主要从事中国特产鱼类金线鲃和洞穴生物学研究.E-mail:liweixianes@126.com.
  • 基金资助:


A New Cave Species of the Genus Triplophysa from Guizhou Province,China

LI Chunqing,LIU Tao,LI Rong,LI Weixian     

  1. (1.School of Life Science,Yunnan University,Kunming 650091,China;2.Heilongtan Reservoir Adminstration of Shilin County,Shilin 652200,Yunnan China)
  • Online:2018-07-25 Published:2018-07-31


描记采于贵州省盘县保田镇一地下洞穴高原鳅属一新种,命名保田高原鳅Triplophysa baotianensis sp. nov..新种是贵州省南盘江水系的首个高原鳅发现.与贵州已记载的5种高原鳅比较,新种与北盘江水系的贞丰高原鳅性状相近,但有明显特征可区别.(1)新种胸腹鳍平展与躯体呈“十”字形,贞丰高原鳅胸腹鳍走向正常;(2)新种背鳍起点在腹鳍起点之前上方,贞丰高原鳅在腹鳍起点之后上方;(3)新种体表裸露无鳞,贞丰高原鳅体被明显细鳞;(4)新种鼻瓣发育成短须状,贞丰高原鳅鼻瓣不呈须状;(5)新种属于南盘江水系,贞丰高原鳅属于北盘江水系.

关键词: 新种, 高原鳅属, 洞穴, 贵州省


A new species of troglobitic loach,Triplophysa baotianensis sp. nov.,is described based on the specimens collected from a cave (25°24′ 17.16″N,104°44′ 40.37″E),Baotian Town,Pan County,Guizhou Province,China.This new species is the firstly recorded Triplophysa fish distributed in the Nanpanjiang water system.Compared with the five loach (T. nasobarbatula,T. zhenfengensis,T. longliensis,T. longibarbatus and T. jiarongensis) distributed in Guizhou Province,the new species is similar to T. zhenfengensis,but it can be distinguished from T. zhenfengensis by the following characteristics:①the flatted pectoral fin and pelvic fin are cross-shaped with the body (vs. the trend of the pectoral fin and pelvic fin are normal);②the starting point of the dorsal fin is in front of  the beginning of the pelvic fin (vs. the starting point of the dorsal fin is after the beginning of the pelvic fin);③the surface of the body is bare (vs. the body is clearly scaly);④the nasal valves develop into a short whisker (vs. the nasal valves are not a short whisker);⑤it is distributed in the Nanpanjiang water system (vs. it is distributed in the Beipanjiang water system).

Key words: new species, Triplophysa, cave, Guizhou Province

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