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基于犹豫梯形模糊Bonferroni Mean算子的多属性决策


  1. (湘潭大学数学与计算科学学院,湖南 湘潭 411105)
  • 出版日期:2019-05-25 发布日期:2019-06-04
  • 作者简介:成央金(1965—),男,湖南娄底人,湘潭大学数学与计算科学学院教授,主要从事不确定性优化理论及其在金融中的研究.
  • 基金资助:


Multi-Attribute Decision Making Based on a Hesitant Trapezoidal Fuzzy Bonferroni Mean Operator

HUANG Yongting,CHENG Yangjin,YANG Liu   

  1. (College of Mathematics and Computational Science,Xiangtan University,Xiangtan 411105,Hunan China)
  • Online:2019-05-25 Published:2019-06-04


针对专家评价值为犹豫梯形模糊元的多属性决策问题,考虑专家评价值之间的关联性,结合Bonferroni均值提出了犹豫梯形模糊Bonferroni mean算子及其加权形式.利用犹豫梯形模糊元的运算法则研究算子的相关性质和一些特例,给出了基于犹豫梯形模糊加权Bonferroni mean算子的决策方法,并通过数值实例验证了该算子的有效性.

关键词: 多属性决策, 犹豫梯形模糊元, Bonferroni mean算子


With respect to the hesitant trapezoidal fuzzy multi-attribute decision making problems (MADM),we consider the interrelationships among expert arguments and combin Bonferroni mean value with the hesitant trapezoidal fuzzy sets (HTrFS),and then we define the hesitant trapezoidal fuzzy Bonferroni mean operator (HTrFBM) and its weighted form.The properties of the operator are discussed according to the hesitant trapezoidal fuzzy operational laws.MASM based on the weighted hesitant trapezoidal fuzzy Bonferroni mean operator (WHTrFBM) is proposed,and the effectiveness of the operator is verified by numerical illustration.

Key words: multi-attribute decision making, hesitant trapezoidal fuzzy number, Bonferroni mean

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